Roads & Transportation,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK II Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 YH59

Telephone: 047 30597

Temporary Closing of Roads – To Facilitate: Windfarm Construction works

Monaghan County Council gives notice to extend the following road closure in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones in County Monaghan:

Date:                    From 23rd  December 2023 to 23rd March 2024 (24 hr closure)

To Facilitate:     Windfarm Construction works

Roads Closed:    LT-62013 for its full length from its junction with the LS6210 & LT62013


Diversion Route:

Traffic wishing to travel from the R-189 to the L-6201 shall be diverted from the junction of the L-6210/L-62013 in the Townland of Cornawall by remaining on the L-6210, then turning left on to the L-6201.

Traffic wishing to travel from the Townland of Drumgramph to the R-189 in the Townland of Doohat shall be diverted onto the L-6201, then turning left onto the L-2232, then turning left onto the L-2290 and continuing to the R-189.


This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

21st December 2023