Heritage Officer,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK 1 Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 K038

Telephone: 047 73722
Email: heritage@monaghancoco.ie


Wetlands are a vital component of the water cycle

The complex interaction of their elements – water, soil, plants and animals fulfil many important functions and provide important ecological services. Wetlands are providers and users of water. They maintain their structure and functions, and they provide water for us and other animals and plants.

  • Wetlands mean wildlife
  • Wetlands mean water
  • Wetlands mean flood control
  • Wetlands mean climate change mitigation
  • Wetlands mean landscape

That’s it folks for another year!! Our aim for World Wetlands Day 2023 is that the Monaghan County Heritage Office will be able to host some “live” event on our wetlands for you to enjoy.

We hope our speakers have given you some interesting and valuable information about our wetlands.

And remember we need to VALUE, MANAGE, RESTORES and of course LOVE our Wetlands

Happy World Wetlands Day 2022