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Artist Support Scheme /Tacaíocht do Ealaíontóirí 2024

Artist Support Scheme /Tacaíocht do Ealaíontóirí 2024

Artist Support Scheme 2024 Bursaries

Emerging Talent – €600 each                               * 1st time recipient

Applicants Art Form
1 Zara Doody * Visual Artist/Multimedia
2 Matthew McMahon * Theatre Practitioner/ Actor
3 Simon Hennessey * Comedy
4 Dervla McElvaney * Visual Artist/Textiles/Mixed Media
5 Courtney Mulligan * Film/Special Effects/Makeup



Established Artists – €1,000 each.                          * 1st time recipient

Applicants Art Form
1 Seán McElwain Traditional Arts/Music
2 Kate Beagan * Visual Artist/Painter
3 JJ Duffy * Visual Artist/Mixed Media
4 Michelle Kettle Visual Artist/Painter
5 Joanne Behan Visual Artist/Sculpture
6 Denise McCabe Visual Art/Contemporary Drawing
7 Siobhan McDonald Visual Artist
8 Fiona Longmuir Author/Childrens Novels
9 Rory Pierce * Music/Performer & Composer
10 Eileen Ferguson Visual Artist/Painting/Sculpture
11 Neal Greig Visual Artist/Drawing & Painting
12 Gráinne Hunt Music/Singer/Songwriter


Opening Date 3rd January /Osclaíonn sé 3ú Eanáir

Deadline Wednesday 31st January at 4pm /Sprioc Lá Dé Céadaoin 31ú   Eanáir 4.i.n

Total Available Funds up to/ Iomlán an Chiste atá ar fáil € 15,000

Emerging Talent                                                    Established Artist

Up to 5 Awards of €600 each                             up to 12 Awards of €1,000 each

Monaghan County Council values and wishes to support the work of the Artist and extend the range of opportunities for artists to develop their practice. We recognise that we have a responsibility to provide financial and other assistance to artists, so that they can be supported in the making and presentation of their work, and in their professional development.

The artist is not just the creator of art, they also encourage discourse and navigate us to think outside the box of commonly held opinions of society. They allow us to explore through their work aspects of our own lives and of the world around us. Artists are central to development of the arts in Monaghan. (Framework agreement with Arts Council)






  1. This year’s scheme is open to any individual artist who can demonstrate their track record regardless of whether they have received funding from us in the past.
  2. Monaghan County Council would like to invite individual Artists to apply under this scheme and to have their application considered for funding by an independent Assessment Panel.
  3. The Artistic criteria will include those of you who consider yourselves Emerging talent* as well those of you who have been recognised by your peers as an Established artist**.
  4. Due to the competitive nature of this Scheme and the total funding available, this may limit our ability in supporting all the submissions that have merit.
  5. If you have been in receipt of funding from MCC under the Value-Added Scheme in the current Calendar year, your Submission will not be considered.
  6. If you are successful in being awarded a bursary under this scheme you may not, then seek funding under the Value-Added Scheme in the same calendar year.


Criteria and Limits                   Deadline: Wednesday 31st January 2024

The funding Criteria and Limits will be set under 2 headings.

1: Emerging talent *: an Artist who works in any art form medium should inform us of their current creative process of engagement with their practice will be eligible.  Only twice can one be considered as an emerging talent under this Scheme.

Our aim is to award up to 5 Awards @ €600 each under this heading. This would be a recognition by MCC that you are contributing to the creative and artistic life of the County in a positive way and being rewarded as such.

2: Established Artist **: the Artist has a substantive body of work created in their career and that they have been recognised as such by your peers. This scheme is a recognition of your endeavours in your current arts practice.  A one-year hiatus of being considered for funding may come into effect if you were in receipt of funding 3 years in a row, based on the number of submissions received and available funds.

Our aim is to award up to 12 Awards @ € 1,000 each under this heading this would be a recognition by MCC that your career as an Artist has contributed in a substantive to the Artistic landscape of County Monaghan and beyond and as such should be rewarded.


  • Artists of all disciplines and who work in any artform are welcome to apply.
  • Artists must be originally from County Monaghan or reside in the County.
  • Applicants in a full or part-time education programme are not eligible to apply.
  • The term “Established Artist” assumes, that you have a substantive body of works created and that it has been presented to the public in any medium, and that you are recognised as such by your peers.
  • The term “Emerging talent” assumes that you have presented your creative through whichever medium that best suits your creative process to the public.
  • The Assessment of your Application will be made by a Panel using judgement, experience, and artistic endeavour.


  • This Scheme will enable us to assist artists of all disciplines and in their area of creative enterprise, professional development, performance/exhibition of work and residency opportunities.
  • Artists’ professional development, (e.g., further training, attendance at peer-to-peer workshops, travel grants within Ireland),
  • Artists’ creation of art, (e.g., production costs, materials assistance, exploration and research assistance, residency assistance),
  • Artists, their art, and the public, (e.g., performance & recording development assistance, publication & exhibition assistance, projects carried out in collaboration with county organisations)

Artist Support Scheme 2024