Vehicle licensing and Replacement Document Applications Data Subject Notification

Data Protection Acts 1988 -2018 (as amended) and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
Data Subject Notification


The purpose of this notification is to set out some information regarding the collection and processing of your information by Monaghan County Council on behalf of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTAS). During the course of our activities we will collect, store and process personal data about customers. The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport is the data controller in respect of this data.
For full details of the collection, processing and sharing of your personal data by us and your rights in this regard, please refer to . Details of this policy are also available in hard copy upon request by emailing or in writing to Data Protection Unit, Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leeson Lane, Dublin, D02 TR60


What data we collect and process
The types of personal data that we will collect, and process on behalf of DTTAS includes your name, address, credit card and bank details, vehicle licensing details, vehicle registration numbers, insurance details and personal phone numbers, business details, personal i.d.’s, hackney/taxi licenses details, utility bill details and PPS numbers.

Why do we collect this personal data?
We collect and process this information in order to manage and administer the relationship between you and us for the purpose of:
vehicle licensing, provision of vehicle licensing certificates, provision of replacement vehicle related documents and payment of any arrears applicable to vehicle licensing.

Lawfulness of processing
We process this personal data on behalf of the Dept of Transport, Tourism and Sport.


Sharing of Personal Data
We may share your Personal Data with selected third parties, including for example:

An Garda Siochana – criminal investigations.
State Agencies – civil & criminal investigations e.g. non payment of toll fees.
Solicitors – civil & criminal investigations e.g. road traffic accidents.
Other Local Authorities – civil & criminal investigations e.g. litter fines.

and other government agencies, where required to do so by law. We may also share your data with suppliers and other third parties who assist us in fulfilling our functions.

For full details of the collection, processing and sharing of your personal data by us and your rights in this regard, please refer to . Details of this policy are also available in hard copy upon request by emailing or in writing to Data Protection Unit, Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leeson Lane, Dublin, D02 TR60

If you have any questions regarding our processing of your Personal Data, our Data Protection Officer can be contacted
by email:
by phone: (047)73765
Postal Address: Monaghan County Council, County Offices, The Glen, Monaghan,H18 YT50

Privacy Statement
The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTAS) requires customers to provide certain personal data in order to carry out our legislative and administrative functions. The Department (DTTAS) and Monaghan Co. Council will treat all information and personal data that you provide as confidential, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection legislation.

Your personal data may be exchanged with other Government Departments or agencies under the remit of DTTAS in accordance with law. Full details of the Department’s data protection policy setting out how we will use your personal data as well as information regarding your rights as a data subject are available at . Details of this policy are also available in hard copy upon request by emailing or in writing to Data Protection Unit, Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leeson Lane, Dublin D02 TR60.