Housing Assistance Payment

HAP is a form of social housing support which means that local authorities can provide housing assistance for households who qualify for social housing support, including many long-term Rent Supplement recipients. Persons applying for HAP must be a qualified housing applicant(s) before they can apply for HAP.

If you are eligible as an approved housing applicant, you must find your own private rented accommodation (within specific rent caps). The Local Authority will pay the landlord directly and the tenant will pay a rent to the local authority based on the differential rent scheme.  The rent will be based on your weekly household income and works in the same way to the differential rents charged for local authority houses.

See www.hap.ie or the Tenant and Landlord booklets below for more detailed information.

General Information 


How to apply for HAP online

Applicants for HAP must be on Monaghan County Council’s Housing waiting list before they can complete the online application form – a valid Social Housing number is required for the application.

Contact details

If you have any queries in relation to the HAP Scheme please contact the HAP Unit, Monaghan County Council on 047 30552 or email hap@monaghancoco.ie