Heritage Officer,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK 1 Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 K038

Telephone: 047 73722
Email: heritage@monaghancoco.ie


Biodiversity – About Us

The Biodiversity Officer sits within the Heritage Office and is responsible for the development and implementation of the Biodiversity Action Plan 2035-2030.

The position of Biodiversity Officer and the implementation of the Biodiversity Action Plan are jointly funded by the Heritage Council and Monaghan County Council. Biodiversity Officers are the public face of biodiversity at the local level. They are tasked with supporting the implementation of the National Biodiversity Action Plan (PDF) and the delivery of national biodiversity targets, commissioning biodiversity surveys and working with the community on projects to improve the status of biodiversity in the local authority area.

Biodiversity events are held on a regular basis, including a range of activities during Biodiversity Week in May https://biodiversityweek.ie and Heritage Week, which is held in August www.heritageweek.ie

Biodiversity Logos

Monaghan’s Biodiversity Working Group (BWG)

The establishment of a Biodiversity Working Group is a pivotal step in the development and implementation of a Local Authority Biodiversity Action Plan (LABAP). The primary role of this working group is to provide guidance and expertise throughout the planning, implementation, monitoring and review phases of the LABAP. Responsibilities may include reviewing existing biodiversity data, identifying key conservation priorities, recommending strategies and actions, and monitoring the progress of the LABAP’s implementation. The working group also serves as a liaison between the Local Authority and various stakeholders, ensuring that the plan is both comprehensive and community backed.

The Monaghan Biodiversity Working Group sits under the Monaghan Heritage Forum and was formed in July 2024 and decided on a working list of key strategic objectives and actions to be included in the Monaghan LABAP.

Monaghan’s Biodiversity Working Group

Michaela Kirrane

Inland Fisheries Ireland

Bernie O’Hanrahan

Monaghan Wetland Forum

Emer Brennan

Monaghan Tidy Towns Network

Aileen Owens


David Stirrat


Jane McConnon


Niall McMeel

Env Chairperson – IFA

Floss Adams

Irish Wildlife Trust

Joe Shannon

Birdwatch Ireland

John McKeon

Native Tree/Hedgerow Expert

Alan McCabe

River Blackwater Trust

Patrick McKenna

Farming for Nature

Brian McDonald

Biodiversity Recorder

Sinead McCoy

An Taisce

Maurice Eakin


Donal Beagan

Breeding Waders EIP

Gareth Conlon


Ronan Geoghegan


Jamie Nolan

Climate Action – Mon Co Co

Kara Ward

Heritage Officer – Mon Co Co

Michael Carroll

Horticulturist – Mon Co Co

Kieran Duffy

Engineer Env – Mon Co Co

Maeve McKearney

Senior Planner – Mon Co Co

Amanda Murray

Env Awareness Officer – Mon Co Co

Kevin West

Senior Engineer – Roads Mon Co Co