Part 8 Application – Ballybay Market House, Cornamucklaglass, Ballybay, Co. Monaghan


Part XI Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) Part 8, Article 81 Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

Monaghan County Council hereby gives notice that it proposes to carry out development at Cornamucklaglass, Ballybay, Co. Monaghan

The proposed development will consist of: The Architectural Conservation & Refurbishment of the Protected Structure Ballybay Market House to a Public Library and Community Space to include a new rear and side extensions, landscaping works to the front and all ancillary works in the townland of Cornamucklaglass, Ballybay, Co. Monaghan.

In accordance with Article 81(2)(ca) and 120(1B)(b)(i) of the above-mentioned regulations, Monaghan County Council, as the competent authority, has concluded from a Screening Determination, which is based on an examination of the nature, size and location of the proposed development, that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development, and as such has determined that an Environmental Impact Assessment is not required. This Screening Determination is available for inspection, and at any time before the expiration of 4 weeks from the date of publication of this notice, any person may apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment. In accordance with Article 250(1)(ca) of the above-mentioned regulations, Monaghan County Council, as the competent authority, has concluded from a Screening Determination, which is based on an assessment of best scientific knowledge, that the proposed development, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects, is not likely to have a significant effect on a European site, and as such has determined that an Appropriate Assessment is not required. This Screening Determination is available for inspection, and any person may apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effect on a European site.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development may be inspected or purchased, at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the offices of Monaghan County Council, Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan H18 X982 until 5pm on 17th of January 2025.

The plans and particulars of the proposed development may be inspected online here.  Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development will be situated may be made in writing to Monaghan County Council, Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan H18 X982 or in electronic format via the Local Government Portal before 5pm on 31st of January 2025.



Director of Services Monaghan County Council

Dated 12th December 2024

BHIS Historic Thatched Buildings Stream 2025

Monaghan County Council is now inviting applications for funding under the BHIS Historic Thatched Buildings Stream 2025.


The purpose of the scheme is to protect the heritage value of historic thatched roof buildings across Ireland, including dwellings and other structures.

Eligible Structures & Levels of funding available;

Type of Building &    Applicant Description Max. Grant Available Proportion of funding available
Historic thatched building Any historic thatched structure, including domestic or commercial properties. €5,000 80% of total cost of works

The scheme is being administered by Monaghan County Council’s Planning Section.

Eligible applications will be assessed for selection under the following criteria:

1. Significance of the structure
2. Efficacy of the works
3. Quality of the works
4. Contribution To Public Amenity

Note: An application under the BHIS Historic Thatched Buildings Stream does not preclude a separate application under the Historic Structures Fund or the main stream of the BHIS, but only one grant can be availed of per structure.


How to apply

The BHIS Historic Thatched Buildings Stream 2025 Circular and application form are available to download below.  Hard copies are also available at Planning Reception.

NBHS THATCH 2025 Circular (PDF)

NBHS THATCH 2025 Application Form A (PDF)

NBHS THATCH 2025 Application Form A Checklist (PDF)

Completed applications using Form A must be submitted to Angela Gallagher, Administrative Officer, Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan Town, H18 X982 or emailed to  on or before the 17th January 2025.

Historic Structures Fund 2025

Monaghan County Council is now inviting applications under the Historic Structures Fund (HSF) 2025.


The primary focus of the Historic Structures Fund is on conservation and enhancement of historic structures and buildings for the benefit of communities and the public.  It aims to enable conservation works to be carried out on heritage structures which are deemed to be significant and in need of urgent support.

The scheme is designed to assist the owners and/or occupiers of;

(i)           Protected Structures: Structures in the Record of Protected Structures (RPS) in Monaghan County Council;

(ii)          Structures eligible for or proposed for inclusion in the RPS but not yet formally approved for inclusion. Such structures must meet the criteria for inclusion in the RPS by Monaghan County Council, i.e. must be of special interest from an architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical point of view;

(iii)         Structures or works within Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs), or within the amenity of a National Monument, where exceptional circumstances apply.

The Historic Structures Fund 2025 is structured as follows: 

Available Funding What will be funded Maximum Grant
Grants between €50,000 and €200,000, (or in exceptional circumstances over €200,000).

Grants may be phased over two years.

Larger enhancement or significant refurbishment projects involving historic structures, where a clear benefit to the community and the public has been demonstrated 50% of eligible costs. In exceptional circumstances a higher percentage may be sought, subject to a max of 80%.


Eligible applications will be assessed for selection under the following criteria:

  1. Significance of the structure
  2. Efficacy of the grant in achieving the aims of the Historic Structures Fund
  3. Quality of the methodology and technical merit of the works proposed
  4. Contribution of the proposed works to keeping the structure in use, or bringing it back into use
  5. Broader public or community benefit of the project

Applications which fail to achieve a qualifying mark under any one of the above assessment criteria will fail the assessment overall and will not be considered for funding.

 Conservation works must be designed, specified and overseen on site by appropriately qualified and experienced building conservation professional(s) who will be required to confirm that works have been carried out to a satisfactory standard. The building professional should ideally have a demonstrable competence in the relevant area of building conservation.

Note: Applicants may apply for funding under both the Historic Structures Fund 2025 and the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025 but cannot avail of funding from both schemes in the same year.

How to apply:

The HSF 2025 Circular and application form are available to download below.  Hard copies are also available at Planning Reception.

HSF Application – HSF2025 Appendix I – Form A (Applicant)

HSF Applicant Checklist 2025 – Appendix V

HSF Circular –Historic Structures Fund 2025 Circular

Appendix VI – HSF 2025 Qualifying Non Qualifying Works

The Irish language versions of the HSF 2025 application form and guidance documents are available here >>

Completed applications using Form A and accompanied by a comprehensive method statement must be submitted to Angela Gallagher, Administrative Officer, Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan Town, H18 X982 or emailed to  on or before the 17th of  January 2025. Applications received after this date cannot be considered.

Monaghan County Council – Residential Zoned Land Tax Annual Draft Map

An annual draft map, prepared in accordance with Section 653C, as modified by Section 653M of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997, has been published on the Monaghan County Council website and is also available for inspection at its offices.

The annual draft map has been prepared for the purposes of identifying land that satisfies the relevant criteria and is to be subject to the residential zoned land tax.

Please note that although they are included on the map, residential properties are not subject to RZLT if they are subject to Local Property Tax. It is not necessary to make a submission to remove this type of residential property from the map.

Land which satisfies the relevant criteria is a reference to land that—

(a) is included in a development plan, in accordance with section 10(2) (a) of the Act of 2000, or local area plan, in accordance with section 19(2)(a) of the Act of 2000, zoned—

(i) solely or primarily for residential use, or

(ii) for a mixture of uses, including residential use,


(b) it is reasonable to consider may have access, or be connected, to public infrastructure and facilities, including roads and footpaths, public lighting, foul sewer drainage, surface water drainage and water supply, necessary for dwellings to be developed and with sufficient service capacity available for such development, and

(c) it is reasonable to consider is not affected, in terms of its physical condition, by matters to a sufficient extent to preclude the provision of dwellings, including contamination or the presence of known archaeological or historic remains,

but which is not land—

(i) that is referred to in paragraph (a)(i) and, having regard only to development (within the meaning of the Act of 2000) which is not unauthorised development (within the meaning of the Act of 2000), is in use as premises, in which a trade or profession is being carried on, that is liable to commercial rates, that it is reasonable to consider is being used to provides services to residents of adjacent residential areas,

(ii) that is referred to in paragraph (a)(ii), unless it is reasonable to consider that the land is vacant or idle,

(iia) the development of which would not conform with—

(I) in a case in which the land is zoned in a development plan, the phased basis in accordance with which development of land is to take place under the plan, as detailed in the core strategy included in that plan in accordance with section 10(2A)(d) of the Act of 2000, or

(II) in a case in which the land is zoned in a local area plan, the objective, consistent with the objectives and core strategy of the development plan for the area in respect of which the local area plan is prepared, of development of land on a phased basis, included in the local area plan in accordance with section 19(2) of the Act of 2000,

on the date on which satisfaction of the criteria in this section is being assessed,

(iii) that it is reasonable to consider is required for, or is integral to, occupation by—

(I) social, community or governmental infrastructure and facilities, including infrastructure and facilities used for the purposes of public administration or the provision of education or healthcare,

(II) transport facilities and infrastructure,

(III) energy infrastructure and facilities,

(IV) telecommunications infrastructure and facilities,

(V) water and wastewater infrastructure and facilities,

(VI) waste management and disposal infrastructure, or

(VII) recreational infrastructure, including sports facilities and playgrounds,


(iv) that is subject to a statutory designation that may preclude development, or

(v) on which the derelict sites levy is payable in accordance with the Derelict Sites Act 1990.


In accordance with the amending provisions of the Finance Act (No.2) 2023, those lands zoned Strategic Residential Reserve are no longer in scope for the residential zoned land tax. In addition, having regard to appeal decisions made by An Bord Pleanála, lands located within Tier 4 settlements are no longer in scope for the residential zoned land tax.

Where land is identified on the annual draft map as being subject to the residential zoned land tax and where the land identified on the draft map is included in a development plan or local area plan in accordance with section 10(2)(a) or 19(2)(a) of the Act of 2000 zoned—

(i) solely or primarily for residential use, or

(ii) for a mixture of uses, including residential use,

a person may on or before 31 May 2024, in respect of aforementioned land that such a person owns, make a submission to Monaghan County Council requesting a variation of the zoning of that land. Any such submission should include evidence of ownership, detailed reasons for any rezoning request, along with a map to a scale of 1:1,000 (urban) or 1:2,500 (rural) clearly identifying the relevant plot of land.

Submissions may be made in writing to Monaghan County Council, Planning Office, 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan H18 X982, or by e mail to

Any such written rezoning requests received by 31 May 2024 other than such elements of a submission which may constitute personal data, shall be published on the Monaghan County Council website not later than 10 June 2024.

All rezoning requests made under the RZLT legislation will be considered by Monaghan County Council having regard to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.



Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 13 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) that on the 6th of November 2023 , Monaghan County Council made a variation (Variation No.5) to the Monaghan County Development Plan 2019-2025.

The Variation provides for the change of zoning/dezoning of certain lands in the settlements of Monaghan, Carrickmacross, Castleblayney, Clones, Scotstown and Ballinode. The zoning changes relate to 22 sites with subsequent changes to the settlement boundaries of the relevant settlements. One change of zoning proposed under Variation sub reference 5c, Parcel ID MNLA MT11, submission reference DMS56, was not proceeded with, and the zoning of this site remains as Strategic Residential Reserve. Minor amendments to the text of the plan have been made in respect of Table 2.5 Core Strategy Table 2 in Chapter 2 and Chapters 11, 12 and 13 to reflect the change in hectares of zoned land.

Revised Settlement Plans have been prepared for Monaghan County Development Plan 2019-2025 as follows:

Monaghan Town Map MDP 1                        Chapter 10

Carrickmacross Town Map CKDP 1             Chapter  11

Castleblayney Town Map CYPD 1                  Chapter 12

Clones Town Map CDP1                                   Chapter 13

Ballinode Map (Tier 4 Village)                        Chapter 9

Scotstown Map (Tier 4 Village)                      Chapter 9


A summary of the individual sites affected by the adopted Variation is set out below:


Table 1.0 Summary of changes to zoning of lands in Monaghan Town

MONAGHAN TOWN MAP        MDP 1 of MCDP 2019-2025 
Variation Sub Ref RZLT Parcel ID RZLT DMS Ref Previous Zoning New Zoning Site Area
5a MNLA MT11 DMS 60 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 3.17ha
5b MNLA MT11 DMS 82 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 8.60ha
5d MNLA MT70 DMS 29 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 13.07ha
        Total 24.84ha

Table 1.1 Summary of changes to zoning of lands in Carrickmacross

Variation Sub Ref RZLT Parcel ID RZLT DMS Ref Previous Zoning New Zoning Site Area
5e MNLA CK10 DMS 18 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 3.19ha
5f MNLA CK25 DMS 16 Proposed Residential A Industry, Enterprise & Employment 0.71ha
5g MNLA CK58 DMS 86 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 1.84ha
5h MNLA CK60 DMS 13 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 0.95ha
5i MNLA CK63 DMS 11 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 1.23ha
5j MNLA CK63 DMS 14 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 0.83ha
5k MNLA CK63 DMS 24 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 0.83ha
5l MNLA CK65 DMS 87 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 2.32ha
5m MNLA CK66 DMS 17 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 3.71ha
5n MNLA CK69 DMS 2 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 2.90ha
5o MNLA ER532 DMS 90 Existing Residential None (dezoned) 0.22ha
        Total 18.73ha

Table 1.2 Summary of changes to zoning of lands in Castleblayney

Variation Sub Ref RZLT Parcel ID RZLT DMS Ref Previous Zoning New Zoning Site Area
5p MNLA CBY2 DMS 30 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 6.74ha
5q MNLA CBY52 DMS 28 Proposed Residential B None (dezoned) 1.10ha
        Total 7.84ha

Table 1.3 Summary of changes to zoning of lands in Clones

CLONES TOWN MAP                   CDP1 of MCDP 2019-2025
Variation Sub Ref RZLT Parcel ID RZLT DMS Ref Previous Zoning New Zoning Site Area
5r MNLA CS19 DMS 61 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 0.66ha
5s MNLA CS19 DMS 61 Proposed Residential A None (dezoned) 0.30ha
5t MNLA CS6 DMS 52 Proposed Residential B None (dezoned) 1.10ha
5u MNLA CS7 DMS 51 Strategic Residential Reserve None (dezoned) 4.10ha
        Total 6.16ha

Table 1.4 Summary of changes to zoning of lands in Villages

                            TIER 4 VILLAGES- BALLINODE & SCOTSTOWN
Variation Sub Ref RZLT Parcel ID RZLT DMS Ref Previous Zoning New Zoning Site Area
5v MNLA BE4 DMS 49 Mixed Use Landscape Protection & Conservation 0.77ha
5w MNLA SN6 DMS 72 Mixed Use Landscape Protection & Conservation 0.07ha
        Total 0.84ha

 As a result of the adopted zoning change, Table 2.5 of Chapter 2 (Core Strategy) has been amended as follows (highlighted in yellow):-

Table 2.5 Core Strategy Table 2

Tier in Settlement Structure Location HLR*




2019-2025 (excluding 50% Market Choice)

90% @ 20 units/ha Average Density 10% @ 10 units/ha Average Density HLR*

2019-2025 (including 50% Market Choice)

Tier 1 Monaghan Town 47 29.4 24.1 5.3 44.1
Tier 2 Carrickmacross













Tier in Settlement Structure Location HLR*




2019-2025 (excluding 50% Market Choice)

80% @ 20 units/ha Average Density 20% @ 10 units/ha Average Density HLR*

2019-2025 (including 50% Market Choice)

Tier 3 Clones












Tier 4 Villages 24.5 17.7 17.5



County Monaghan









*HLR – Housing Land Requirement

Amendments to text of Monaghan County Development Plan 2019-2025.

In addition, the following amendments to the text of the Monaghan County Development Plan 2019-2025 apply (highlighted in yellow):

Chapter 11, Carrickmacross Settlement Plan 2019-2025, Section 11.2 Strategy and Vision, paragraph 2:

“The Core Strategy set out in Chapter 2 of the plan projects that the population of Carrickmacross town will grow to 6,052 over the Plan period and a housing land requirement of 25.19 hectares is being provided within settlement boundaries in order to accommodate the projected growth. In this settlement strategy Carrickmacross is identified as a Tier 2 Strategic Town that will be promoted in driving growth and economic development in the south of County Monaghan.

Chapter 12 of Castleblayney Settlement Plan, Section 12.2 Strategy and Vision, paragraph 2:

The population of Castleblayney declined from 3,634 to 3607 between 2011 and 2016, equating to a population decline of 0.7%. Notwithstanding this decline during a period of economic downturn it is projected that the town’s population will grow during this Plan period to 4,236 by 2025. The Core Strategy set out in Chapter 2 of this Plan further indicates that a housing land requirement of 14.9 hectares should be provided within the settlement boundaries in order to accommodate this projected growth and support the function of Castleblayney as a Tier 2 Strategic Town within the County Monaghan Settlement Hierarchy. Recent development levels indicate that the town has recovered and is expanding its residential, retail, industrial and commercial base. It is the aim of this Plan to assist and direct development in the town over the plan period with an emphasis on developing the town’s main assets, which include its strategic location, both nationally and in relation to Northern Ireland, and its potential for tourism based on recreation in and around Lough Muckno.

Chapter 13 of Clones Settlement Plan, Section 13.4 Strategy and Vision, paragraph 3:

Table 2.4 in Chapter 2 (Core Strategy) of this Plan projects that the population of Clones will grow to 2018 persons over the plan period. A housing land requirement of 10 hectares is provided for within the settlement boundaries in order to accommodate this projected growth. In this strategy Clones is identified as a Tier 3 service town where the regeneration and renewal of the town centres is being promoted in order for town centres to continue its function in providing local services.”

A copy of the development plan as varied is available for inspection at the planning offices of Monaghan County Council during opening hours from 9.15am – 5pm (lunch time closing 1:00 – 1:30 p.m.) and on the Council’s website 

Adrian Hughes

Senior Planner


Monaghan County Council is now inviting applications under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) 2024.


The BHIS seeks to encourage the investment of private capital in a number of small-scale, labour-intensive projects to repair and conserve historic structures and to support the employment of skilled and experienced conservation professionals, craftspeople and tradespersons in the repair of the historic built environment. The scheme is designed to assist the owners and/or occupiers of structures/properties that are protected under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).  It will be administered by Monaghan County Council’s Planning Section.


The categories of structures/properties eligible for funding under this scheme are:

  • Protected Structures
  • Proposed Protected Structures
  • Structures/properties in Architectural Conservation Areas or within the amenity of a National Monument, where exceptional circumstances are deemed by the Department to apply (in relation to projects funded within an Architectural Conservation Area a maximum grant award of €10,000 applies)

Funding available

The minimum funding award under this scheme will be €2,500, up to a maximum of €15,000.

Successful applicants will be required to, at a minimum, match their funding award. Under BHIS, the total value of all public funding provided for individual projects must not exceed 50% of the total project cost, including funding received from other public agencies including the SEAI, the Heritage Council, LEADER, other government departments and local authorities.

Routine maintenance and repair are not normally covered under the BHIS; however Monaghan County Council intend to avail of the  Micro-Funding Scheme offered by the Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage. A minimum, of €2000 shall be set aside for this purpose. Under the Micro funding scheme a grant  is available for smaller projects of up to €2500,00. The minimum funding award shall not apply in this instance.


How to apply

The BHIS 2024 Circular, application form and associated information are available to download at Hard copies are also available at Planning Reception.

BHIS 2024 Circular

BHIS 2024 Booklet Guidance for Applicants

BHIS 2024 Guidance Application Form A


Completed applications using Form A and accompanied by a comprehensive method statement must be submitted to Angela Gallagher, Administrative Officer, Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan Town, H18 X982 or emailed to on or before the 26th of  January 2024.

Signed: Cathal Flynn Director of Service

Economic Development, Planning & Capital Projects

Monaghan County Council

Date: 9th of November 2023


BHIS – Privacy Notice


Monaghan County Council is now inviting applications under the Historic Structures Fund (HSF) 2024.


The primary focus of the Historic Structures Fund is on conservation and enhancement of historic structures and buildings for the benefit of communities and the public. It aims to enable conservation works to be conducted on heritage structures which are deemed to be significant and in need of urgent support. The scheme is designed to assist the owners and/or occupiers of structures/properties that are protected under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). Monaghan County Council’s Planning Section will administer the funds.

Project promoters are encouraged to incorporate a traditional skills training element in the project. Applications in respect of refurbishment or reuse projects involving heritage structures, and where a clear residential benefit is demonstrated, will be welcomed (subject to obtaining any necessary planning approvals).

The Historic Structures Fund 2024 will be structured as follows:

  1. Stream 1 will offer grants from €15,000 up to €50,000 and is aimed at essential repairs and smaller capital works for the refurbishment and conservation of heritage structures. The maximum grant award will be 80% of eligible costs.
  2. 2. Stream 1, Historic Shopfronts sub-stream is aimed at incentivising the refurbishment and conservation of historic shopfronts and Irish-language shopfronts and will fund small capital works to their facades, windows, signage and other associated details. The maximum grant award will be 80% of eligible costs.
  3. Stream 2 will offer a small number of grants from €50,000 up to €200,000 for larger enhancement, refurbishment or reuse projects involving heritage structures, where:
  4. a clear community or public benefit has been demonstrated, or
  5. a clear residential benefit has been demonstrated

 (subject to obtaining any necessary planning approvals).

Successful applicants will be required to, at a minimum, match their funding award by 50% of eligible costs. In exceptional circumstances a higher percentage may be sought, subject to a maximum of 80% of eligible costs. Grant may be phased over two years (Stream 2 only)

  1. Vernacular Structures Stream – will offer funding of between €5,000 and €10,000 to support conservation repairs and small capital works for the refurbishment and conservation of vernacular structures that are not listed in local authority Records of Protected Structures or otherwise legally protected to safeguard the structure and keep it in use. Such structures may be located within an Architectural Conservation Area or comprise ‘informal’ traditional buildings, which are a significant part of our intangible cultural heritage. The maximum grant award will be 80% of eligible costs.

Projects in Partnership – The Minister may designate part of the Fund for projects in partnership with State-funded organisations such as the Office of Public Works, the Irish Heritage Trust, Waterways Ireland, The Irish Landmark Trust and others, to care for historic structures and buildings in public ownership and improve recreational infrastructure and public access to these heritage assets.

Funds will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


Streams 1 and 2, Historic Shopfronts sub stream and Partnership Projects:

In respect of projects categorised under Streams 1 and 2, the Historic Shopfronts sub stream and any Partnership Projects designated by the Minister the categories of structures/properties eligible for funding under this scheme are:

  • Protected Structures: Structure in the Record of Protected Structures (RPS) of each Local Authority
  • Proposed Protected Structures for Inclusion in the RPS but not yet formally approved for inclusion. Such structures must meet the criteria for inclusion in the RPS by the Local Authority i.e must be of special interest from an architectural , historical , archaeological , artistic , cultural , scientific, social or technical point of view.
  • Structures/properties in Architectural Conservation Areas or within the amenity of a National Monument, where exceptional circumstances apply.

Eligible projects will be as follows:

  1. a) projects proposed by local authorities on foot of applications from private applicants who are the owners or custodians of historic structures
  2. b) projects proposed by a Local Authority for works to historic structures in public ownership, where a clear heritage focus and community or public benefit has been demonstrated
  3. c) projects with a clearly defined heritage focus and community or public benefit proposed directly to the Department by a State-funded organisation working in the heritage area.

Vernacular Structures Stream

Vernacular structures are the buildings and other built features of what can be termed the ‘informal’ or vernacular landscape. Vernacular builders worked within traditional systems using techniques passed down within the family and local community. Thus, the vernacular is a significant part of our intangible cultural heritage.

In respect of the Vernacular Structures Stream applications can be accepted from the following:

  1. a) Owners of vernacular structures that are not listed in the Record of Protected Structures
  2. b) Owners of vernacular structures within an Architectural Conservation Area, but not otherwise subject to statutory protection.

Eligible projects will be as follows:

  1. a) Projects proposed by local authorities on foot of applications from private applicants who are the owners or custodians of vernacular structures
  2. b) Projects proposed by local authorities for works to vernacular structures in public ownership where a clear heritage focus and community or public benefit has been demonstrated

Note: Only one application will be considered per vernacular structure or applicant. Applicants may not avail of funding from both the main Historic Structures Fund 2024 and under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2024.

How to apply:

The HSF 2024 Circular and application form are available to download below.  Hard copies are also available at Planning Reception.

Provide links to the following documents on Built Heritage Page:

Historic Structures Fund 2024 Circular

HSF2024 Appendix V Applicant Checklist

HSF2024 Appendix I Form A (Applicant)

HSF2024 Aguisín I – Foirm A (Iarratasóir)

HSF 2024 Guidance Booklet for Applicants

HSF2024 An Ciste um Struchtúir Stairiúla Ciorclán



Completed applications using Form A and accompanied by a comprehensive method statement must be submitted to Angela Gallagher, Administrative Officer, Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan Town, H18 X982 or emailed to  on or before the 26th of  January 2024.

Signed: Cathal Flynn, Director of Service, Economic Development, Planning & Capital Projects

Monaghan County Council

Date: 9th of November 2023


Data Protection:

Historic Structures Fund


Transboundary EIA Decision re Awel y Mor offshore windfarm

Please see below a letter in accordance with article 132(10) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001-2023, that was sent to inform Dublin City Council (nominated planning authority) that the Minister has received information in relation to a decision taken by the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, to grant a Development Consent Order for the proposed Awel y Mȏr Offshore Windfarm.

20231002 Letter to DCC re Awel y Mor decision

Please see link & documents below with Newspaper notice of advert which appeared in the Irish Times on  Friday 13th October 2023 to inform the public of the decision.

20220908 Nominated Authority Letter DCC

Ad – Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm

EN010112-001802-AYMO – SoS Decision Letter





Ref. No. in register: 23/60117

Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 34(6) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) that Monaghan County Council intends to consider deciding to grant a permission for Carragher Retail Limited to:

  1. Extend the filling station forecourt to facilitate vehicle manoeuvring area, additional parking (including 2 disabled parking spaces) and 4 E-Charging points
  2. Extend and alter the existing filling station to incorporate a new café/deli area,
  3. Change of use of a portion of the existing office area to staff toilet and fridge area associated with the new café
  4. Erect new signage to retail shop/café
  5. Construct fuel storage building and toilet block
  6. Remove existing pumps/islands and existing outside toilet
  7. Install 3 no. new fuel dispensing pumps and 2 no. new underground fuel storage tanks
  8. Develop new in-out, entrance/exit arrangements onto public road R181
  9. Erect new forecourt canopy and signage on same
  10. Relocate totem poles, advertising sign and 4 new flag poles to front boundary
  11. Install 4 No. picnic tables
  12. Erect boundary walls to south-west, north-west and north-east boundaries
  13. Install bulk storage gas compound
  14. Carry out proposed landscaping plan, storm/foul drainage systems, together with all ancillary & associated site works.

At Killycard Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan A75 X265

And as such the development would contravene materially Policy LZP 1 of the Monaghan County Development Plan 2019-2025 (see Section 9.2).

Policy LZP 1 – To implement the land use zoning categories and objectives in each of the settlement plan areas as set out in Table 9.1.

Land Use Zoning Category Number 4; Proposed Residential B “To facilitate for serviced low density residential development in a structured and co-ordinated manner”

 Land Use Zoning Category Number 10; Landscape Protection/Conservation “To protect important landscape features within the towns from development that would detrimentally impact on the amenity of the landscape, on the natural setting of the town or on the natural attenuation offered by flood plains”

 Particulars of the development may be inspected or purchased at the offices of Monaghan County Council, Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan H18 X982 during its public opening hours.

The plans and particulars of the proposed development may also be inspected online at

Any submission or observation as regards the making of a decision to grant permission received (at the above-mentioned address) on or before 5pm on Thursday the 9th of November 2023 will be duly considered by the Planning Authority.


Cathal Flynn

Director of Service

12th October 2023

Notice of Application to An Bord Pleanála for Approval Killycronaghan Closed Landfill Remediation Project at Killycronaghan, Newbliss, County Monaghan

Pursuant to Section 177AE of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and the requirements of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), notice is hereby given that Monaghan County Council proposes to seek the approval of An Bord Pleanála for the completion of Closed Landfill Remediation Works at a Closed Landfill site in Killycronaghan, Newbliss, County Monaghan.

The application site, as defined by the red line boundary in the accompanying drawings, is 3.75 hectares (ha) in size. The proposed capping area within the site is 2.6 ha in size.

 The proposed development will consist of the following:

  • The development of a site access.
  • The development of a temporary site compound and office area.
  • Site clearance, including the removal of an existing gate, existing timber post and wire fencing and clearance of existing vegetation.
  • Grading/profiling of the existing site area.
  • Installation of an engineered landfill capping system covering an area of 2.6 hectares.
  • Installation of surface and subsurface surface water drainage infrastructures.
  • Installation of passive landfill gas management infrastructure.
  • The installation of stock proof fencing, and a new access gate on-site.
  • Landscaping of the final formation of the capping area using a proprietary grass cover mix suited for pasture.

The proposed development will ensure compliance with conditions of a Closed Landfill Certificate of Authorization pertaining to the site granted by the Environmental Protection Agency (CoA Ref: H0366-01).

A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Report for the proposed development has been carried out and has determined that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development and has determined that an EIAR is not required.

The Board may give approval to the application for development with or without conditions or may refuse the application for development.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development, including Natura Impact Statement, will be available for inspection free of charge, or for purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the following offices of Monaghan County Council:

  • Environmental Services Department, Monaghan County Council, Civic Offices, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan A81RY22
  • Ballybay Clones Municipal District Office, Monaghan County Council, The Diamond, Clones, Co. Monaghan, H23X378

between the hours of 9.15am to 1.00pm and 1.30pm to 5.00pm each day during which said Offices are open for the transaction of business, for a period from Wednesday the 20th of September 2023 to Wednesday the 8th of November 2023 (inclusive of both dates) and at the following offices of An Bord Pleanála:

  • An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough St, Rotunda, Dublin 1, D01 V902

between the hours of 9:15am to 5:30pm each day during which said Offices are open from the transaction of business, for a period from Wednesday the 20th of September 2023 to Wednesday the 8th of November 2023 (inclusive of both dates).

Plans and particulars of the proposed development, including the Natura Impact Statement, are also available for viewing on Monaghan County Council’s online consultation portal at from Wednesday the 20th of September 2023 to Wednesday the 8th of November 2023 (inclusive of both dates).

Submissions or observations regarding the proposed development may be made in writing to An Bord Pleanála (with an address of (64 Marlborough St, Rotunda, Dublin 1, D01 V902) during the period from Wednesday the 20th of September 2023 to Wednesday the 8th of November 2023 (inclusive of both dates) in relation to:

  1. the likely effects on the environment of the proposed development;
  2. the implications of the proposed development for proper planning and sustainable development in the area in which it is proposed to situate the proposed development; and
  3. the likely significant effects of the proposed development on a European Site, if carried out.

Submissions or observations are to be received no later than 5.30pm on Wednesday the 8th of November 2023.

A person may question the validity of any such decision by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts as provided for in Section 50 of the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2022. Further information can be obtained from An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, D01 V902 in respect of the judicial review procedure.

Further information in respect of the Judicial Review process can also be found on Contact Lo Call 1890 777 121 or + 353 21 452 1600 for details of the locations and operating hours of your local Citizens Information Centre.



Brendan Smyth,

A/Director of Services,

Directorate of Climate Action, Environmental and Water Services

7th September 2023