Important Notice to all Landowners and Occupiers of Land from Monaghan County Council


Important Notice to all Landowners and Occupiers of Land

The Roads Act 1993 (Section 70) places a statutory obligation on all landowners/occupiers of land or structures to ensure that roadside structures, trees, shrubs or other vegetation do not present a danger to those using and working on public roads.

Hedge cutting should only take place between the 1st September and 28th February. Landowners should ensure that all debris is removed from the road.

Failure to comply with their obligations could result in Landowners / Occupiers of Land along a public road being prosecuted.


Gareth Mc Mahon

A/Senior Engineer

Roads & Transportation

1st September 2022

Postal Voters List – Important Information



You may apply for entry on the POSTAL voters list, which will come into force on 15th February, 2023, if you are unable to go in person to vote at your polling station due to a physical illness or disability which is likely to continue for the duration of the Register of Electors now being prepared.

A Blue application form (PV1) may be obtained at Monaghan County Council Office, local Library or Municipal District Offices during usual hours of business, or online at or

You should complete the application in accordance with the notes on the back of the form and, if this is your first application for entry on the Postal Voters List, have the Medical Certificate completed by your doctor.

If you have had a Postal Vote in the last year, there is no need to re-apply.

Completed forms should be submitted to Petra O’Brien, Corporate Services, Monaghan County Council, County Offices, The Glen, Monaghan, H18 YT50 before 25th November 2022.



Cathal Flynn

Director of Services

1st September 2022

Public Alert: Mains Flushing – Ballybay and environs – Irish Water and Monaghan County Council

Public Alert:

Mains Flushing – Ballybay and environs

Irish Water and Monaghan County Council

Monaghan County Council on behalf of Irish Water wish to advise customers that Water Mains Flushing (Scouring) will take place from Monday 05th September 2022 to Friday 30th September 2022 in Ballybay and surrounding area of the Lough Egish Regional Water Supply Scheme.

The following townlands may be affected: Carrickaveilty, Carrickatee, Carnaveagh, Creeve, Roo, Agheralane, Corbrack, Acres, Corrybrannan, Knocknamaddy, Knappagh, Cornamucklaglass, Derrynaloobinagh, Derryvally, Corkeeran, Drumgrole, Corfad, Drumar, Lantaur, Mullan, Cornacreeve, Legacurry, Cordoolough, Corfinlough, Coohey, Cargaghramer, Lennan, Drumroosk, Derryhallagh, Tiromedan and Cornanagh.

Mains flushing is undertaken to improve the quality of water supplied to our customers. Customers in areas where flushing will take place will notice a temporary discolouration to their water but this discolouration will clear when allowed to run for a few minutes.

Customers may also experience reduced pressure and interruptions to their supply for the duration of these works. Not all area’s will be affected at the same time and works will only take place during normal working hours.

We regret any inconvenience caused,


Peadar Mc Guinness

Head of Water Services

01st September 2022


Temporary Closing of Roads – Roads Closed: R-182-1 in the Townlands of Annyart/Lurganmore Co. Monaghan

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross/Castleblayney in County Monaghan:

Date of Closure:             Monday 12th September 2022 to Friday 23rd September 2022 (24 hr closure)

To Facilitate:                  Bridge Rehabilitation Works.

Roads Closed:                 R-182-1 in the Townlands of Annyart/Lurganmore Co. Monaghan


Division Route:

Traffic wishing to travel on the R-182-1 from Frankford bridge in the direction of Newtownhamilton will be diverted by remaining on the R-181-2 at Derrygreevy bridge to the Northern Ireland border, then continuing along the B32/B3 to Keady town, then turning right on to the A29, then continuing along the A29 to Newtownhamiliton. For traffic wishing to continue to Oram, they will be diverted to turn off the A29 onto the A25 and continue along this road until the Northern Ireland border, then continue along the R182.

Traffic wishing to travel from the Townland of Lurganmore to Castleblayney will be diverted by following the R182 to the Northern Ireland border, then continue on the A25, then turn left on to the A29 to Newtownhamiliton, then continue on the A29 to Keady, then turn right on to the B3 and continue along the B3/B32 to Castleblayney.

All Detours will be signposted to direct the traffic. (R-182- Local Access only, no through road at the Bridge Works between Frankford bridge and the junction of the R182/L-76003 at the Nest Box Egg factory).

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

 Gareth McMahon

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

1st September 2022

The Harvest Time Blues are back…Monaghan Town

The Harvest Time Blues are back…

Monaghan’s renowned Blues Festival is back after a three year hiatus. The festival started in 1991 but between the recent lockdowns and year or two missed in between, it means that this year is the 25th year of the festival actually happening – the silver jubilee of bringing the blues to Monaghan. This humble town has played host to some very impressive international and homegrown Blues acts over the years and we like to think that this year will be no different.

On the Friday Late Night Stage we have the award-winning and soulful voice of Jo Harman joining us from the UK whose music has been described as ‘sincere and heart-felt’. She is followed by Rob Strong, known as the ‘Godfather of Irish Soul’ and who at over 75 years of age, is still going “strong” (excuse the pun).

Saturday on the Late Night Stage will see Geminii Dragon perform, travelling all the way from the bayous of Louisiana, a fresh face to the scene, the band are described as ‘blues on steroids’. Next we have the powerful and charismatic Johnny Gallagher and the Boxty Band, bringing us what can only be described as a larger than life presence and wizardry on guitar.

On Sunday we have Dom Martin, the Belfast native who has made a fairly ‘meteoric’ rise in terms of today’s industry and whose voice brings to mind comparisons to John Martyn, Rory Gallagher, even Foy Vance. Closing the Late Night Stage then we have Gerry McAvoy’s Band Of Friends. Gerry recorded and toured with Rory Gallagher for 20 years and has generously offered to bring along two of Gallagher’s amps that haven’t been used since his passing. What an honour! Tickets for the Late Night Stage are €15 per night.

The Blues Trail consists of six stages this year – The Squealing Pig, The Brewery Bar (Upstairs in Mc Kenna’s), The Tavern Bar (Westenra), Terry’s Bar, Mc Kenna’s Yard and the Diamond Marquee. There is a seriously strong lineup including Irish acts Crow Black Chicken, Davy K Project, Ronnie Greer, Delta Fuse, Rusty Jacks, Mark S Black and Villiers and the Villains. Joining us from Los Angeles is Brazilian born Artur Menezes. From Scotland we have Eustace. John Angus Blues Band join us from England and who could forget our very own, homegrown Monaghan legends Gráinne Duffy and Clara Rose.

The weekend will also see the Monaghan Blues Jam perform on Thursday to warm us up for the festivities and again on Sunday in Mc Kenna’s. Look out for the Alternative Blues Stage on Saturday too featuring lots of talent from our own doorstep. All Blues Trail gigs are free of charge.

For some easy listening on the Saturday and Sunday afternoons, we have the Acoustic Sessions. This includes Cootehill man Brian Reynolds, Mohill native Ronan Gallagher, Dom Martin will make another appearance, unplugged this time. Last but not least we have dynamic duo Big D & Captain Keys with a little piano thrown in for good measure. Tickets for the Acoustic Sessions are €5 per day.

Weekend Combo Tickets are also available for €45 and give access to all gigs across the board. All tickets can be purchased via Eventbrite or phone the Westenra on +353 (47) 74400.

As always the Survivor’s Night will take place on the Monday night in McKenna’s. For all those devoted and dedicated enough to make it that far, it is the traditional way to mark the end of the festival for another year.

Accommodation is running low so for anyone from out of town – get booking asap! We also have two free campsites available for camper vans, caravans and tents. Links to accommodation and a booking form for the campsites, as well as any further information can be found on the ‘Accommodation’ page on our website –

Harvest Time Blues Festival | 2nd – 4th September 2022 | Monaghan Town, Ireland


Check if your child’s up-to-date with their routine childhood vaccines

26th August, 2022: HSE Public Health Area A (Cavan, Louth, Meath, Monaghan & North Dublin) are reminding parents and guardians to ensure their child’s routine vaccinations are up to date, including the Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) vaccines.

The most recent data from the Health Protection Surveillance Centre shows a worrying drop in the uptake of childhood vaccines in 2 year olds. By the time children reach their second birthday they should have completed their Primary Childhood Immunisation Schedule, including 1st dose of MMR vaccine. A decrease was seen across all childhood vaccines in Ireland, with the percentage of 2 year olds who received one dose of MMR vaccine falling below 90%. Prior to the pandemic period, uptake rates had not dropped below 90% since 2010.

In Area A (Cavan, Louth, Meath, Monaghan and North Dublin), the uptake is even lower than the national rate and significantly lower than the 95% target, which means that many children are not protected from these highly contagious and potentially very dangerous diseases.


o    In Louth, approximately 1 in 6 two-year olds are unvaccinated against measles.

o    In Meath, approximately 1 in 8 two year olds are unvaccinated against measles.

o    In Cavan/Monaghan, approximately 1 in 8 two year olds are unvaccinated against measles, and

o    In North Dublin, approximately 1 in 8 two year olds are unvaccinated against measles.


Measles is an acute, highly contagious infectious disease that can lead to serious complications such as ear infections, pneumonia, and inflammation of the brain and even death. Young children especially those aged under 5 and individuals with underlying immune conditions are particularly at risk. Although it is usually considered a childhood disease, it can be contracted at any age.

Dr Lois O’Connor, Public Health Doctor, HSE Public Health Area A, is urging parents and guardians to make sure their child gets their childhood vaccinations. She said: “Children who have missed their recommended childhood vaccinations during the pandemic are at risk of catching measles. The MMR vaccines can be given at any age, if missed out during infancy.”

“The MMR vaccine is included in the national childhood immunisation programme, and is a safe and effective vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella infections. To ensure full protection, two doses are administered to babies and young children with the first dose at 12 months from your practice nurse or GP and the second dose when your child is in junior infants as part of the HSE school vaccination programme.”

Dr Kenneth Beatty, Public Health Doctor, HSE Public Health Area A, said; “Ensuring your child is up-to-date with their vaccines is important to protect your child and those around them from these highly contagious infectious diseases.”

Dr Beatty added: “If you are unsure of your child’s vaccine record, contact your local health office. For contact details for your local health office, visit: If your child has missed a vaccine, speak with your practice nurse, GP or your local health office as a catch-up vaccine schedule can be arranged.”


For more information about these infectious diseases and the vaccines, visit:


Part 8 Planning & Development at N54 Broad Road, Co. Monaghan.

Part XI Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)
Part 8, Article 81 Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)
Monaghan County Council hereby gives notice that it proposes to carry out development at N54 Broad Road, Co. Monaghan.

The proposed development will consist of:
the construction of a new surface carpark along with all associated infrastructure works including surface water drainage pipework and street lighting.

In accordance with Article 81(2)(ca) and 120(1B)(b)(i) of the above-mentioned regulations, Monaghan County Council, as the competent authority, has concluded from a Screening Determination, which is based on an examination of the nature, size and location of the proposed development, that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development, and as such has determined that an Environmental Impact Assessment is not required. This Screening Determination is available for inspection, and at any time before the expiration of 4 weeks from the date of publication of this notice, any person may apply to An Bord Pleanala for a screening determination as to whether the proposed development would be
likely to have significant effects on the environment.

In accordance with Article 250(1)(ca) of the above-mentioned regulations, Monaghan County Council, as the competent authority, has concluded from a Screening Determination, which is based on an assessment of best scientific knowledge, that the proposed development, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects, is not likely to have a significant effect on a European site1 and as such has determined that an Appropriate Assessment is not required. This Screening Determination is available for inspection, and any person may apply to An Bord Pleanala for a screening determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effect on a European site.

The scheme will comprise of the following;
a) Surface carpark consisting of approx. 90 car parking spaces and 18 bicycle spaces
b) A ‘T’ junction entryway from N54 Broad Road to carpark
c) The provision of appropriate public lighting, road markings & signage
d) The provision of a surface water drainage system consisting of kerbs, gullies, manholes & sealed pipes
e) The provision of Sustainable drainage systems including Attenuation Storage Volume
f) The diversion of existing statutory services affected by the works

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, during public opening hours at Monaghan County Council, Planning Offices, 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan, H18 X982 and Monaghan Municipal District Office, Monaghan County Council, The Glen, Monaghan up to and including 15th September 2022. The plans and particulars of the proposed development may also be inspected on line at by searching under Monaghan County Council and entering the address of the development.

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development will be situated, may be made in writing to Monaghan County Planning Offices, 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan, H18 X982 up to 5pm on 29th September 2022,


John Murray
Director of Services
Monaghan County Council

Date: 16/08/2022

PART 8 Planning & Development Notice – at The Market House / Court House Castleblayney


Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)

Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Article 81(1) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) for development at The Market House / Court House and surrounding Market Square environs in the townlands of Onomy and Drumillard Little in Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan.


The proposed development will consist of:


  • The change of use, refurbishment and restoration of the former Castleblayney Market House / Court House (a protected structure) into a public facility providing cultural, retail, hospitality, office uses and associated ancillary spaces. Works will include new floors, internal walls, stairs and lift within the existing building, a new roof top events space and open air viewing deck, the provision of solar PV panels at roof level along the southern elevation and the restoration of the bell tower.
  • Alterations and improvements to the public realm of Upper and Lower Market Square environs to include the realignment of vehicular carriageways, alterations to traffic and parking layouts, pedestrian crossing facilities, expansion of the plaza surrounding the Big Tom statue, upgrading and widening of footpaths, landscaping works, public lighting works and new street furniture.
  • All associated site works.


In accordance with Article 81(2)(ca) and 120(1B)(b)(i) of the above-mentioned regulations, Monaghan County Council, as the competent authority, has concluded from a Screening Determination, which is based on an examination of the nature, size and location of the proposed development, that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development, and as such has determined that an Environmental Impact Assessment is not required. This Screening Determination is available for inspection, and at any time before the expiration of 4 weeks from the date of publication of this notice, any person may apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.


In accordance with Article 250(1)(ca) of the above-mentioned regulations, Monaghan County Council, as the competent authority, has concluded from a Screening Determination, which is based on an assessment of best scientific knowledge, that the proposed development, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects, is not likely to have a significant effect on a European site,

and as such has determined that an Appropriate Assessment is not required. This Screening Determination is available for inspection, and any person may apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effect on a European site.


Plans and particulars of the proposed development may be inspected or purchased, at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the offices of Monaghan County Council, Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan H18 X982 and Carrickmacross-Castleblayney Municipal District, Civic Offices, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, A81 RY22 until 5pm on 15th September 2022.


The plans and particulars of the proposed development may also be inspected online at by searching under Monaghan County Council and entering the address of the development.


Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development will be situated may be made in writing to Monaghan County Council, Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan H18 X982 before 5pm on 29th September 2022.



Signed:            Cathal Flynn,

Director of Services,

Monaghan County Council.


Date:               18th August 2022.

Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, has announced that Monaghan County Council will receive an extra €581,000 in 2022 bringing the total allocation for the County this year to almost €933,000.

Monday, 8th August 2022

Our Rural Future: Minister Humphreys doubles funding for Local Improvement Scheme to €22 million

  1. Investment to upgrade rural laneways and non-public roads
  2. Funding will improve access to rural homes & farms
  3. Over €100 million invested under Local Improvement Scheme since 2017

 The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, has today (Monday 8th August) announced that she is doubling the funding available this year for the upgrade of rural laneways and non-public roads to €22million.

The funding is being provided as part of Our Rural Future, the Government’s ambitious policy for rural development.

The announcement will see counties receive a significant increase in their allocation under the Local Improvement Scheme for 2022.

The focus of the Local Improvement Scheme is on upgrading rural laneways and non-public roads which provide access to homes, farms and outdoor amenities.

Prior to today’s announcement, each Local Authority was asked to consult with local residents and landowners and identify road and laneway projects where works could start immediately and be completed this year.


Announcing the increased funding, Minister Humphreys said:

 “The recent census results show that the population of rural Ireland is growing. This is hugely positive. As part of ‘Our Rural Future’, I want to see more people living, working and raising a family in our rural communities throughout the country.

 “The Local Improvement Scheme is about making life a little bit easier for those rural families who live on a laneway or non-public road. The scheme provides substantial grant aid for the upgrade of these routes and assists homeowners with the costs. In many cases where there are multiple homes on a lane, neighbours will work together to draw down funding under the scheme.

 “The Department of Rural and Community Development is now exactly five years old. I am proud during those five years my Department has provided over €100 million under the Local Improvement Scheme. That funding has delivered improvements on over 3,000 roads and laneways nationwide benefitting over 13,000 rural homes. The funding I am announcing today will see a further increase in those numbers with many more homeowners benefitting.

 “As Minister for Rural Development, I want to see young people building on their family land, living in the community they grew up in and seeing their children attend the local school and playing for the local GAA club – this is what our rural communities are built upon.

 “I will always fight for rural homeowners and I will continue to make the case for further increases in funding under the Local Improvement Scheme.”

 The funding provided by the Department of Rural and Community Development will be complemented by a local financial contribution from landowners/householders. There is a ceiling of €1,200 on the amount that any individual householder or landowner will be asked to contribute towards the cost.

This round of allocations is based on the level of works local authorities have indicated they can deliver under the scheme by the end of this year following engagement with local residents and landowners.

Details of the individual allocations are set out below.



Carlow €       351,880  €       592,202  €       944,082
Cavan €       371,140  €       902,317  €   1,273,457
Clare €       582,690  €       655,325  €   1,238,015
Cork €       879,099  €       419,141  €   1,298,240
Donegal €       716,560  €       994,654  €   1,711,214
Galway €       958,831  €       724,010  €   1,682,841
Kerry €       704,030  €       791,460  €   1,495,490
Kildare €       351,880  €         83,446  €       435,326
Kilkenny €       390,790  €       237,820  €       628,610
Laois €       351,880  €       508,397  €       860,277
Leitrim €       351,880  €       729,158  €   1,081,038
Limerick €       485,970  €       445,019  €       930,989
Longford €       351,880  €       114,060  €       465,940
Louth €       351,880  €         96,393  €       448,273
Mayo            €                    –  €       610,944  €       610,944
Meath €       340,500  €       228,799  €       569,299
Monaghan €       351,880  €       581,009  €       932,889
Offaly €       380,760  €       294,025  €       674,785
Roscommon €       456,990  €       114,768  €       571,758
Sligo €       358,030            €                    –  €       358,030
Tipperary €       644,070  €       481,703  €   1,125,773
Waterford €         92,910  €       494,266  €       587,176
Westmeath €       358,320  €       298,461  €       656,781
Wexford €       431,760  €       349,267  €       781,027
Wicklow €       384,390  €       253,358  €       637,748
TOTAL €  11,000,000  €  11,000,000  € 22,000,000




The Department of Rural and Community Development Press Office

01-773 6843 / 087-1734633












Note to Editors: 

The LIS was reintroduced in September 2017 and over €80 million has already been provided for works delivering improvements on over 3,000 roads which in turn benefitted over 13,000 local residents and landowners. The additional funding announced this year will bring that total to over €100 million.

You are receiving this press release / media notification as you are currently subscribed to the Department of Rural and Community Development’s media list.

If you no longer wish to receive emails of this nature from the Department you can unsubscribe by responding to this email address with the word “unsubscribe” in the

Temporary Closing of Roads – LT-81012 in the Townlands of Beagh, Monalia and Rathmore

Monaghan County Council gives notice of its intention to close the following road in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney in County Monaghan:

Date:                  Thursday 18th August 2022 to Friday 26th August 2022

To Facilitate:      Road Resurfacing Works

Roads Closed:   LT-81012 in the Townlands of Beagh, Monalia and Rathmore

Diversion Routes:

No alternative route is available

Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times

Any interested person may lodge an objection to the closing of the above-mentioned road with the Roads Department, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan not later than Tuesday 9th August 2022.  Any objections must be clearly marked on envelope “Objection To Road Closure”.

If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure please contact The Municipal District of Carrickmacross, Civic Offices, Riverside road, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan at (042) 9661236 or email

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Gareth Mc Mahon

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

4th August 2022