Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following roads in the Municipal District of Clones – Ballybay in County Monaghan:
Date of Closure: Sunday 16th March 2025
Times: (i) 18:30hrs to 21:00hrs and (ii) 19:00hrs to 21:00hrs
To Facilitate: Clones Saint Patrick’s Eve Parade 2025
Roads Closed: (i) 18:30hrs to 21:00hrs.
- R212 McCurtain Street between N54 and L2821 Ball Alley Street.
- R183 Analore Street between R212 McCurtain Street and L2820 Abbey Street.
- R868 Fermanagh Street between R183 98th Avenue and N54.
- N54 Cara Street between L2821 Ball Alley Street and R868 Fermanagh Street.
- N54 Monaghan Street between R868 Fermanagh Street and crossroads of N54 with R183 O’ Duffy Street and R183 98th Avenue.
Roads Closed: (ii) 19:00hrs to 21:00hrs.
- L2800 Lower Fermanagh Street, L2800 Church Hill and L2800 Millbrook Upper between R183 98th Avenue and junction of L2800 Millbrook Upper with L2100 Lacky Road.
Diversion Routes:
N54 Eastbound traffic will be diverted via U9143 Clonfad Road, A34 Clones Road, R183 Newtownbutler Road and R183 98th Avenue.
N54 Westbound traffic will be diverted via R183 O’ Duffy Street, R183 Analore Street, L2820 Abbey Street and L2821 Ball Alley Street.
All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).
If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure, please contact the Clones Municipal District, The Diamond, Clones, Co. Monaghan, H23 TK37 at (047) 51018 or email
This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)
Kevin West
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
27th February 2025