Heritage Officer,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK 1 Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 K038

Telephone: 047 73722
Email: heritage@monaghancoco.ie


About Us


The Heritage Office is located in the Directorate of Climate Action, Environmental and Water Services of Monaghan County Council. We are responsible for the development and implementation of the County Monaghan Heritage Plan and County Monaghan Biodiversity Plan.

The position of Heritage Officer and the implementation of the Heritage Plan is jointly funded by the Heritage Council http://www.heritagecouncil.ie/ and Monaghan County Council. Each year a number of heritage projects are undertaken.

Heritage Events are held on a regular basis, including a range of activities during Heritage Week. www.heritageweek.ie

The Heritage Office acts as the secretariat for the County Monaghan Heritage Forum, which advises on the implementation of the Heritage Plan. The forum is a multi-stakeholder body and consists of elected members, statutory and non-statutory agencies, community and voluntary groups and Monaghan County Council staff.

Building awareness of heritage and keeping the heritage issues in the public domain is an important part of the work of the Heritage Office. The vision for the County Monaghan Heritage Plan highlights the importance of heritage for our sense of place and quality of life:

By conserving our heritage and creating new heritage assets, through creative and quality architectural design, retaining and enhancing our wildlife habitats and conserving our cultural heritage, County Monaghan will continue to be a place where people will want to live and work. It will be a place that we can be proud of because we can see and appreciate its character and uniqueness. Monaghan will continue to inspire art and creativity. We will be rooted and secure as a community and understand and work within environmental limits.

If our heritage becomes part of our decision making, we will be able to preserve continuity to the past and we will make better decisions to ensure a sustainable future.

Heritage Council

The Heritage Council part funds the network of 28 City/County Heritage Officers in Local Authorities across the country.

The Heritage Council’s vision is that the value of our heritage is enjoyed, managed and protected for the vital contribution that it makes to our identity, well-being and future.

For more information on the work of the Heritage Council, please visit www.heritagecouncil.ie

Contact the Heritage Officer,
Telephone: 047 73722
Email: heritage@monaghancoco.ie

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