In the Programme for Government published in June 2020 there was significant and ambitious targets for the development of walking and cycling schemes.  As part of that overall Programme, €75 million was made available to the National Transport Authority (NTA) for the funding of walking and cycling projects in local authorities.

Monaghan were successful in securing an allocation which allowed for the establishment of our Active Travel Unit in 2021. We received an allocation of 2.5million in 2022 and 3million in 2023 for Active Travel infrastructure and improvements right across the County. Monaghan County Council is committed to working with the National Transport Authority to provide sustainable transport solutions and promote Active Travel in the County.

What is Active Travel?

Active Travel is making a journey by walking, cycling or similar sustainable modes of transport. It means travelling with a purpose, using your own energy.

Why choose Active Travel?

Health Benefits

Active Travel is an easy and accessible way for people to build physical activity into their daily lives.


By walking or cycling, you will arrive at your destination quickly and in an affordable manner.

Environmental Benefits

Walking or cycling helps reduce the impact of carbon emissions on our climate and reduce greenhouse gases.

Map of Monaghan Town Greenway

Mon Co Co Ulster Canal Greenway Map

Click here to download the Monaghan Town Greenway Map PDF >>

Monaghan Town Greenway Leaflet Cover

Heather Humphreys TD and Minister for Rural and Community Development officially launched the upgrade works completed on Monaghan Town Greenway on Friday 5th May 2023. These improvements included the complete resurfacing of the 4.5km of route which runs right through the centre of Monaghan Town along with draining works, lighting, landscaping and fencing.

To highlight the significant upgrade works completed on Monaghan Town Greenway a new map has been produced and details the various points of interest along the 4.5km route.

Download Monaghan Town Greenway Leaflet PDF >>

2023 Allocation List

Project Name Project Description 2023 Allocation
Upgrade of Monaghan Town Greenway Upgrade of the existing Greenway to include Public Lighting, Landscaping, Fencing, Surfacing & Drainage €485,000
Monaghan Town  Greenway along N2 Construction of an urban greenway along the length of the N2, Monaghan Town Bypass. Provision of links to the existing Ulster Canal Greenway and to the Annahagh Industrial Area. €75,000
Carrickmacross – Castleblaney Rd Active Travel Scheme Construction of a combined cycle and pedestrian path to provide enhanced connectivity to town centre from  key amenities. €35,500
Monaghan Town Horseshoe Bridge Active Travel Measures Detailed design of pedestrian bridges at Horseshoe bridge  to provide safe pedestrian connections to the large residential areas. €90,000
Monaghan Town Ballyalbany Bridge Active Travel Measures Detailed design of pedestrian bridges at Ballyalbany  to provide safe pedestrian connections to the large residential areas. €90,000
Monaghan Town Rooskey Lands Active Travel Links Active Travel links and permeable access routes to the town centre for sustainable travel from Rooskey Lands area €115,000
Low Cost Junction Tightening/Pedestrian Crossing Schemes 3 locations identified in the County. Measures introduced will include junction tightening, Ped crossing etc. €50,000
Light Segregation Cycle Schemes This project will enhance the safety of our existing cycleway and footpath network in Castleblayney by providing a solution to ensure segregation of vehicular traffic and vulnerable road users. €90,000
Clones Peace Link Active Travel Scheme The upgrade will consist of new widened footpaths either side of the existing road, resulting in the acquisition of lands opposite St Tiarnach’s GAA Park, along with the construction of a new retaining wall and the demolition of an existing residential dwelling. €75,000
Lough Egish Village Full junction realignment, obtain Part 8 Planning, land agreements, site clearance, installation of uncontrolled pedestrian crossing and completion of the connection between the two footpaths. €225,000
Monaghan Town Local Transport Plan Area Based Transport Plans (ABTA’s)  for Monaghan Town €60,000
Staff Costs Salaries & Staff costs €275,000
LS – 5450 Clontibret Village Footpath Footpath to improve safety and connectivity in Clontibret village €62,000
SRTS  St Louis GNS & St Louis Infant School – Monaghan R1 School selected to progress with SRTS funding. Delivery plan received from An Taisce with recommendations for front of school treatments which will enhance access to school grounds for walking and cycling. €50,000
SRTS St Marys Boys NS R2 School selected to progress with SRTS funding. €10,000
SRTS Beech Hill College Tirkeenan R2 School selected to progress with SRTS funding. €10,000
SRTS St Tiarnach’s Primary School, Clones R2 School selected to progress with SRTS funding. €10,000
Urban Mobility/Sustainability Active Travel Plans for; Castleblayney, Ballybay, Clones, & Carrickmacross Mobility/ Sustainability Plans for 4 urban areas €65,000
Ulster Canal Greenway Link (Macartan Road) Improve connectivity from Old Cross Sq on Ulster Canal Greenway to Mall Road €187,191
Woodview to Glen Road connectivity – Monaghan Town Upgrade of existing footpath to remove the existing steps and make accessible for venerable pedestrians to Monaghan Town Centre. €12,000
Monaghan Town to Coolshanagh Rdbt Active Travel Scheme Provide a safe pedestrian footpath/cycling path including public lighting from the existing Monaghan Town Greenway, along Coolshannagh Road (N54), Tullyhirm Lane and into town centre to include Glaslough Street & North Road. €96,309
Ballybay Footpath – R162 Monaghan Road Provide a continuous footpath from the town out to the factory which will involve linking two sections of incomplete footpaths and providing public lighting for a distance of 185m. €57,000
Clones – Cannons Lane Footpath Works are to include for the widening of the lane and the provision of public lighting from the junction of the LP2800 and LP2110 a distance of circa 480m. €56,000
Clones – Tirnahinch Road Footpath The works will involve the installation of a 1.8m wide footpath and installation of public lighting for a distance of 580m. Additional lands need to be acquired from landowners. €323,000
Smithboro – Magherarney Footpath The project includes the provision of a 1.8m wide footpath and lighting along the LT21501 link road, to improve road safety and access to the village for local residents. €68,000
Scotshouse Village Active Travel A link footpath from village to housing estate , school and community park €43,000
Carrickmacross R178/Oriel Road Active Travel Scheme Dedicated cycling paths and upgraded pedestrian facilities €75,000
Carrickmacross – Lurgans Active Travel Scheme Installation of a new footpath to connect housing developments to near by town centre €155,000
Inniskeen Village Active Travel Detailed design of dedicated pedestrian facilites at River Fane bridge crossing in Inniskeen Village. Installation of pedestrian crossing at Inniskeen Church €45,000
Monaghan Town Cootehill Road Active Travel Measures Rapid build active travel facilities for reallocation of road space €10,000
Monaghan Totals   3,000,000

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