The Big Monaghan Clean Up

One of the primary goals of Monaghan County Council is to ensure a clean, safe and sustainable environment for the communities of County Monaghan. 

The Big Monaghan Clean-Up aims to support groups of any size intending to carry out a cleanup in their community or even along their roadside.  It can be one person or one hundred – it has never been easier to get involved!  

Monaghan Co. Council will provide litter pickers, bags and hi-viz vests for your Big Clean-Up.  And for those larger projects, skips are available (see guidance notes). 

If you are interested in organising a community clean-up you can download an application form here:

Big Monaghan Clean Up Application Form (DOC)

Guidance Notes (DOC)

Alternatively you can download the form from the Council’s website or contact Environmental Services, Monaghan Co. Council at or call us on 042 9661240. 

Thanks for being part of the solution! 

The Big Monaghan Clean Up