Roads & Transportation,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK II Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 YH59

Telephone: 047 30597

Emergency Temporary Closing Of Roads

Monaghan County Council hereby gives notice of Emergency Closure in accordance with Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993 & Article 12 of the Roads Regulations 1994 that it will close the following roads throughout County Monaghan

Date:                    Week Commencing 29th April for a four week period (roads will be closed for short periods at a time from 29th April to 31st May 2024)

To Facilitate:      Pothole and patch repairs on local roads

Roads to receive patch repair treatment:


(Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times). 

If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure, please contact the Roads Section, Mtek 2, Knockaconny, Monaghan, at 047 30597, email



This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

2nd May 2024