Roads & Transportation,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK II Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 YH59

Telephone: 047 30597

Important Notice to all road users in relation to the commencement of construction works on the Glen Road R162 Monaghan Town

Monaghan County Council would like to inform all road users that construction works involving the installation of a new culvert structure across the Glen Road (R162) in the vicinity of the old McNally’s yard carpark will commence on the 15th of January. The proposed works will last approximately four months and will involve temporary diversions of traffic and pedestrian routes.

Due to the nature of the proposed work, traffic disruptions and delays are expected. Monaghan County Council apologies in advance for any traffic delays and disruption caused during this period and will endeavour to limit the disruption to the minimum required.

Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

11th January 2024