Arts Office,
Market House,
Co. Monaghan.
H18 R268

Telephone: (047) 38162

Fax: (047) 71118


X: @artsinmonaghan

Calling all Music Providers / Music Educators

In preparation for an application to the Music Generation scheme, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board (CMETB) in association with  Cavan and Monaghan County Councils – are seeking the insights of music providers and educators concerning current music provision within the Cavan and Monaghan region.

Recognising that musicians are the essential resource in the delivery of high quality music education, the Music Generation model seeks to forge partnerships with local music educators to ensure the highest quality of performance music education for children and young people. Sponsoring initiatives to encourage musicians to live and work in their locality, it supports the need of musicians to reflect on and improve their professional education and musical practice in order to achieve positive musical outcomes for children/young people.

The input and insights of music providers and music educators are therefore sought during this initial information-gathering phase to chart current vocal/instrumental music education provision within the Cavan and Monaghan region. A short survey (less than 10 minutes) is now available online for completion    Closing date for completion is 5th May 2017 and all responses will be kept strictly confidential.

Thank you in advance for your contribution.