Roads & Transportation,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK II Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 YH59

Telephone: 047 30597

Roads Works Speed Limit Order – Between the townlands of Lislanly and Tullyvin

Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Road Traffic Act 2004, Section 10 (1) of the Council’s intention to put in place Special Speed Limits for Road Works on the road listed below. The speed limits are being put in place in the interest of road safety to facilitate road works.

60km/h Speed limit signs will be in place at the following location: Townlands Start Date End Date
N2 Castleblayney Bypass, between the Lislanly roundabout and the Tullyvin roundabout for a distance of 5800m, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan. Between the townlands of Lislanly and Tullyvin 08/08/2022 14/10/2022


A/Senior Engineer, Roads and Transportation

4th August 2022