Town Centre Health Checks


Clones Streetscape Castleblayney Main Street

Queens University have been engaged by Monaghan County Council to carry out Town centre health checks for the individuals towns of Clones/Monaghan/Castleblayney. This is being funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development under the Town Centre First Policy.

Town Centre Health Checks provide a baseline, to help monitor and drive the development of town centres going forward. It will build on previous studies previously carried out in individual towns. The work of the Town Centre Health Check will include

  • Land Use surveys to establish the overall vacancy rates in the town.
  • Retailer surveys to establish current levels of commercial activity and outlook.
  • Pedestrian counts to establish actual town centre visitor numbers.
  • Shoppers surveys to rate visitor experience and satisfaction.

Members of the public and business owners are encouraged to participate and give their views on their experiences in the town centre. It is an opportunity to shape town centres and strengthen it into the future, to make it an attractive place to work, live and visit.

You are informed that the survey work will commence week commencing 09/09/24 and the surveyors will be in Monaghan town on Wednesday and Clones and Castleblayney on Friday. This will be supplemented by additional fieldwork on 20th September in all towns.



Climate Actions Works Engagement Fund

Funding opportunity to support organisations to communicate about climate actions undertaken in the community


What is the aim of this fund?:

This fund is to support organisations to communicate about climate actions undertaken in the community.

This fund will support groups to work with audiences who have not previously talked about climate change or the local actions they can take.


Key dates:

Closing date – 4:00pm 4th October 2024

Delivery to start – Jan 2025

Report due – 30th Jan 2026


Applications should fall under one of the following three strands:

1.) Community Awareness – support groups to be able to talk about climate actions and encourage others in your community to join (upto €2500)

e.g. administrative, social media, or video related activities, hosting events.


2.) Community Engagement – support groups to join up and work together (upto €5,000)

e.g. developing strategies,. establishing community hubs that support climate action, collaborations that raise awareness of climate action.


3.) Community Activation – support groups to activate their communities around climate action (upto €10,000)

e.g. starting a new local environmental initiative, scaling up a current initiative or awareness-raising or community engagement, environmental projects that bring new people or groups in.


Who is eligible?

  1. Applications can be made by a registered charity or a local community / voluntary group.

2. Applicants must have an annual income of less than €1,000,000.

3. Applicants must have up to date and sufficient governing documents, accounts, and a dedicated bank account.

4. Applicants can be non-profit sports clubs or religious groups. 



More information can be found in the Press Release here: gov – Minister Ryan launches new campaign and funding programme for community climate engagement (

A link to the grant website can be found here:


Swim Ireland Pop-Up Pool Comes to Carrickmacross

Monaghan County Council and Monaghan Sports Partnership Welcome

Swim Ireland Pop-Up Pool to Carrickmacross

Pop Up Pool Site Location Map

Monaghan County Council, Monaghan Local Sports Partnership and Swim Ireland are delighted to announce the arrival of a Pop-Up Pool in Carrickmacross Town. Located just 400m off the Oriel Road in Carrickmacross, adjacent to the Carrick Aces Athletic Club (Eircode – A81 DX50), the facility will be operational from the 16th of September 2024 through to Spring 2025. “The Pool that comes to the People” is 12m by 3.4m with the water heated to a toasty 30 degrees. Housed in a hard-sided marquee, this accessible pool is the ideal place to learn to swim, hone your skills or just remember how great it feels to block out the world and dip your head in the water!

Swim Ireland are working closely with Monaghan Local Sports Partnership on delivering  a number of community-based pool programmes. The programmes are aimed at everyone from children, teens, older adults, and people with disabilities, to minority groups. Organisers are currently engaging with local schools and community groups, with bookings also now open for learn to swim sessions. Private sessions for events such as birthday parties are also available. A full breakdown of all that is on offer and details on booking arrangements is available on the Swim Ireland website at

Cathaoirleach of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney Municipal District, Cllr. PJ O’Hanlon welcomed the arrival of the pop-up pool saying “this is another good news story for the people of south Monaghan and surrounding areas. I wholeheartedly welcome this amenity to the town of Carrickmacross and encourage people of all ages and abilities to avail of it use over the coming months. We are all aware of the demand for a swimming pool in Carrickmacross Town and that there is a feasibility study currently underway. The arrival of the pop-up pool recognises this fact and hopefully it is a positive indicator for what is to come in the future. I want to thank all involved for their hard work and effort in bringing the pop-up pool to Carrickmacross – Municipal District staff, the staff from Monaghan Sports Partnership and Swim Ireland. Finally, I want to pay particular mention to our Chief Executive, Mr. Robert Burns, without whom this project would not have happened,”

In welcoming the facility, Monaghan County Council Chief Executive, Mr. Robert Burns said “the arrival of the pop-up pool in Carrickmacross reinforces Monaghan County Council’s commitment to the development of sporting and amenity facilities to support the health and wellbeing of our communities. The pop-up pool presents an opportunity to learn to swim, which is such an important life skill, alongside the health and social benefits of participating in swimming. In a wider context, the arrival of the pop-up pool is particularly timely in the context of the feasibility study currently underway for the provision of a swimming pool and leisure complex in Carrickmacross Town, and the experience gained from operating the pop-up pool will help inform this assessment. The Chief Executive concluded by commending the hard work and partnership approach adopted by Carrickmacross-Castleblayney Municipal District, Monaghan Sports Partnership and Swim Ireland in delivering this project.”

Swim Ireland CEO, Ms. Sarah Keane commented “We are delighted to work with Monaghan County Council and Monaghan Sports Partnership to bring a Pop-Up Pool to Carrickmacross. Swimming is a life-skill, and one that it is vital for every child. The Pop-Up Pool is a fantastic opportunity to teach children and adults in the area to swim. We look forward to welcoming the people of Carrickmacross and surrounding areas, of all ages and abilities, to experience the pool and take advantage of the opportunities available.”

Carrickmacross Pop Up Pool

AA Screening Determination Notice

MONAGHAN COUNTY COUNCIL  Habitats Directive (EU 92/43/EEC) Screening Assessment Determination

Appropriate Assessment for Ground Investigation Works required for the Phase 3 design of the

N2 Clontibret to Border Road Scheme


Monaghan County Council is working in association with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) to develop a scheme to upgrade a 28km section of the N2/A5 Dublin- Derry Road. The proposed N2 Clontibret to Border Road Scheme is situated in County Monaghan between Clontibret and the Northern Ireland (NI) Border. This is an important project to enhance key North/South and Regional connectivity and to improve road safety.

Ground Investigation works are required along the proposed project route to examine soils, rock and groundwater below the surface. This information will be used to inform the design process and the Environmental Impact Assessment. Different types of Ground Investigation are proposed along the length of the proposed N2 Clontibret to Border Road Scheme, including;

  • 239 No. Boreholes (cable percussive, rotary core and cable percussive with rotary follow-on techniques will be used);
  • 262 Trial Pits;
  • 59 Pavement Cores; and
  • 28 Slit Trenches.

The works are planned to commence in September 2024, and will be undertaken over the course of approximately 4 months.


Monaghan County Council, in accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 as amended, has undertaken Appropriate Assessment screening on the proposed N2 Clontibret to Border Road Scheme Ground Investigation Works to assess, in view of best scientific knowledge and the conservation objectives of the site, if the works, individually or in combination with other plans or projects, are likely to have a significant effect on a European Site(s).

It has been concluded on the basis of information provided by Jacobs Engineering Ireland in a report titled ‘N2 Clontibret to Border Road Scheme, Ground Investigation Works – Screening for Appropriate Assessment’ that the GI works are not connected with, or necessary to, the management of any European site(s), and individually or in combination with other plans or projects are not likely to have a significant effect on any European sites. In accordance with the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 as amended, Monaghan County Council has made a determination that Appropriate Assessment is not required for the works.


The ‘N2 Clontibret to Border Road Scheme, Ground Investigation Works – Screening for Appropriate Assessment’ report can be viewed at the offices of Monaghan County Council’s Roads & Transportation Section, Floor 2, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan, Monday to Friday between 9.15am and 5.15pm until the 25th October 2024.


Dated the 21st August 2024


Signed on behalf of the competent authority: Nicola Payne, A/ Director of Services

Transportation, Community and Rural Development

Corporate Plan 2025-2029 Public Survey

Council Offices

Monaghan County Council is in the process of developing its Corporate Plan 2025-2029. Local Authorities prepare five-year plans to outline their vision, policies, and objectives for the Council’s long-term direction. You can have an input into the plans through consultation. We would like to hear your thoughts on our work across the County and its communities, as well as the key issues you believe should be considered in the next Corporate Plan.

Please click on the following link to take part in the survey:



Monaghan County Council is now inviting applications under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) 2025.


Please note: There are several changes that have been made to the BHIS for 2025, including

  • Revised timelines for submission of grant applications
  • Incorporation of the HSF Stream 1 projects into the BHIS 2025
  • An increase in the value for individual grants from €15,000 to €50,000
  • Match funding requirements have been increased to a maximum of 80% grant support per project.

For more information on any of the changes to the BHIS please visit our website Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025 – Planning ( or contact the Planning Office on 047 30532.



The BHIS seeks to encourage the investment of private capital in a number of small-scale, labour-intensive projects to repair and conserve historic structures and to support the employment of skilled and experienced conservation professionals, craftspeople and tradespersons in the repair of the historic built environment. The scheme is designed to assist the owners and/or occupiers of structures/properties that are protected under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).  It will be administered by Monaghan County Council’s Planning Section.



The categories of structures/properties eligible for funding under this scheme are:


  • Protected Structures
  • Proposed Protected Structures
  • Structures/properties in Architectural Conservation Areas or within the amenity of a National Monument, where exceptional circumstances are deemed by the Department to apply


Funding available

The BHIS scheme will provide grants of between €2,500 and €50,000 for the conservation of historic structures.


Larger grants of between €50,000 and €200,000 will be made available under the Historic Structures Fund, which will be advertised in November 2024.


How to apply

The BHIS 2025 Circular, application form and associated information are available to download at Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025 – Planning (

Hard copies are also available at Planning Reception.


Completed applications using Form A and accompanied by a comprehensive method statement must be submitted to Angela Gallagher, Administrative Officer, Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan Town, H18 X982 or emailed to on or before the 27th  September 2024.

 Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025

Heritage Week 17th of August – 25th of August 2024

National Heritage Week - Irish


Heritage Week runs from Saturday 17th – Sunday 25th August 2024 and this year in Monaghan we have everything from genealogy workshops, horseshoeing demonstrations, explorations of lost ancient routes and learning about barn owls.

Local heritage groups and organisers, families, communities and individuals in Monaghan have responded to this years theme of ‘Connections Routes and Networks’ by organising events showcasing the best of Monaghan’s Heritage coordinated by the Heritage Office in Monaghan County Council with support from the Heritage Council.  We encourage you to get out there and enjoy these free events.

Check out for details of events & What’s On | National Heritage Week 17th – 25th August 2024



Temporary Closing of Roads – Emergency Closure

Temporary Closing of Roads – Emergency Closure


Monaghan County Council hereby gives notice of Emergency Closure in accordance with section 75 of the Roads Act 1993& Article 12 of the Roads Regulations 1994 that it will close the following road in the Municipal District of Monaghan in County Monaghan:


Date & time:      Monday 12th August 2024 to Friday 23rd August 2024


To Facilitate:      Road Improvement Works

Road Closed:

R162 from the Junction with the L1500 for 1500m


Diversion Routes:

Northbound traffic travelling from Ballybay to Monaghan will be diverted via the R183 to Swans Cross Roads, then north towards Monaghan on the R188 to the Junction of the R162.


Southbound traffic from Monaghan to Ballybay will be diverted south via the R188 to Swans Crossroads, then east to the junction of the R162 (Ballybay).


All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).


If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure please contact The Municipal District of Monaghan, Co. Monaghan at 047 73777 or email

Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

12th August 2024

Reimagining Monaghan

Monaghan County Council announces Public Consultation Event ‘Reimagining Monaghan’

Monaghan County Council is pleased to invite members of the public to a consultation event on Saturday 17th at Unit 12, Monaghan Shopping Centre. This event will provide an opportunity for the community to share their views and feedback on what they love about the town, and their ideas for its future including part of the St Louis Convent Site recently acquired by the Council.

As part of our commitment to community engagement and transparency, this consultation is designed to gather input from a broad range of stakeholders, including local residents, business owners, and other interested parties. The insights gathered will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the town through the development of a series of projects and actions identified through the consultation process.

During the event, attendees will have the opportunity to:

– Learn more about the project from John McLaughlin Architects and Monaghan County Council representatives.

– Provide feedback through open discussions, surveys, and Q&A sessions.

– Engage with fellow community members to discuss the potential impacts and benefits of projects

“We value the input of our community and believe that public consultation is essential in ensuring that our initiatives meet the needs and expectations of those we serve,” outlined Sean Conlon, .Cathaoirleach Monaghan Municipal District “We encourage everyone to participate and make their voices heard. It is through a shared collaborative approach from all who have the interests of the town at heart, that optimum outcomes will prevail.”

For those unable to attend, Monaghan County Council will provide alternative ways to contribute feedback, including an online survey and written submissions. Information gathered from this consultation will be carefully reviewed and considered in the final decision-making process.

For more information, please contact Katia Papkovskaia at John Mc Laughlin Architects

Reimagining Monaghan