Temporary Closing Of Roads – L-5500 in the townlands of Cordevlis, Castleshane and Aghnaglogh.

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Monaghan in County Monaghan:

Date of Closure:               Monday 4th September 2023 to Friday 15th September 2023

To Facilitate:                     Bridge Rehabilitation Works

Road Closed:                     L-5500 in the townlands of Cordevlis, Castleshane and Aghnaglogh.

Diversion Routes:

Traffic wishing to travel on the L-5500 from the N2 southbound will be diverted by remaining on the N2, then turning right onto the L-1510, then continuing on the L-3330, then turning right on to the L-3301, then turning right onto the L-1501, then turning right on to the L-5501 and continuing to the L-5500.

Traffic wishing to travel on the L-5500 from the N2 northbound will be diverted by remaining on the N2, then turning left onto the L-5520, then turning left onto the L-1501,  then turning left onto the L-5501 and continuing to the L-5500.

Traffic wishing to travel from the L-55002 along the L-5500 to the N2 southbound will be diverted by turning left onto the L-5501, then turning left on the L-1501, then turning left on to the L-3301, then turning left onto the L-3330, then continuing on the L-1510 to the N2.

Traffic wishing to travel from the L-55002 along the L-5500 to the N2 northbound will be diverted by turning left onto the L-5501, then turning right onto the L-1501, then turning right on to the L-5520 and continuing to the N2

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access will be catered for. No through road will be available at the bridge works).


Any interested person may lodge an objection in writing to the closing of the above-

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75).

Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

24th August 2023