Arts Office,
Market House,
Co. Monaghan.
H18 R268

Telephone: (047) 38162

Fax: (047) 71118


X: @artsinmonaghan

Arts Partners Grant Scheme

Arts Partners Grants Scheme is set up to allocate direct grant assistance to Arts venues, arts organisations & arts festivals deemed to be of strategic importance to the arts environment within the county.

‘Monaghan Co. Council, in conjunction with the Arts Council, is committed to developing a sustainable network of arts organisations, companies, festivals and venues, presenting and promoting professional arts work so that the public can enjoy a wide range of excellent arts experiences both as audiences and engaged participants.’ MCC Arts Policy 2016-2020.
‘In order to assist them in developing good practice in audience development and public engagement and to encourage arts organisations to commission new work, to experiment with co-productions and to engage directly with artists in the development of their annual programmes and to ensure that investment is strategic and sustainable. MCC Arts Policy.

You can download an application form on or have one emailed to you by request to or by simply calling 047 38162 to have an application form posted to you.   Arts Partners Form 2017.doc

Is Féidir leat an t-iarratas a líonadh amach trí ghaeilge mas fearr leat.

The Arts Office,
Monaghan County Council,
The Market House,
Monaghan Town .

Closing date Thursday 02 March 2017 at 5pm