Arts Office,
Market House,
Co. Monaghan.
H18 R268

Telephone: (047) 38162

Fax: (047) 71118


X: @artsinmonaghan

State Funding Agencies

Arts Council – is the national agency for funding, developing and promoting the arts in Ireland.

Culture Ireland – is the state agency for the promotion of Irish arts worldwide, working under the aegis of the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. Culture Ireland creates and supports opportunities for Irish artists to present their work at strategic international festivals, venues, showcases and arts markets.

Poetry Ireland – is the national organisation for poetry in Ireland. We serve all 32 counties and receive support from The Arts Council ofIreland/An Chomhairle Ealaíon and The Arts Council of Northern Ireland.

Create Ireland – Create is the national development agency for collaborative arts in social and community contexts. Our mission is to provide advice and support services to artists and arts organisations working collaboratively with communities in social and community contexts.

Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Irish Film Board (IFB) – is the national development agency for the Irish film industry investing in talent, creativity and enterprise. The agency supports and promotes the Irish film industry and the use of Ireland as a location for international production.