Housing Grants Schemes For People With Disabilities / Elderly
Monaghan County Council receives an annual limited allocation to deliver the Housing Grant Schemes and wishes to advise that applications are now being accepted under the following schemes up to 31st July 2024 for works to be completed before end of the current year. Medical 1 Priority applications will be continue to be considered for funding
- Housing Adaptation Grant for People with Disabilities
- Mobility Aids Grant for People with Mobility/Disability Needs
- Housing Aid for Older People Grant (66 years or over)
To have your application fully assessed and to avoid delay please also ensure applications are completed IN FULL and that all appropriate supporting documentation (as per scheme guidelines) are attached.
(Please note: Incomplete applications form will be returned to applicant).
Application Forms and Guidelines are available to download from this page. Alternatively you may contact the Housing Grants Office by telephone on 047 30503 (Monday – Friday 9:15am – 5:15pm) or by email to mcarey@monaghancoco.ie
New Arrangements for Housing Grant Applicants
With Effect From 1st June 2016 the following changes to the Financial / Payments system of Housing Grants Schemes are now in place. Monaghan County Council must implement these changes to comply with the Department of Finance / Revenue Office Regulations.
- Payment of Grant Can only be Issued to the Applicant – there will no longer be a facility whereby payment is issued, by request of the Applicant, to the Contractor.
- All Applicants Must Submit their Bank Account Details – (IBAN No. and BIC No) All payments will be made directly into your Bank Account – No payments will be issued by cheque after 1st June 2016.
- All Applicants Must Submit A Tax Clearance Certificate – this is regardless of type of grant applied for or amount of grant sought.
Housing Adaptation Grant For People With A Disability
This grant assists people to adapt their homes to suit the needs of a person with a long term disability. The type of work the grant covers includes:
- The provision of access ramps
- Downstairs toilet facilities
- Stairlifts
- Accessible showers
- Adaptations to allow wheelchair access
- Extensions. N.B. No Extension works will be approved unless all other less costly and “fit for purpose” options have been considered and eliminated – i.e. re-assignment of existing rooms, use of technology, etc.
- Any other work that is reasonably necessary to make the house more suitable for the accommodation of the person with a disability
Monaghan County Council’s Scheme of Priorities applies.
The terms and conditions of this grant are set out in Application Form For Housing Adaptation Grants For Older People And People With A Disability (PDF)
Any questions, please call the Housing Grants Office – 047 30503
Mobility Aids Housing Grant Scheme
This grant provides assistance for works that help to overcome mobility problems. These problems are mainly, but not always, associated with aging. The type of work the grant covers includes provision of:
- Grab Rails
- Access ramps
- Level Access showers
- Stair-lifts
- Other minor works necessary to help the mobility of a member of the household
- The level of grant available is 100% of approved cost of works up to a maximum of €8,000 (Excluding VAT).
- This grant is available only to those whose income is less than €37,500 per annum. Monaghan County Council’s Scheme of Priorities applies.
The terms and conditions of this grant are set out in Application Form For Housing Adaptation Grants For Older People And People With A Disability (PDF)
Housing Aid For Older People
This grant assists older people living in poor housing conditions to have necessary repairs or improvements carried out. The type of work the grant covers includes:
- Structural repairs
- Rewiring
- Repairs to or replacement of windows and doors
- Provision of heating, water and sanitary services
- Drylining
- The qualifying age criteria is 66 years.
- The level of grant aid available is 100% of the approved cost of works up to a maximum of €10,700 (Including VAT). Households with an income in excess of €75,000 will not qualify for grant aid.
- The following reducing % grant is available on income up to €75,000.
Monaghan County Council’s Scheme of Priorities applies.
Important Note
Central Heating
There is no grant available under this scheme for upgrading an existing central heating system. These grants are available from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland at 1850 927000.
Applicants applying to carry out rewiring works, must enclose with their application, written confirmation from a Qualified Electrician, stating the condition of the existing wiring.
Roof Repairs/Replacement
Applicants applying to carry out roof repairs/replacement will be required to submit, with their application, written confirmation from their home insurance company, that such repairs are not covered under their existing insurance policy.
The terms and conditions of this grant are set out in Application Form For Housing Adaptation Grants For Older People And People With A Disability (PDF)
- The level of grant aid available is 100% of the approved cost of works up to a maximum of €40,000 (Including VAT). Households with an income in excess of €75,000 will not qualify for grant aid.
- The following reducing % grant is available on income up to €75,000.
If you wish to apply for any of these schemes, please ensure you submit your application as soon as possible in order to have it fully assessed and considered. No grant will be awarded if work is already commenced or completed before grant approval is given.
Please also ensure applications are completed in full and that all requested information is submitted with the application. No applications will be processed until all information is received.
You may contact the Housing Grants Office by telephone on 047 30503 (Monday – Friday 9:15am – 5:15pm) or in person at the Housing Office, County Council Offices, Glen Road, Monaghan, between the hours of 10:00am and 12:00noon (Monday – Friday).