The aim of this study was to prepare a baseline assessment report with recommendations for actions to protect the High Status of the Scotstown_010 & Scotstown_020 waterbodies. The Scotstown River is classed as a Blue Dot water body.
Blue Dot waters have the highest ecological quality of all our waters. According to the EPA (2024), the Scotstown Rivers 10 & 20 (referred to as the ‘Scotstown River’) are two of only four water bodies currently achieving High Status water quality in Co. Monaghan. The number of remaining ‘Pristine’ (Q-value 5) rivers in Ireland has declined from over 500 (between 1987-1990) to just 20 (between 2017-2020).
The Scotstown River is a recommended Area for Action (an Area for Protection, specifically) under the ‘Water Action Plan 2024: Ireland’s third River Basin Management Plan’, published by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, or DHLGH (2024).
Tydavnet Group Water Scheme received funding for this project from the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) under the Community Water Development Fund, with support from Monaghan Co. Co. Flynn Furney Environmental Consultants were appointed as the consultants to carry out this study. A steering group composed of various groups and agencies was formed to guide the project. Community engagement was a key part of this project. A leaflet was created and distributed to households throughout the river catchment. A series of events was then held during the summer/autumn of 2024, including project launches, kick sampling workshops, a farm walk and public presentations.