Heritage Officer,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK 1 Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 K038

Telephone: 047 73722
Email: heritage@monaghancoco.ie


Biodiversity and Heritage Strategic Plan 2020-2025

The Monaghan Biodiversity and Heritage Strategic Plan 2020-2025 is available for download.

Biodiversity And Heritage Strategic Plan 2020-2025 (PDF)

We have an ambitious vision that by 2025 the role of heritage and biodiversity for climate change mitigation and adaptation, sustainable communities, functioning ecosystems, health and well-being is generally accepted in the county and embedded in the activities of Monaghan County Council.

The mission or purpose of the strategic plan is to protect, conserve and advocate for our biodiversity, tangible and intangible heritage, contributing to sustainable development and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The plan contains thirteen strategic themes with action plans that will guide the work of the Monaghan County Council Heritage Office, and the County Monaghan Heritage Forum for the next five years.

  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation through heritage and biodiversity
  • Monaghan’s Wonderful Wetlands.
  • Hedgerows and Native woodland.
  • High Nature Value Farmland.
  • The Worm Ditch / The Black Pig’s Dyke.
  • Pre-historic archaeology / Passage graves and cairns.
  • Protected Structures.
  • Vernacular and traditional buildings.
  • Demesnes and estates.
  • Historic Graveyards, holy wells and church ruins.
  • Indigenous knowledge and traditions.
  • Cross-border heritage.
  • Irish and the vernacular English.