Arts Office,
Market House,
Co. Monaghan.
H18 R268

Telephone: (047) 38162

Fax: (047) 71118


X: @artsinmonaghan

Culture and Creativity

Creative Ireland believes we all have a right to participate in the cultural life of the nation. A five-year plan for Monaghan will set out a range of collaborative & imaginative innovations, which will provide opportunities to explore our heritage, arts, culture, and all things creative.
This new initiative is for everybody living in Monaghan and sets out to make creativity and culture a central part of our communities so that we can all benefit from the wellbeing that this brings. It’s based on the principle that creativity (culture and arts) enhances our lives and our County. With this is mind…
We want to know your thoughts.
We would love for you to pop-in to see us and share your ideas at one of our drop-in

Monday 18th September
7pm – 8.30pm
Carrickmacross Workhouse

Tuesday 19th September
Clones Library

Thursday 21st September
Market House, Monaghan

If you can’t join us to chat, why not complete our online survey?
Survey open from 1st to 29th September 2017
Or Email us at

See Full Public Consultations flyer here

Download Creative Ireland Monaghan PDF here