Roads & Transportation,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK II Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 YH59

Telephone: 047 30597

3.5t Bridge Weight Restriction Notification

Under Section 93 of the Road Traffic Act 1961 as amended and the Road Traffic Signs Regulations 1997, No. S.I. 182 of 1997 article
17, Monaghan County Council hereby gives notice of applying a 3.5t Weight Restriction at the bridge identified as MN-L6310-
B-020 in the Townlands of Mullymagaraghan and Corduff on the L-6310 road in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones in
County Monaghan.

Date of commencement of the proposed Weight Restriction: Thursday, 3rd of November 2022, until such time as further notification is provided and the RUS 053, 3.5t Regulatory signs are removed from the bridge location.

Bridge Location: L-6310-0 in the Townlands of Mullymagaraghan and Corduff Co. Monaghan

If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure, please contact the Roads Section, Mtek 2, Knockaconny, Monaghan, at 047 30597 or email This notice complies with the Roads Act 1961 as amended (Section 93)

Signed: Gareth McMahon, A/Director of Services
Transport, Community and Rural Development
3rd November 2022