Heritage Officer,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK 1 Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 K038

Telephone: 047 73722
Email: heritage@monaghancoco.ie


Heritage Week 2022 – online registration system for events open now!

Heritage Week 2022 will take place from Saturday 13th August.  The easy online registration system for events is at www.heritageweek.ie

We encourage you to organise an event at or about your Monaghan heritage site this year.  There are lists of ideas and suggestions on the heritage week website to inspire you.  The broad theme this year is “Sustainable Heritage and Biodiversity”. Organise an Event/Project | National Heritage Week 13 – 21 August 2022

Organisers are asked to consider the following when planning their activities:

  • Sustainability: An invitation to organisers to consider how we can conserve our rich built, cultural and natural heritage and how that can contribute to developing a more sustainable future. How can we connect with the skills and traditions of the past and pass them to the next generation?
  • Biodiversity: An invitation to organisers to encourage greater appreciation of the natural world, to look at the variety of plant and animal life in their locality, and conserve native species and natural landscapes.

But you can be as broad as you like with your event theme.

There is also the facility to upload projects to the heritage week online portal – so if you have short films, slideshows or websites to share, you can do that too.

Enjoy your preparations.  The Monaghan County Council Heritage Office will supplement the Heritage Council publicity for events in August as usual.