HSE online advance booking system for COVID-19 tests in Cavan and Monaghan

The HSE has extended its new online advance booking system for COVID-19 tests to Cavan and Monaghan.

From today, Friday, June 11th, people living in Cavan and Monaghan will be able to log on to the online system and book their COVID-19 test up to 24 hours in advance.

The online advance booking system for COVID-19 tests will facilitate bookings for the test centres at:

Cavan – COVID-19 Community Testing Centre, Castlesaunderson, Belturbet, Co. Cavan. H14 FP83

Monaghan – Monaghan GAA Centre COVID-19 Community Test Centre, Cloghan, Monaghan. A75 VE84

HSE Public Health Department North East and Community Healthcare Organisation (CHO) Area 1 are working together to deliver this testing programme.

Dr Augustine Pereira, Director of Public Health North East, said: “The online advance booking system will help make COVID-19 testing more available and accessible, and those seeking a COVID-19 test can choose to book your COVID-19 test online and schedule it at a time that suits you.”

“Testing is crucial to prevent and control outbreaks and it’s possible to be positive with COVID-19 but not be aware of it. By taking a COVID-19 test when you don’t have symptoms, you will help to stop the spread of the virus, protect other people and save lives.”

Those with symptoms and those who require medical advice should continue to contact their GP.

Dr Pereira added: “The HSE opened walk-in test centres in a number of locations across the North East when we were concerned about the increase in cases in some areas and now walk-in testing is available at all of our COVID-19 test centres in the region. The online booking portal being launched today makes it possible for anyone to register in advance and minimise the time delay at a testing centre if you walk in. Your support and commitment is vital in ensuring that we suppress the spread of this virus among families and the community.”

John Hayes, Chief Officer, Community Healthcare Organisation (CHO) Area 1 said:
“The rationale for the online referral portal is to encourage people to come forward for testing.
We will continue to monitor the demand for COVID-19 testing via walk-in, the online system and GP referral once that resumes, and close contact test referrals. We can adjust the availability of testing at individual testing centres as demand requires.”

“The development of this online booking system will help minimise the numbers of people queuing in centres for a test at any given time,” he added.

COVID-19 testing can be booked through the online advance booking system here

Imagine accelerates investment and rollout of high-speed broadband in Co. Monaghan

Over 17,100 Premises in Co. Monaghan now have access to Imagine Next Generation Broadband

5G Fixed Broadband solving the problem of poor broadband in rural Ireland with over 40,000 now using Imagine’s service

 “With homes and businesses across rural Ireland struggling with poor broadband access,  Next Generation broadband is now essential to enable remote working and the rejuvenation of rural communities”.

Over 17,100 homes and businesses across Co. Monaghan now have access to Imagine’s 5G Fixed Broadband service as the company continues the expansion of its network across regional and  rural Ireland. This includes 8,679 premises designated as ‘Amber’ or having inadequate access to high speed, high capacity broadband, under the National Broadband Plan (NBP).

Imagine is announcing the acceleration of the rollout of its network across regional and rural Ireland to meet the shift in demand and usage driven by changing working and living patterns which have been an impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The increasing numbers of people online is driving a significant increase in average internet data usage and while Next Generation Imagine 5G Fixed, Full Fibre Cable customers are benefitting from significantly higher usage, the majority of customers outside of the main cities, still dependent on legacy copper and mobile broadband, have been left struggling.

Imagine will continue to extend coverage and address local broadband blackspots working closely with stakeholders including local enterprises, broadband officers, elected representatives and community organisations to identify areas of specific need. Homes and businesses can check if they are within coverage online at www.imagine.ie simply by checking their eircode.

According to Imagine over 40,000 customers are already using its service across rural Ireland with an additional 55,000 having applied for the service driving the acceleration of the rollout of the network.

Commenting, the Minister for Rural Development Heather Humphries TD said “I am delighted with Imagines’ plans for rolling out high-speed broadband across rural Ireland. Now more than ever, broadband is an essential service that families, farms and business cannot afford to live without. From speaking with my constituents, I understand Imagine’s service to be robust, reliable and most importantly, fast.”

Commenting Sean Bolger, CEO of Imagine, said; 

“With homes and businesses across regional and rural Ireland struggling with poor broadband access to Next Generation, high speed, broadband is now essential to enable enhanced remote working, a better quality of life and the rejuvenation of rural communities.

“The  recent ‘National Remote Working Survey’* revealed that 95% of employees favour continued remote working and with businesses, farms, schools and families across the country struggling to access basic on-line services,  without access to high-speed broadband, we are unlikely to be able attract people to rural areas looking for a better quality of life. 

Digital and remote working hubs are welcome additions as workspaces and centres which will facilitate collaborative working, however they are no substitute to high-speed  high-capacity broadband connectivity to businesses and homes.”  

Welcoming the announcement John McArdle, County Broadband Officer, Monaghan Co.Council said “Imagine have been expanding their reach into County Monaghan for several years now and Monaghan County Council has been working very productively them during that time. In this regard, Imagine has become one of our key partners for delivering telecommunications services, offering high speed broadband to a myriad of users and businesses within County Monaghan.”

Local Authority Pollinator Award

Tidy Towns groups are encouraged to create a buzz in their community and enter the Local Authority Pollinator Award in the national Tidy Towns competition. The award, with a €10,000 prize fund, encourages Tidy Towns groups to implement pollinator-friendly actions as part of the Tidy Towns competition. There is also a new ‘Best Newcomer Award’ in 2021, with a prize of €1,000.

The Local Authority Pollinator Award supports the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan and is sponsored by the Heritage Offices & Biodiversity Offices of Local Authorities across Ireland, in partnership with the National Biodiversity Data Centre.

The closing date is July 23rd 2021. For more details, contact your Local Authority Heritage or Biodiversity Officer.

For more information and to enter visit: pollinators.ie

Watch Tidy Towns Local Authority Pollinator Award 2021 video on YouTube here.


Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID (SBASC) open for applications from both SMEs & Microenterprises

Covid 19 Business Supports

The expanded Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID is now closed.

Phase 2 of this scheme has been expanded to include those that had previously been ineligible.

Businesses working from non-rateable premises are now eligible to apply and if they meet the other eligibility criteria will receive a grant of €4,000.

Businesses with a turnover between €20,000 and €49,999 are also now eligible to apply if they meet the other eligibility criteria and will receive a grant of €1,000.

SBASC gives grants to businesses who are not eligible for the Government’s COVID Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS), the Fáilte Ireland Business Continuity grant or other direct sectoral grant schemes. This scheme aims to help businesses with their fixed costs, for example, rent, utility bills, security.

If you have received Phase 1 of SBASC you can apply for Phase 2 if you continue to meet the eligibility requirements.

Details of Phase 2 of SBASC:

  • The scheme is available for businesses that do not qualify for CRSS, MEBAS, Fáilte Ireland Schemes or other sector schemes designed to assist with fixed costs
  • the scheme is available to companies, self-employed, sole traders or partnerships;
  • the business is not owned and operated by a public body;
  • the business is not eligible or availed of CRSS, Fáilte Ireland Business Continuity Scheme, MEBAS or other sectoral schemes. The details of these schemes are set out on the application form and FAQs.
  • the business operates from a building, including working from home, or similar fixed physical structure such as a yard or a street trading pitch for which rates are payable or in a co-working hub or a rented fixed desk.   This does not include businesses carried on from motor vehicles, such as PSVs or construction trades;
  • the business must have a current eTax Clearance Certificate from the Revenue Commissioners;


Business Turnover criteria

  • the turnover of the business over the claim period 1st April to 30th June 2021  is estimated to be no more than 25% of the:
    • average weekly turnover of the business in 2019; or
    • the projected average weekly turnover of the business in 2020, for businesses that commenced after 1st November 2019, and the financial statements as of end of 2019 should be uploaded with the application;
  • the business intends to resume trading in full once Government COVID-19 restrictions are eased.
  • the business was in existence and trading prior to 1st January 2021 and can provide evidence of same.


Proposed Term & Level of Payments

  • The scheme will aid eligible businesses that meet the scheme criteria for the trading period beginning the 1st April to 30th of June 2021.
  • All eligible applications with a minimum turnover of €50,000 will receive a payment of €4,000.
  • All eligible applications with a minimum turnover of €20,000 and less than €49,999 will receive a payment of €1,000.
  • Payments will be dispersed in the same format as rates refunds via bank transfer.


Closing date for this scheme is 21st July 2021.

Monaghan County Council LEO Monaghan logo

Data Protection Statement: Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID (SBASC)

Monaghan County Council Notices 10th June 2021


  • Housing Adaptation Grant for People with Disabilities
  • Mobility Aids Grant for People with Mobility/Disability Needs
  • Housing Aid for Older People Grant


Monaghan County Council wishes to advise the public that the 2021 Housing Grants Schemes listed above will CLOSE on Friday 18th June 2021.

Only Medical 1 Priority applications will be considered for funding after this date.  All other applications received will not be assessed until January 2022.

John Murray
Head of Finance & Housing Services
10th June 2021


Temporary Closing of Roads

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones in County Monaghan:

Date:      Monday 21st June 2021 to Friday 16th July 2021

To Facilitate:      Bridge Rehabilitation Works.

Road Closed: –

R-193-2 in the townlands of Glen/Clossagh Beg Co. Monaghan

Division Route: –

Traffic wishing to travel on the R-193 from Rockcorry village to the R-190 will be diverted onto the R-188, then turning right on to the R-183 at Swanns crossroads and continuing to Ballybay town, then turning right on the R-162, then continuing on to the R-190.

Traffic wishing to travel to Rockcorry village via the R-193 from the R-190 will be diverted by remaining on the R-190, continuing on the R-162 to Ballybay town, then turning left on to the R-183, then turning left on to the R-188 at Swanns crossroads and continuing to Rockorry village.

All Detours will be signposted to direct the Traffic. (R-193-1 Local Access only, no through at Bridge Works).

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Gareth McMahon
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
10th June 2021


Submission on Draft Litter Management Plan 2021-2023.

Monaghan County Council proposes to replace its Litter Management Plan 2018-2020.  A new draft plan has been prepared for the prevention and control of litter within the county, setting out appropriate objectives and activities for the three- year period 2021-2023.

Submissions are invited from members of the public and from voluntary and representative bodies in relation to the proposed plan. The plan is available to view on www.monaghan.ie.  Copies of the plan are also available, free of charge, from the Environmental Services Department, Civic Offices, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, or by contacting 042-9661240.

Submissions and observations on the proposed Draft Litter Management Plan may be made by visiting https://documents.monaghancoco.ie/Forms/LMP2021 up to 5pm on 25th June 2021.

Tá cóip den Dreacht Phlean le fáil as Gaeilge.

Peadar McGuinness
A/Director of Services
Climate Action, Environmental and Water Services Department.
10th June 2021


Name of Shop/Offer Come back Cocooner promotion/offer
L’Ecole Apparel


  • 10% off all new summer stock
  • 20%  of all  Sonia Pena and Sonia Pena Couture Occasion wear
  • 50%  Peter Kaiser Footwear
Carrick Micro Maintenance

Carrickmacross Laptop & PC service

  • AVG Anti-Virus 1 year normally €45.00 now € 40.00 for June & July


Church view Flowers & Garden Centre Castleblayney
  • 10% off all summer bedding, perennials and shrubs.
Get me that Job


  • For the month of June 50% off all CV/Interview sessions for anyone over cocooners over 60


MC Mahon’s  Supervalu


  • Free tea or Coffee with every hot meal
Farney Launderette & Dry Cleaners


  • 10% discount for Cocooners


Farney Antiques


  • 10% discount for Cocooners



Name of Shop/Offer Come back Cocooner promotion/offer
Coral Leisure Centre

Monaghan town    


Swimming Pool Happy hour offer: (Booking essential) 047 81734


  • Monday-Friday 11.30-1.30 €4
  • 10 session card at a reduced rate of €45


Westenra Arms Hotel


  • Free dessert with a main meal with a Monday lunch

Monaghan town




Cake shop offers  (all day)

  • Buy 4 fresh cream pastries, get the cheapest one free
  • 6 Homemade Scones only €4.95
  • Buy 5 buttercream pastries, get 1 free


Coffee Shop offers, (available from 9-11am & 2pm- 4pm)

  • Tea & Freshly Baked Scone €4
  • Coffee & Cake €5
  • Hot Carvery Lunch & Dessert with FREE tea/ Americano Coffee €12.95

Monaghan Electric       

Plantation road Monaghan


  • Emergency Alarm System (Telephone Alert System)  € 67.57
  • Uniden Large Button Feature Phone     €31.39
  • RadioShack Caller ID/Call Waiting ID Box    €16.07              
  • Ansell IP65 Waterproof LED Light (Motion Detecting)  €61.14
Connolly Pharmacy

Monaghan town




  • Free flu vaccination service
  • Free blood pressure check
  • Weigh your age  check (know your correct weight for your age group)
  • Delivery service available
  • Cocooners discount available


House of Gold

Monaghan town


  • 15% discount of all regular stock .
Marol   Coolshannagh

Sam’s diner




  • Breakfasts ! of all sizes starting at €6 for 5 pieces including tea or coffee.
  • Tea or coffee plus a muffin for €4.
  • Chicken fillet roll plus bottle of water for €4.
  • Dinner plus desert for €8

Monaghan town


  • 50% off GUESS handbags
  • 50% off GUESS Jewellery
  • 50% off ALL casual bags
Ronaghan’s Pharmacy

Monaghan town

  • Free face mask for cocooners – (Max one per day)


Name of Shop/Offer Come back Cocooner promotion/offer
Leavy’s pharmacy



  • All public health measures in place for a safe shopping experience.
  • Reusable masks from €3
  • Disposable masks 5pk only €2.50
  • Spatonics Hand sanitizer 500ml was €9.99 now €6.99
  • Dettol and Cif wipes in stock
  • Carex antibacterial hand wash only €2
  • 10% of all shop stock
Ballybay Pharmacy



  • Prescription delivery
  • Priority shopping for Cocooners
  • Instore promotions for Cocooners
Daisy Clothing


  • Free scarf with every purchase over €40


Matthews of Clones


  • Free Insomnia tea or coffee with every purchase
  • Gloves, hand sanitisers and face masks in stock.

Our Rural Future: Minister Humphreys launches public consultation on the first ever National Outdoor Recreation Strategy

  • New strategy to shape the development of outdoor pursuits and activity tourism for years to come
  • Public asked for feedback on how to enhance amenities such as trails, cycleways, waterways, beaches, mountains, bogs and forests
  • Delivery of new strategy a key commitment in ‘Our Rural Future’

Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys, has today (Wednesday, 2nd June, 2021) launched a public consultation on Ireland’s first ever National Outdoor Recreation Strategy.

The delivery of the strategy is a key commitment in Our Rural Future, the Government’s ambitious five-year policy to revitalise Rural Ireland.

The consultation will last for three weeks and will involve members of the public giving their views on how best to improve and develop our outdoor amenities such as our trails, cycleways, waterways, beaches, mountains, bogs and forests.

The public are also being asked to consider ways to develop activity tourism and outdoor pursuits such as cycling, rock climbing, kayaking, surfing, wind-surfing, sailing, paragliding and hang-gliding.

The consultation will run for the next three weeks with the closing set scheduled for 5pm on 23 June, 2021.

The strategy is being developed in partnership with Comhairle na Tuaithe (The Countryside Council).

Launching the public consultation today, Minister Humphreys said:

“COVID-19 has shown us all how vital our outdoor amenities are for our mental and physical wellbeing.

“Our new National Outdoor Recreation Strategy will be all about investing in our great outdoors.

“I want to get the views of as many members of the public and stakeholders on how best to develop our outdoor amenities such as our hiking trails, cycleways, rivers, forests and mountains.

“And I want this strategy to place a big focus on tourism, including adventure tourism. There is clearly growing interest in the great outdoors amongst all tourists, both domestically and internationally, and we are well positioned to respond to that demand.”

Minister Humphreys continued:

“Without doubt, outdoor recreation is going to be key to our recovery post-COVID-19.

“So let’s think big and ambitious. I am delighted that Comhairle na Tuaithe are spearheading this work in conjunction with my Department.

“Above all, I want to see as many members of the public as possible submit their ideas over the next three weeks.

“Together, let’s devise a National Outdoor Recreation Strategy that we can be proud of and one that has the capacity to benefit our economy for years to come.

“A strategy like this will help us re-imagine and revitalise our rural countryside, which is what we have set out to do in ‘Our Rural Future’.”

Dr. Liam Twomey, Independent Chair of Comhairle na Tuaithe added:

“Comhairle na Tuaithe has done much to support and facilitate the sustainable development of outdoor recreation in Ireland. The development of this Strategy is vital to guide the work of Comhairle na Tuaithe and indeed the strategic development of the sector across Government in the coming years. This consultation provides an opportunity for all to input on the future direction of the sector and I would encourage all stakeholders to participate in the consultation.”

This is the first stage of a two-stage consultation process. In the first stage, interested stakeholders and individuals are encouraged to share their views on outdoor recreation via an online questionnaire.

To input your views on outdoor recreation, please complete the online questionnaire on gov.ie.

Responses will inform the preparation of the National Outdoor Recreation Strategy for Ireland. The closing date for receipt of submissions is 5pm on 23 June, 2021.

Click on the image below to watch the launch video:

Taking in Charge of Tullyhirm Lane, Monaghan

NOTICE of Intention to Declare a road to be a Public Road under Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993 – 2007 & Local Government Reform Act 2014.

Monaghan County Council in the Municipal District of Monaghan hereby gives Notice of its intention to consider at the Monaghan Municipal District Meeting to be held in the M-Tek Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan on 19th July, 2021 at 10am, the making of a declaration that a section of the undermentioned road should be declared a public road.

Name of road                    Location                        Terminal points                                      Length of road

Tullyhirm Lane          Tullyhirm, Monaghan      From Tullyhirm Bridge                      490 metres                                                                                                  Local road No. LS 5512-0 for 490m

A location map identifying the lane which is intended to be declared a ‘public road’ is available for inspection on our website at https://monaghan.ie/monaghan-county-council-notices, for a period of one month commencing on the 3rd of June 2021. The Council will consider any objections/ representations regarding the proposal which are submitted in writing to the Municipal District Co-ordinator, Municipal District of Monaghan, County Offices, Glen Road, Monaghan H18 YT50.

Tel: 047-73777

Closing date for receipt of objections/ representations is 5.00 p.m. on the 16th July 2021.

Map Of Tullyhirm Lane Section – PDF

Monaghan County Council Notices 3rd June 2021

Monaghan County Council

Expression of Interest

Purchase of Houses and/or Land for Social Housing 2021-2022

Monaghan County Council is seeking expressions of interest from Developers, Contractors, Homeowners and Landowners for the purchase of houses and/or land for Social Housing purposes in the following areas across the County:

  • Monaghan Town
  • Carrickmacross
  • Castleblayney
  • Clones
  • Ballybay
  • Emyvale
  • All other towns/villages in County Monaghan where there is a Housing Need


The house types needed are as follows:
2-bedroom  73% (15% for elderly and people with disabilities)
3-bedroom  21% (3% for elderly and people with disabilities)
4-bedroom  5% (0.5% for elderly and for people with disabilities)
Larger and other accessible houses for addressing specific needs 1%

The proposed houses/land should ideally suit the size of the town or village as follows:
Towns and villages with populations up to 1,000:- scheme size up to 20 houses
Towns and villages with populations > 1,000 up to 5,000:- scheme size up to 30 houses
Towns and villages with populations greater than 5,000:- scheme size up to 40 houses

Monaghan County Council is interested in proposals on greenfield and brownfield sites and is particularly interested in seeing proposals from Developers for developments that propose to bring vacant or derelict properties into use and/or that propose to demolish derelict properties and build new dwellings in their place. These will be considered as Buy & Renew Turnkey proposals where the Developer buys and renovates the property to like-new condition and sells to Monaghan County Council.

Houses to be of interest to the Council, must be close to services in a town or village, ideally within one mile (1.6km) from shops, schools and local amenities.

Housing Design Standards should at a minimum meet the requirements and criteria set out in the Department of Housing and Planning publications “Quality Housing for Sustainable Communities” and “Employer’s Requirements for Detail Design of Quality Housing” and other relevant statutory planning and construction standards including Building Regulations.

Land to be considered must be zoned as “Existing Residential” or “Proposed Residential” and/or form part of an Unfinished Housing Development and/or be located in a town or village.

For further information please visit www.etenders.gov.ie or request an information pack from      Mrs. Deirdre Power, Housing Department, Monaghan County Council, Glen Offices, Monaghan, County Monaghan or email dpower@monaghancoco.ie or by phone at 047 30577.

If you have any land or houses available or that may become available shortly, you can complete the Submission Document with details, including: asking price, acreage of land, sizes of houses, number of bedrooms, ownership, date available, location map and BER (if available).

Submissions to be made by e-mail to housingprocurement@monaghancoco.ie marked and addressed “Expression of Interest in the Sale of Houses and/or Land to Monaghan County Council 2021-2022”

There are five closing dates for Submissions as detailed below;

  • Submission Date 1: 4pm on 30th June 2021
  • Submission Date 2: 4pm on 31st August 2021
  • Submission Date 3: 4pm on 30th November 2021
  • Submission Date 4: 4pm on 23rd February 2022
  • Submission Date 5: 4pm on 31st May 2022 (Final Closing Date)

Monaghan County Council is not obliged to purchase any of the houses or land submitted as part of this process.  House purchases are subject to the approval of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. Monaghan County Council may also source houses and/or land by directly approaching property owners, estate agents, online property websites and by other appropriate means.



Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for inclusion on the following two panels from which future permanent or temporary vacancies arising during the lifetime of the panels may be filled:-

  • Staff Officer (Grade V)

(€43,633 – €52,401)

  • Assistant Civil Defence Officer (analogous to Grade 1V)

(€28,753 – €46,465)

Starting pay for new entrants will be at the minimum of the scale in accordance with

Circular E.L. 02/2011

Application forms and further details are available to download from www.monaghan.ie

or can be obtained from the:

Human Resource Management Section,

Monaghan County Council,

County Offices,

The Glen,


Telephone No: 047 73702/73703

E-mail: recruitment@monaghancoco.ie

Shortlisting will take place on the basis of the information provided on the application form and it is expected that given the qualifications and experience of prospective applicants that the shortlisting requirements will be significantly higher than the minimum standard set out.

Closing date for the receipt of completed application forms:

4.00pm on Friday 18th June 2021

Applications must be submitted via the recruitment submission link available on our website www.monaghancoco.ie under current vacancies.

Monaghan County Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer

Canvassing will automatically disqualify


NOTICE of Intention to Declare a road to be a Public Road under Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993 – 2007 & Local Government Reform Act 2014.

Monaghan County Council in the Municipal District of Monaghan hereby gives Notice of its intention to consider at the Monaghan Municipal District Meeting to be held in the M-Tek Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan on 19th July, 2021 at 10am, the making of a declaration that a section of the undermentioned road should be declared a public road.

Name of road                    Location                        Terminal points                                      Length of road

Tullyhirm Lane          Tullyhirm, Monaghan      From Tullyhirm Bridge                      490 metres                                                                                                  Local road No. LS 5512-0 for 490m

A location map identifying the lane which is intended to be declared a ‘public road’ is available for inspection on our website at https://monaghan.ie/monaghan-county-council-notices, for a period of one month commencing on the 3rd of June 2021. The Council will consider any objections/ representations regarding the proposal which are submitted in writing to the Municipal District Co-ordinator, Municipal District of Monaghan, County Offices, Glen Road, Monaghan H18 YT50.

Tel: 047-73777

Closing date for receipt of objections/ representations is 5.00 p.m. on the 16th July 2021.

Map Of Tullyhirm Lane – PDF


Temporary Closing of Roads

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following roads in the Municipal District of Monaghan in County Monaghan:

Dates of Closure: Between Monday 21st June 2021 and Friday 8th October 2021 between the hours of 8 am and 6 pm

Each Road will be closed for a maximum of 2 weeks within the Closure Period

To facilitateRoad Improvement Works

Roads Closed:

  • R-213: For a distance of 4173m between its junction with the N-12 and its junction with the N-2: Tamlet, Garran Itra, Garran Otra, Tiravray, Lismenan.
  • R-162: For a distance of 4528m between its junction with the LP-1500 and its junction with the LS-5503: Tanderageebane, Leagh, Drumacruttan, Toniscoffy.

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)


Temporary Closing of Roads

Monaghan County Council gives notice of Intention to close the following road in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones in County Monaghan:

Date:      Monday 21st June 2021 to Friday 16th July 2021

To Facilitate:      Bridge Rehabilitation Works.

Road Closed: –

R-193-2 in the townlands of Glen/Clossagh Beg Co. Monaghan

Division Route: –

Traffic wishing to travel on the R-193 from Rockcorry village to the R-190 will be diverted onto the R-188, then turning right on to the R-183 at Swanns crossroads and continuing to Ballybay town, then turning right on the R-162, then continuing on to the R-190.

Traffic wishing to travel to Rockcorry village via the R-193 from the R-190 will be diverted by remaining on the R-190, continuing on the R-162 to Ballybay town, then turning left on to the R-183, then turning left on to the R-188 at Swanns crossroads and continuing to Rockorry village.

All Detours will be signposted to direct the Traffic. (R-193-1 Local Access only, no through at Bridge Works).

Any interested person may lodge an objection to closing the above-mentioned road with the Head of Roads, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan, not later than Tuesday 8th June 2021.  Any objections must be clearly marked on the envelope “Objection To Road Closure”.

If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure, please contact the Roads Section, Mtek 2, Knockaconny, Monaghan at 047 30597 or email roads@monaghancoco.ie.


Come back Cocooners initiative

Monaghan Age Friendly programme is delighted to launch our Come back Cocooners initiative beginning on June 1st, 2021.Monaghan Age Friendly Programme has partnered with local businesses to put in place special offers, promotions and discounts for older customers to support their return to shopping in local towns after a challenging time for everyone.
Promotional booklets are available in shops and businesses across the county. The promotional booklet includes details of some offers available along with timetables of bus services provided by Local link.
PICK UP YOUR FREE BOOKLET in shops and businesses in your local town. Look out for the Come back Cocooners promotional posters for many other special offers available in shops and businesses.


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have published a new Code of Practice for Domestic Waste Water Treatment System  2021 (Population Equivalent ≤10) . This document provides guidance on the site characterization, design, operation and maintenance of domestic waste water treatment systems.

Links to the revised EPA Code of Practice , explanatory letter and electronic Site Characterisation Form are provided below;




This Code of Practice (2021)  applies to site assessments and associated installations carried out on or after 7th June 2021.  The 2009 Code of Practice for Waste Water Treatment and Disposal System Serving Single Houses (i.e. ≤ 10) may be used for site assessments and associated installations commenced before 7th June 2021 or where planning permission has been applied for before that date.

Come back Cocooners initiative

Monaghan Age Friendly programme is delighted to launch our Come back Cocooners initiative beginning on June 1st, 2021.
Monaghan Age Friendly Programme has partnered with local businesses to put in place special offers, promotions and discounts for older customers to support their return to shopping in local towns after a challenging time for everyone.
Promotional booklets are available in shops and businesses across the county. The promotional booklet includes details of some offers available along with timetables of bus services provided by Local link.
PICK UP YOUR FREE BOOKLET in shops and businesses in your local town.

Look out for the Come back Cocooners promotional posters for many other special offers available in shops and businesses.