Monaghan County Museum,
The Peace Campus,
H18 RP20

Opening Hours – Monday to Friday 11am to 5pm and Saturday 12pm to 5pm. 

Tel: 047 82928


Monaghan Bombing

The Monaghan Bombing Community Links Project was formed in January 2014 by Monaghan native Brian Clerkin and Margaret Urwin from Justice for the Forgotten to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Dublin Monaghan bombings on the 17th May 1974. The group ran a community based project centred on the 40th Commemoration of the Dublin Monaghan Bombings. The project tried to bridge the gap between generations in Monaghan Town to preserve the stories of the 1974 bombings. On the 40th anniversary of this tragic event the project aimed to raise awareness among young people. The theme of the Project was “Building a Lasting Peace”.

The project was supported by Justice for the Forgotten and the Monaghan PEACE III Partnership. The projects main participants’ came from Teach na Daoine and Monaghan Neighbourhood Youth Project (NYP) (Foroige). The project was also contributed to by the Justice for the Forgotten and the Old Monaghan Society. It is very important for the people of Monaghan today to stay connected with the past, to not forget and also be aware of where their identity and history comes from and what it means past, present and future.

This project was undertaken to raise awareness for the injustices of the Monaghan/Dublin bombings for the past forty years to make sure it is not forgotten anymore and to ensure the 40th anniversary of the bombing passing and be commemorated appropriately.

Brian Clerkin (Secretary and Project Co-Ordinator Monaghan Bombing Community Links Project)

Monaghan Bombing (PDF)