RZLT 2024

Monaghan County Council has prepared an annual draft map of the land considered to be in scope for the RZLT as of 1st January 2024.

Annual Draft Map

The area of lands identified is set out in the table below.

TypeArea (Ha)
In Scope (Existing Residential)478.448
In Scope (Residential)118.734
In Scope (Mixed Use)  25.578

View Annual Draft Map

The Annual Draft Map is also available on public display at the following locations and times specified:

Planning Offices – 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan H18 X982 (Monday to Friday 9.15am-1pm and 1.30pm-5pm)

County Offices – The Glen, Monaghan, H18 YT50 (Monday to Friday 9.15am-1pm and 1.30pm-5.15pm)

Municipal District of Ballybay-Clones Offices – Market House, The Diamond, Clones H23 X378 (Monday to Friday 9.15am-5.15pm)

Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney Offices – Civic Offices, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross A81 RY22 (Monday to Friday 9.15am-5pm)

Any interested individuals or parties may make submissions in respect of land on the annual draft map. This is dealt with in further detail below.

Please note that although they are included on the map, residential properties are not subject to RZLT if they are subject to Local Property Tax. It is not necessary to make a submission to remove this type of residential property from the map.

In accordance with the amending provisions of the Finance Act (No.2) 2023, those lands zoned Strategic Residential Reserve are no longer in scope for the residential zoned land tax. In addition, having regard to appeal decisions made by An Bord Pleanála, lands located within Tier 4 settlements are no longer in scope for the residential zoned land tax.

Criteria for Inclusion of Lands in the RZLT Map

Section 653B of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 states:-

In this Part, a reference to land which satisfies the relevant criteria is a reference to land that—

(a) is included in a development plan, in accordance with section 10(2) (a) of the Act of 2000, or local area plan, in accordance with section 19(2)(a) of the Act of 2000, zoned—

(i) solely or primarily for residential use, or

(ii) for a mixture of uses, including residential use,

(b) it is reasonable to consider may have access, or be connected, to public infrastructure and facilities, including roads and footpaths, public lighting, foul sewer drainage, surface water drainage and water supply, necessary for dwellings to be developed and with sufficient service capacity available for such development, and

(c) it is reasonable to consider is not affected, in terms of its physical condition, by matters to a sufficient extent to preclude the provision of dwellings, including contamination or the presence of known archaeological or historic remains, but which is not land—

(i) that is referred to in paragraph (a)(i) and, having regard only to development (within the meaning of the Act of 2000) which is not unauthorised development (within the meaning of the Act of 2000), is in use as premises, in which a trade or profession is being carried on, that is liable to commercial rates, that it is reasonable to consider is being used to provides services to residents of adjacent residential areas,

(ii) that is referred to in paragraph (a)(ii), unless it is reasonable to consider that the land is vacant or idle,

(iia) the development of which would not conform with—

(I) in a case in which the land is zoned in a development plan, the phased basis in accordance with which development of land is to take place under the plan, as detailed in the core strategy included in that plan in accordance with section 10(2A)(d) of the Act of 2000, or

(II) in a case in which the land is zoned in a local area plan, the objective, consistent with the objectives and core strategy of the development plan for the area in respect of which the local area plan is prepared, of development of land on a phased basis, included in the local area plan in accordance with section 19(2) of the Act of 2000, on the date on which satisfaction of the criteria in this section is being assessed,

(iii) that it is reasonable to consider is required for, or is integral to, occupation by—

(I) social, community or governmental infrastructure and facilities, including infrastructure and facilities used for the purposes of public administration or the provision of education or healthcare,

(II) transport facilities and infrastructure,

(III) energy infrastructure and facilities,

(IV) telecommunications infrastructure and facilities,

(V) water and wastewater infrastructure and facilities,

(VI) waste management and disposal infrastructure, or

(VII) recreational infrastructure, including sports facilities and playgrounds,

(iv) that is subject to a statutory designation that may preclude development, or

(v) on which the derelict sites levy is payable in accordance with the Derelict Sites Act 1990.

The legislation underpinning the RZLT may be found at Part 22A of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 as inserted by the Finance Act 2021 and the Finance Act (No. 2) 2023. Guidance in respect of the administration of the tax may be found here.


  • Propose a correction to the annual draft Residential Zoned Land Tax map if they feel that the land included on the map does not meet the criteria;
  • propose a correction to the date on which land first met the criteria;
  • support the exclusion of their land where it is identified on the map that the local authority proposes to exclude such land from the final annual map for 2025, to be published on or before 31 January 2025; and/or
  • propose the inclusion of land, not identified on the map, if it is considered such land meets the criteria.

Landowners may request a change of zoning of their land by 31 May 2024, where such land is identified on an annual draft map.

Land appearing on the annual draft maps, as amended to take into account the outcome of submissions and rezoning requests made in respect of the land on these maps, will be included on the annual final map of land in scope for the tax in the local authority area to be published on 31 January 2025. This land will be subject to the tax in 2025 unless it is exempt as a residential property, as outlined above, or qualifies for any other exemption, as provided for in the legislation.

The RZLT map as prepared and published by the local authorities includes lands that meet the relevant criteria for inclusion on the map as set out in the legislation.

The administration of the RZLT is a matter for the Revenue Commissioners.

Making a Submission

Submissions can be made by 1 April to:

  • Identify additional land which may fall into scope, but which is not included in the annual draft map;
  • Challenge the inclusion of land on the map if the owner considers that the land does not meet the criteria which determine the land in scope;
  • Challenge the date from which the land is considered to be in scope; and/or Support the proposed exclusion of land.

Submissions can be made by 31 May to request a change of zoning of land identified on the annual draft map for 2025.

You are advised to contact the Planning Office well in advance of this date to discuss your request.

Please note your submission must clearly identify the site and outline what change (i.e. exclusion of land on a local authority map, or the date on which the site first met the criteria for inclusion on the map) to the Residential Zoned Land Tax mapping you are seeking, as well as provide a justification for the change sought. The submission must state the criteria set out in Section 653B of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 on which you rely in your submission for the land being in or out of scope. The local authority may also request additional information after the receipt of your submission (e.g. proof of ownership or further information).

Landowner Submissions

If you are making a submission in respect of land that you own or on behalf of the landowner, please note the following:

  • Your name and address as well as the landowner’s name and address should be provided
  • Submissions from a landowner in respect of their own land must be accompanied by an Ordnance Survey map showing the property at an appropriate scale, 1:1000 (urban areas) or 1:2500 (rural areas) suitable to identify the land in question. Please note the local authority may request proof of site ownership.
  • If your land is on the map, you may wish to bring to the local authority’s attention matters which demonstrate that the land is not in scope for the tax, or that the date which the land was considered in-scope is not correct and should be changed.
  • Reference to criteria in Section 653B of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 – any submission should reference these along with evidence for consideration by the local authority to support any claims regarding the serviced nature of the land or any exclusions which should be applied. These criteria must also be referenced if the submission seeks to include additional land on the map.
  • The submission should set out any justification for inclusion or exclusion of land, with reference to the criteria in the legislation.
  • If you are making a submission in relation to zoning, please note that a submission requesting a change in zoning can only be made in relation to land that is already on the map.
  • Where a land use zoning change is sought, the submission must be received on or before 31 May and the landowner should set out why the change in zoning is in the interest of the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, as well as any other circumstances which they wish to bring to the local authority’s attention.

Third Party Submissions

If you are making a submission about land that you don’t own then you are a third-party submitter. Third parties cannot make a submission in relation to zoning.

In your submission you should include:

  • Your name and address
  • Information to identify the land – either a written description, an Eircode or a map with the area outlined. Where the local authority cannot identify the land they may not be able to take the submission into account.
  • For land on the map, you may wish to bring to the local authority’s attention matters which demonstrate that the land is not in scope for the tax, or that the date which the land was considered in-scope is not correct and should be changed.
  • Is the land not currently on the draft map and is your submission recommending that it should be considered in scope for the tax?
  • Reference to criteria in Section 653B of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 – any submission should reference these along with evidence for consideration by the local authority to support any claims regarding the serviced nature of the land or any exclusions which should be applied. These criteria must also be referenced if the submission seeks to include additional land on the map.
  • The submission should set out any justification for inclusion or exclusion of land, with reference to the criteria in the legislation.

In what format should the submission be made?

Submissions on the annual draft map may be made in writing to Monaghan County Council, Planning Office, 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan H18 X982, or by e mail to rzlt@monaghancoco.ie, or online  by clicking the button below not later than 1 April 2024, regarding—

(I) either the inclusion in or exclusion from the final map of specific sites, or

(II) the date on which a site first satisfied the relevant criteria.

View Submissions Received

In respect of making any submission, be it by the landowner or a third party, please note the following:   

  • The personal information (data) collected during the consultation process is collected for the purpose of receiving and dealing with submissions.
  • Contact details provided may be used to contact a submitter who claims to be the landowner of a particular site. This will be to request evidence as is necessary to prove their ownership of the site or request further information from the landowner.
  • A local authority may, where it considers it necessary for the purposes of making the determination, request further information from Irish Water, the Transport Infrastructure Ireland or from a person/body referred to in article 28 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001.
  • For further information on how Monaghan County Council processes Personal Data please see our Privacy Statement
  • Please identify any parts of your submission which contain personal or commercially sensitive data which you do not wish to be published.

What Happens Next

All written submissions will be evaluated. A written determination will be made by the local authority regarding submissions by landowners. Key steps the local authority will take prior to publishing an annual final map include, but are not limited to the following.

Annual Draft Map – 

  • Submissions received in relation to the annual draft map will be published on the local authority website by 11 April 2024 (note: personal data, i.e. name, address of submitter and contact details of the submitter, are redacted, but location of lands to which the submission relates are published along with the grounds of the submission).
  • Where a landowner requests the exclusion of their site from the annual draft map on the basis that it does not meet the criteria for being in scope, or challenges the date from which land on the map met this criteria, the local authority must notify the owner of its decision not later than 1 July 2024.
  • An appeal of the local authority decision on a landowner’s submission on the annual draft map, must be lodged by the landowner with An Bord Pleanála by 1 August 2024.
  • Rezoning submissions are considered by the local authority. A decision on whether to progress with an intended variation to the statutory land use plan or not is to be communicated in writing to the relevant landowner by 31 July 2024.  There is no appeal regarding rezoning requests to An Bord Pleanála.
    Where a person has requested the addition of a site to the draft map and the local authority considers that sites in respect of which submissions have been made or based on the information available to the local authority, constitute lands satisfying the relevant criteria then these sites will be identified on the next annual draft map which will be published by the local authority on 1 February 2025.

Can I appeal a decision of the local authority?

A landowner has until 1 August 2024 to lodge an appeal to An Bord Pleanála of the local authority decision regarding submissions made in respect of the exclusion of their site from the annual draft map on the basis that it does not meet the criteria for being in scope, or challenging the date from which land on the map met this criteria date. Appeals must be made in writing setting out the grounds of appeal. There are no provisions for a third party to appeal a local authority decision to retain or remove land from an annual draft map.

How can I find out further information about the mapping and submissions process?

If further information is required on the annual draft map process or on making a submission please check ‘Your Questions Answered’ which can be found here [link]. If your query relates to a particular area of land or if the answer is not contained in the FAQ’s contact the Planning Department.

Further information on the process is also available on the Gov.ie/RZLT website.

As outlined above, the RZLT process has two parts.  Local authorities are required to undertake the first part entailing the mapping which identifies the land which is subject to the tax, including an annual final map which will be first published on 31 January 2025, and revised annually. Thereafter, the second part which is the administration of the tax will be undertaken by the Revenue Commissioners.

As the local authority do not administer the tax we are unable to answer any queries regarding the administration of the tax. All queries regarding the administration of the tax should be directed to the Revenue Commissioners

Having regard to the respective roles of local authorities and the Revenue Commissioners in the RZLT process, queries on the mapping should be made to Monaghan County Council. This includes queries on;

  • Criteria for inclusion on annual draft map
  • Submissions on annual draft map
  • Determinations on annual draft map
  • Zoning submissions
  • Appeals (which must be submitted to An Bord Pleanála)
  • Annual final map
  • The Revenue Commissioners website – provides details on the general administration of the tax and links to a comprehensive guide to the tax. The Revenue website also provides details on
  • Liable persons
  • Amount of residential zoned land tax
  • Obligation to register
  • Obligation on liable person to prepare and deliver return
  • Deferral of, or exemptions from, Residential Zoned Land Tax
  • How to contact Revenue with queries on the administration of RZLT

What do I do if I am a Homeowner

My house and garden is contained on the map. What is the consequence?

Your house and garden is identified on the map because it meets the criteria for the tax, which is based on residential led zonings and servicing by infrastructure suitable for provision of housing.  The house and garden are not liable for the tax, as long as the house is subject to Local Property Tax (LPT).

Do I need to make a submission?

It’s not necessary. Even if your house is identified on the maps, residences are not liable for the tax where they are subject to LPT.

What if my garden is greater than 0.4047ha (1 acre) –

If your garden is greater than this size, then you need to register for the RZLT with the Revenue Commissioners, however your house and garden will not be liable for the tax. You will be able to register for RZLT from December 2024 onwards. No action needs to be taken to register at this time.  Please see revenue.ie for details regarding the registration process closer to the time.

RZLT Annual Draft Map Submissions

Submissions were invited in respect of the RZLT Annual Draft Map from 1st February 2024 until 1st April 2024.

These submissions could:-

  • challenge the inclusion of particular lands on the Draft Map if the owner considers that those lands do not meet the criteria set out within the relevant legislation;
  • challenge the date on which the land is considered to meet the relevant criteria and thus to be in scope;
  • request a change of zoning;
  • identify additional land which appears to meet the criteria and so may fall into scope and may be placed on the supplemental Map.


Submissions had to clearly identify the site and outline what change (i.e. inclusion or exclusion of land on the Map, or the date on which the site first met the criteria for inclusion on the Map) to the Residential Zoned Land Tax Mapping is being sought, as well as provide a justification for the change sought based on the criteria set out in Section 653B of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997.

Submissions Received

A total of 4 submissions were submitted to Monaghan County Council by 1st April 2024.

The submissions can be viewed by clicking on the links below. Submissions are more clearly viewed on pc/laptops as opposed to mobile phones. Click on each submission to view the relevant document for that submission.  Details such as the name and contact details of the person or organisation making the submission have been redacted along with any other details of a personal or sensitive nature in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations and the RZLT Submissions Privacy Statement (PDF).

A further two submissions were received by Monaghan County Council by 31st May 2024 requesting a change of zoning of land identified on the annual draft map for 2025.  The submissions can be viewed by clicking on the links below.