Temporary Closing of Roads

In order to facilitate the Monaghan Town St. Patricks Day Parade, Monaghan County Council in the Municipal District of Monaghan hereby gives notice of its intention to close the following […]

Mains Flushing to Emyvale Public Water Supply

Public Alert:  Mains Flushing to Emyvale Public Water Supply Irish Water and Monaghan County Council Monaghan County Council on behalf of Irish Water wish to advise customers that water Mains […]

Ballybay Fire Station Proposed Development

COMHAIRLE CHONTAE MHUINEACHAIN MONAGHAN COUNTY COUNCIL Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) Monaghan County Council hereby gives notice in pursuant to Article […]

Monaghan PPNs AGM on 10th February

You are invited to attend Monaghan PPNs AGM on 10th February next at 7pm. Please register for the meeting at the link below. You are invited to a Zoom meeting. […]