Environment Department,
Carrickmacross Civic Offices,
Riverside Road,
Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan.
A81 RY22

Telephone: 042 9661240




Dog Breeding Establishments


A Dog Breeding Establishment (DBE) is an establishment at which 6 or more bitches, over the age of 6 months and capable of breeding, are kept. All bitches are counted, whether they are used for breeding or not. DBE’s include dog rescue centres, boarding kennels, hunt kennels, as well as puppy farms. These establishments must register with their local authority and comply with the requirements of the Dog Breeding Establishments Act, 2010. They must display their certificate of registration in a prominent place at their establishment. Only local authority dog pounds and premises registered as greyhound breeding establishments are exempt.


Click here for form:

DBE Registration Application Form (DOC).