Roads & Transportation,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK II Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 YH59

Telephone: 047 30597

Municipal District of Monaghan – Road Works Speed Limit Order

Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Road Traffic Act 2004 Section 10 (1) of the Council’s intention to put in place Special Speed Limits for Road Works on the roads listed below in the Municipal District of Monaghan. The speed limits are being put in place in the interest of road safety to facilitate roadworks.                               

50km/h speed limit signs will be in place at the following locations in the Municipal District of Monaghan Townland Name Start Date End Date
R-186-3: For a distance of 1900m between its junction with the LP-1171 at Tydavnet Village to the Junction of the R-186-3 and LP-1152 at Tullylone. Tydavnet Village – Tullylone 04/03/2024 31/10/2024
R-213-1: For a distance of 1200m from its junction with the N12 at Killeef to the Junction of the LP-1402 at Killyneill. Killeef – Killyneill 04/03/2024 31/10/2024
R-162: For a distance of 11000m from its junction with the LP-1500 at Tamlat to its junction with the R-184-3 at Corfad. Tamlat – Corfad 04/03/2024 31/10/2024
R-214: For a distance of 4100m from its junction with the N2 at Castleshane Demesne to the NI border at the B3 Fergort Road. Castleshane Demesne – NI Border 04/03/2024 31/10/2024
LP-1412:  For a distance of 569m, between its junction with the R-937 at Old Cross Square and the junction with the R-162-1 (Glen Road). Old Cross Square – Glen Road 04/03/2024 31/10/2024
LP-2000: For a distance of 1482m between its junction with the LP-2010 Scotstown Village and its junction with the LP-1012 Drumdesco. Scotstown Village – Drumdesco 04/03/2024 31/10/2024
LT-50502: For a distance of 850m between its junction with the R-186-2 Cloghernagh and its junction with the R-186-2 at Cloghernagh. Cloghernagh 04/03/2024 31/10/2024
LT-52102: For a distance of 748m between its junction with the LS-5210 at Drumcondra to the end of the road at Mullananallog. Drumcondra – Mullananallog 04/03/2024 31/10/2024
LT-14021: For a distance of 940m, between its junction with the LT-14201 at Tullylish and its junction with the LP-1402 at Mullaghmore. Tullylish – Mullaghmore 04/03/2024 31/10/2024
LT-54516: For a distance of 1432m, between its junction with the N2 at Moy Etra and its junction with the  LP-3445 at Moy Otra. Moy Etra – Moy Otra 04/03/2024 31/10/2024



Gareth McMahon

A/Director of Services

Transport, Community and Rural Development

15th of February 2024