Roads & Transportation,
Monaghan County Council,
M-TEK II Building,
Armagh Road,
H18 YH59

Telephone: 047 30597

Road Safety


Welcome to the Road Safety section of Monaghan County Council’s website. This section contains information on road safety issues and useful links to information on road safety.

Road Safety Officer

The main role of the Road Safety Officer is to raise awareness and educate the public on road safety matters.

View driving test pass rates, penalty point  statistics, statistics on road deaths and injuries and more HERE.


County Monaghan Road Safety Plan 2023 – 2024

The County Monaghan Road Safety Plan 2023 to 2024 is the first of three action plans covering the period 2023 to 2030. The purpose of which is to co-ordinate a multi-agency road safety policy and implementation at county level.

The actions which are based on the principles of the ‘Safe System Approach’ place an emphasis on the shared responsibility amongst those who design, build, manage and use the roads and vehicles to prevent or reduce collision impacts, and those who provide post-crash response to mitigate injury.

Through the implementation of the plan, we will strive to reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on County Monaghan roads.

A copy of the plan is available HERE:  Monaghan Road Safety Plan 2023 – 2024 (PDF)


RSA Check it Fits Service

RSA experts will check child car seats and restraints free of charge at various locations across Ireland. They will fix any incorrectly fitted seats and restraints, show parents how to do it themselves and answer any queries they have. It only takes a few minutes, no appointment is necessary and it is open to all makes and models of cars and child car seats. To see when Check it Fits is next visiting County Monaghan click HERE.


Junior Road Safety Officer

The Junior Road Safety Officer scheme is an effective and popular way to get serious road safety messages across to children and provides an opportunity to develop their communication skills. Fifth and Six Class pupils have the opportunity to deliver important road safety messages to the entire school community in a fun and innovative way.

The activity pack to help them get started is available here (PDF) and the Teachers Handbook is available here (PDF)


Rules of the Road

The Rules of the Road is published by the Road Safety Authority and printed copies are available through all good bookshops. 

You can also view and download them for free HERE

All road users, Motorists, Cyclists and Pedestrians have a part to play in making our roads safer. We can all help to make Monaghan’s road safer by treating each other courteously, obeying the rules of the road and by remaining alert at all times while using the road.


Road Safety Educational Resources

There is now a full set of resources approved at a national level for delivery in preschool, primary and post-primary schools as well as approved programmes for use in third level, workplace and in community settings. An outline of these teaching resources and further information can be obtained from the RSA website.


Co Monaghan Speed Limit Bye Laws and Signage Policy