Comhairle Contae Mhuineachán/ Monaghan County Council
Notice Seeking /Fógra ag lorg
interest from Artists to/ suim ó Ealaíontóirí go dtí
The Old Post Office, The Diamond Clones, County Monaghan
An Sean Oifig an Phoist, An Diamaint, Cluain Eois, Contae Mhuineachán
To Submit / Cuir isteach ar
Tá muid ag lorg léirithe spéise ó Ealaíontóirí gairmiúla
We are seeking expressions of interest from professional Artists
(open to various Art practices/oscailte do chleachtais Ealaíne éagsúla)
for /I gcóir IN RENTING 2 Studios / 1 flexible project space
What to include in your Submissions and more details on this call-out
can be found at https://monaghan.ie/arts/clonesartiststudios
The Deadline for SUBMISSIONS is Wednesday 30th March 2022
send your Expression of Interest to artsoffice@monaghancoco.ie
A project supported by the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme,
managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)