Roads & Transportation,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK II Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 YH59

Telephone: 047 30597

Temporary Closing of Roads – Roads Closed: National Secondary Road N54, from the townland of Clonavarne to Clones.

Monaghan County Council gives notice to extend the following road closure in the Municipal Districts of Monaghan and Ballybay-Clones in County Monaghan:


Dates of Closure:             Monday 17th October to Friday 21st October 2022 inclusive          

 To Facilitate:                      Road Pavement Rehabilitation Works

 Roads Closed:                    National Secondary Road N54, from the townland of Clonavarne to Clones.


Diversion Route:              Eastbound Diversion- In Clones, travel south along O’Duffy Street (R183), then continue travelling east along the R183 to Newbliss, take the R189 from Newbliss and continue through Three Mile House & Kiltubrid to the R189/N54 junction at Clonavarne. End of detour.

Westbound Diversion- Above route in reverse.

Diversions will be in place for the duration of the closure.

Every effort will be made to minimise delays.


This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)


Gareth McMahon

A/Director of Services

Transport, Community and Rural Development

13th October 2022