The Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport has announced funding for the repair and upgrade of local or regional public roads under The Community Involvement scheme (CIS).
Community Involvement Schemes (CIS) are joint ventures between the community and Monaghan County Council, aimed at improving the quality of public roads which need repair.
It allows local authorities and local communities to tackle necessary works on less trafficked roads, including Local Tertiary cul-de-sac roads in need of repair, thus allowing local authorities to fund a more diverse range of local roads, maintaining local connectivity and contributing to local community enterprise.
In the normal course of Monaghan County Council’s road works programme, repairs to minor county roads would only be considered towards the end of the programme after more heavily trafficked routes had been dealt with and the purpose of the Community Involvement Scheme is to facilitate local participation in the repair of these minor roads so as to allow improvements to be made sooner than might otherwise be possible.
The Community Involvement Scheme will allow a wide range of works to be undertaken on local roads. The proposed works include general works such as providing hard standing material at field entrances or removal of banks at the edge of a road, drainage works, road surface strengthening and repair works, the repair and construction of footways, the improvement of sight lines, the easing of bends and the provision of passing bays.
Applications are being invited from the community and the application form can be downloaded here:
or alternatively please contact or call 047 30570 if you require a hardcopy to be issued via post.
Completed application forms are to be submitted to the Roads Section, Monaghan County Council, M- TEK II, Armagh Road, Monaghan, H18 YH59 or alternatively a scanned signed copy will be accepted via email to .
Please note 10% contribution from the public is required towards the total cost of the works and this is payable prior to the works commencing.