What is Estate Management?
Estate management is ensuring that the residents of Council estates, young and old, can live their lives free from interference or nuisance, and in an attractive physical and social environment. To achieve this objective, the Council will work together with tenants to ensure that dwellings and the landscape are well presented and kept in good condition.
It also means that tenants must be responsible neighbours and respect the peace and quiet of others.
As an aid to securing this aim the Council issue every tenant with a handbook outlining their responsibilities as a tenant and the Council’s obligations as a landlord.
Good Estate Management
The Council has a particular interest in promoting good estate management practices and community empowerment. It attempts to do this by encouraging the development of Residents Groups to manage their own estates. In addition, guidance can be given to the creation of Associations in new estates. See link to Residents Committee Brochure below.
Anti Social Behaviour
Monaghan County Council is committed to the prevention of anti-social behaviour in our houses and estates and take a proactive approach to the problem
What can the Council do about Anti-Social Behaviour?
There are legal powers available to tackle significant anti social behaviour, including eviction from homes and securing excluding orders from areas against persistent offenders. Within the overall Estate Management Unit, there are officers dedicated to tenancy liaison issues and contact can be made by telephoning 047 30525.
It should be noted that, generally speaking, anonymous complaints are not investigated. All contacts are treated with the utmost confidentiality and the identity of complainants will not be divulged to third parties, except with their consent.
The Council is legally obliged to prepare an Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy for adoption by the elected members. A copy of this document is attached below.
Anti – Social Behaviour Strategy
Anti Social Behaviour Strategy (PDF)
Residents Committee Brochure (PDF)