New or imported vehicle
Documentation required to tax a new or imported vehicle:
- Completed RF100 form (available from garage if new, or Revenue Commissioners if imported).
- Form must be fully completed and signed, ensuring insurance details are entered.
- Appropriate Fee – Private Car rates.
Renew motor tax
Documentation required to renew motor tax:
- Reminder Renewal form RF100B. Form must be fully completed and signed
- Motor Tax Renewal Form RF100A.
- when the vehicle has an arrears period
- when a change of ownership has taken place
- When the RF100B has been mislaid or lost
- Appropriate Fee – Private Car rates.
Renew tax where a Change of Particulars (RF111) is necessary
Documentation required to renew tax where a change of particulars is necessary(e.g. change of address, change of class, change of engine etc):
- Completed Declaration Form RF111
- Registration Book/Vehicle Licensing Certificate or Registration Certificate
- Appropriate Fee – Private Car rates