Local Authority Home Loan
The Local Authority Home Loan (LAHL) is available for people who are unable to obtain sufficient funding from commercial banks to purchase or build a home. The loan can be used both for new and second-hand properties, or to self-build. Full details of the Local Authority Home Loan, including eligibility criteria, can be found at http://localauthorityhomeloan.ie
How to apply:
Applicants must complete a Local Authority Home Loan application form which is available for download here and return it to:
- Housing Section of Monaghan County Council, The Glen, Monaghan, Telephone 047 30527.
- Help Desk at 051 349720.
- www.localauthorityhomeloan.ie
Local Authority Purchase & Renovation Loan (LAPR)
The Local Authority Purchase and Renovation Loan is a Government backed mortgage and loan for the purchase and renovation of derelict and non-habitable homes. The property must be eligible for the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant, whether derelict, non-habitable or simply vacant.
How to apply
Application forms are available on the ‘How do I apply’ section on the following link and should be returned along with all the relevant back up and required additional documentation to the Loans & Grants Section of Monaghan County Council