Roads & Transportation,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK II Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 YH59

Telephone: 047 30597

Temporary Closing of Roads – To Facilitate: Road Pavement Rehabilitation Works

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Monaghan in County Monaghan.

Dates of Closure:            06/11/2023 to 24/11/2023 Monday to Friday                                              

Roads Closed:                 R162 Glen Road from its junction with the L1412 Mall Road to the N54 Traffic Lights and the N54 Dawsons Street from its junction with the R867 (Dinkins) to the N54 Traffic Lights.

Times:                               8.00pm – 6.00am

To  Facilitate:                   Road Pavement Rehabilitation Works

Diversion Routes:

Northbound Diversion (for Monaghan Town) – Traffic will be diverted at Swanns Cross R188/R183 Roundabout for Newbliss R183. In Newbliss turn right onto the R189 for Threemilehouse/Monaghan. At the R189/N54 Junction turn right for Monaghan Town Centre. At the Margaret Skinnader Roundabout take the first exit onto R867 Park Street. Keep Right at the Market House and rejoin the N54.

Southbound Traffic (for Cootehill/Ballybay) approaching from Monaghan Town Centre – Take the R867 opposite the Courthouse onto the N54 North Road, Stay on the North road and follow the signs for N2 Derry/N12 Armagh at the Peugeot Garage. At Coolshannagh Roundabout take the 2nd Exit for Dublin. At the Corlat roundabout take the 2nd exit for N54 Town Centre. Turn left onto the L1412 Mall Road, (just before Old Cross Square Roundabout). At the end of the L1412 Mall Road turn left onto the R162 Cootehill/Ballybay road.

Southbound Traffic (for Cootehill/Ballybay) approaching from N2 Emyvale – At Coolshannagh Roundabout take the 2nd Exit for Dublin. At the Corlat roundabout take the 2nd exit for N54 Town Centre. Turn left onto the L1412 Mall Road, (just before Old Cross Square Roundabout). At the end of the L1412 Mall Road turn left onto the R162 Cootehill/Ballybay road.

Southbound Traffic (for Cootehill/Ballybay) approaching from N54 Dublin Street/ Old Cross Square – At the Old Cross Square Roundabout take the N2 Dublin Exit off the roundabout and then turn right immediately onto L1412 Mall Road. At the end of the L1412 Mall Road turn left onto the R162 Cootehill/Ballybay road.

Diversions will be in place for the duration of the closure.

Every effort will be made to minimise delays.



This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75) 

Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer,

Roads and Transportation

26th October 2023