Housing Department
Monaghan County Council,
The Glen, Monaghan,
Co Monaghan.
H18 YT50

Telephone: (047) 30500

Email: Housing@monaghancoco.ie

Speak to housing in person.
Opening hours:

Appointments can be arranged for meeting outside of these times.

Transfer or Move to another Council house

If you have been a tenant of Monaghan County Council for 2 years, and satisfy other defined criteria, you can apply to be considered for a transfer to other social housing dwellings by completing the Transfer Application form.

Download the Application Form Below:

Housing Transfer Application Form (PDF)

Grounds for requesting a transfer:-

  • Overcrowding
  • Downsizing
  • Medical reasons
  • Compassionate reasons​​

To be considered eligible you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Hold tenancy in their present dwelling for a period of at least two years.
  2. A clear rent account for at least six months.
  3. All service and other charges paid up to date.
  4. Kept their dwelling in satisfactory condition.
  5. Complied with all conditions of their Letting Agreement.
  6. Have no record of anti -social behaviour.