7th Day of Christmas…Open Fire, Stove & Chimney Fire Safety
Make sure your chimney or stove flue is professionally cleaned twice a year. If installing a solid fuel appliance use an approved registered installer. Always place a spark guard in front of open fires when unattended.
6th Day of Christmas…Battery Fire Safety
Batteries present a fire risk when over-charged, short-circuited, submerged in water or if damaged. Never place waste batteries in your household bins. Waste batteries can be disposed of at your local civic amenity site free of charge.
5th Day of Christmas…Electrical Fire Safety
Switch off all lights & decorations last thing at night. Even lights & decorations need a break. Never overload plugs or extension leads as this causes overheating and possibly a fire. Buy and use electrical products that are CE marked.
Look For Local this Christmas
If we all #LookForLocal this Winter, we’ll be supporting small businesses, jobs and communities. It works for everyone!
How can you support Look for Local?
When you are out and about this Winter, look for local products, services and experiences that you can avail of.
When you Look for Local the money you spend will benefit several different businesses in that area and every Euro that you give to a local business is an investment in that community.
Find local businesses & their websites in your area on the Local Enterprise Office directory here: https://www.localenterprise.ie/lookforlocal
4th Day of Christmas…Decoration Fire Safety
Are your old Christmas Lights still safe? Poorly stored, old electrical decorations can cause unnecessary hazards at this time of year. LED lights operating at extra low voltage with minimal heat output is recommended.
RSVP Campaign
R.S.V.P. encourages people to be risk aware, to think before they meet up with others, and to ask themselves the right questions about Risk, Symptoms, Venue and People.
3rd Day of Christmas…Escape Route & Exit Fire Safety
Think about a fire in your home. If a fire occurs, it is important that you & your family know what to do. Identify escape routes & exits. Practice your escape route. See http://firesafetyweek.ie/fire_safety_tips/evacuation/en
Monaghan County Council Notices 16th December 2021
to property owners of DUBLIN STREET, Monaghan
You are invited to attend a consultation meeting by appointment on
at Market House, Monaghan
Monaghan County Council wish to consult with property owners to identify suitable interventions to properties to improve the quality and liveability of our historic town through heritage-led regeneration.
Subject to successful funding under the Historic Towns Initiative programme in 2022, substantial grant funding will be available for identified property intervention works.
Please register your interest in booking an appointment with consultants Sheridan Woods Architects and Urban Planners before 12:30, Friday 17 December. Charlotte Sheridan of Sheridan Woods will contact you to arrange a suitable time to meet at the Market House on 20 December.
Register Interest by Mobile: Text message Charlotte Sheridan 087 9694031 with your name and contact number
Register Interest by Email: Email Charlotte Sheridan csheridan@sheridanwoods.ie with your name and contact number
Please contact Máire Cullinan, Monaghan County Council, if you have any queries with regards to the scheme on 086 8549202.
Temporary Closing of Roads – Emergency Closure
Monaghan County Council hereby gives notice of Emergency Closure in accordance with Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993 & Article 12 of the Roads Regulations 1994 that it will close the following road in the Municipal District of Ballybay Clones in County Monaghan.
Date & Time: From Thursday 16th December 2021 to Friday 11th March 2022 24hrs per day.
To Facilitate: Replacement of damaged and partially collapsed road culvert and the legislative requirements associated with carrying out said works.
Roads Closed: LS6511 Drumalt to Urcher road in the townland of Drumalt.
Alternative Routes: Diversions will be via the LS6501 and the LT65111. All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic.
If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure please contact The Municipal District of Ballybay Clones, Co. Monaghan at 047 51018 or email clones@monaghancoco.ie
Gareth McMahon
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
16th December 2021
2nd Day of Christmas…Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarm Fire Safety
Smoke alarms & CO alarms should always be CE marked. Test your Alarms weekly to ensure they are working. See http://firesafetyweek.ie/smoke_alarms/general/en #TestItTuesday #WorkingSmokeAlarmsSaveLives