Monaghan Fire Station,
Co. Monaghan.
H18 YW81.

Telephone: 047 30500


Opening Hours:
9.15am to 5:15pm

In case of emergency please ring 999 or 112.

Driving Safely Awareness

Road Safety Information

Monaghan Comhairle na nOg convey a powerful message through their road safety DVD at a recent Joint Policing Committee meeting. Titled “it could happen to you” emphasises relevant statistical data and features contributions from members of the Gardai and the emergency and rescue services who respond at the scene of a traffic accident.

The voice of a brother of a fatal road traffic accident is heard and there is a particularly poignant contribution from a young woman still bearing the effects of a serious collision who states “I was 23 at the time and in the full flight of my life… I never for a million years dreamt it would happen to me.. I just urge people to be extra careful on the roads, you never know whats around the corner.”

For more information please click on the links below;

Road Safety Authority