Heritage Officer,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK 1 Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 K038

Telephone: 047 73722
Email: heritage@monaghancoco.ie


Holy Wells

This publication is the result of a county wide survey undertaken in 2021 on behalf of Monaghan County Council’s Heritage Office. Pat Reid (t/a Wicklow Willow) was commissioned to undertake the production of a permanent database and inventory of known Holy Wells for the County of Monaghan, recording their associated saints, beliefs and practices, local knowledge of these wells, their current conditions and associated recommendations.

The information gathered as part of this report has been made available to the Archaeological Survey of Ireland, the National Folklore Collection, the Heritage Council’s HeritageMaps.ie and the report has now been made into a beautiful publication – the third in the Heritage Series.

Holy Wells Report (PDF)

Holy Well Bookcover


Holy Wells Of Monaghan Book (PDF)