
  • Pursue a developmental approach to the Arts that takes a positive view in encouraging and assisting the value and standard of the Arts in Monaghan.
  • Encourage promise and achievement in the creation of Art by providing resources, support and opportunities to individual artists and Arts groups.
  • Enhance the presence, appreciation and quality of experience of the Arts
  • Stimulate public interest, access and participation in the Arts and engage audiences through appropriate delivery of Arts Programming



  • Develop and address the needs and potential of particular art forms at any one time
  • To maintain, develop and programme the Market House, as a dedicated Arts Venue
  • To collaborate with Arts Festival in the county in allowing their development and to assist them with enhanced support through both financial and administrative assistance
  • To collaborate with other Public Bodies in relation to Arts Practice and its delivery i.e. The Arts Council
  • To develop partnerships in the delivery of Arts Projects and Programmes
  • To encourage and assist Artists in the creation of their Art, both financially (matching an award from the Arts Council or other Arts grants, with a limit) and through assistance from the Arts Office