Environment Department,
Carrickmacross Civic Offices,
Riverside Road,
Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan.
A81 RY22

Telephone: 042 9661240




Dog Control

Monaghan County Council employs one Dog Warden and provides one Dog Pound for the county of Monaghan. The main duty of the Dog Warden is to seize and collect any dogs that appear to be stray in the county. 

The Dog Warden also investigates reports of attacks by dogs on people or livestock and carries out checks across the county to ensure that dogs are licenced and microchipped, and kept under adequate control.

The purpose of the Dog Pound is to provide a safe and secure location for the detention of stray or unwanted dogs, for their own safety and for the safety of motorists, livestock and the public, and to maintain the dogs in satisfactory conditions of welfare until they can be reclaimed by their owners, or rehomed to new owners, or transferred to Carrick Dog Shelter or Dogs Trust or, where necessary, put to sleep.