An Scéim Infheistíochta san Oidhreacht Thógtha 2018

Cá bhfuil breis faisnéise ar fáil?
Riarann na húdaráis áitiúla an Scéim Infheistíochta san Oidhreacht Thógtha. Is féidir teacht ar bhreis faisnéise, ciorclán ina measc ina dtugtar cuntas ar shonraí na Scéime (an SIOT 18/1), sa mhullach ar fhoirmeacha iarratais, ar láithreán gréasáin gach údaráis áitiúil.
Ba cheart d’iarratasóirí teagmháil a dhéanamh leis an rannóg ábhartha pleanála nó leis an oifigeach caomhnaithe ina n-údarás áitiúil le haon cheisteanna maidir leis an Scéim .

Chun teacht ar threoir ar phrionsabail chaomhnaithe oidhreacht ailtireachta agus faoi thabhairt faoi oibreacha ar fhoirgnimh stairiúla, féach, le do thoil, Cosaint Oidhreacht Ailtireachta – Treoirlínte d’Údaráis Phleanála a d’fhoilsigh an Roinn Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta.

Tugtar comhairle i Sraith Comhairle na Roinne ar conas is fearr foirgnimh stairiúla a dheisiú, a chothabháil agus a oiriúnú. Is féidir na foilseacháin seo a cheannach ón Oifig Foilseacháin Rialtais nó in aon siopa leabhar nó is féidir iad a íoslódáil ó láithreán gréasáin na Roinne:

Cén saghsanna oibre a chisteofar?

Beartaíonn an Scéim deisiú agus caomhnú cuí struchtúr stairiúil a chistiú le hoibreacha:

  • Atá báúil do charachtar agus díol spéise ar leith an struchtúir
  • A bhaineann caighdeán amach atá ar comhionann leis na gnéithe maisiúla, na hábhair agus na teicnící stairiúla

Féadtar roinnt oibreacha a chistiú a chuirfidh feabhas ar éifeachtúlacht fuinnimh foirgneamh stairiúil.

Cén saghsanna oibre nach gcisteofar?

Ní féidir an Scéim a úsáid chun na saghsanna seo a leanas d’oibreacha a chistiú:

  • Gnáthchothabháil agus miondeisiúcháin
  • Athruithe agus feabhsúcháin (seachas oibreacha áirithe faofa chun feabhas a chur ar éifeachtúlacht fuinnimh)
  • Scartáil (seachas nuair a bhíonn seo mar chuid de thionscadal faofa ina ndéantar struchtúr a bhaint dá chéile go cúramach sula n-aischuirtear é)
  • Oibreacha d’atógáil thuairimeach sa chás nach ann d’fhianaise dhaingean fhisiciúil nó cháipéisíochta i leith staid an struchtúir nó na gné ní ba luaitheIs féidir breis faisnéise a fháil ar oibreacha incháilithe i gCiorclán an SIOT 18/1.


An Scéim Infheistíochta san Oidhreacht Thógtha 2018 – CIORCLÁN TREORACH >>

Ciorclán an SIOT 18/01 Aguisín II – Foirm Iarratais A >>



Chambers Ireland Excellence in Local Government Awards: Monaghan County Council named Local Authority of the Year 2017

Monaghan County Council was yesterday (23 November 2017) named Local Authority of the Year at the Chambers Ireland Excellence in Local Government Awards. The 14th annual Awards ceremony was held in association with the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and showcases and celebrates the best of Local Government in Ireland.

John Clancy, Head of Public Sector Business, Vodafone Ireland said, ‘We are delighted to sponsor the Chambers Ireland- Excellence in Local Government Awards 2017. This is a unique and important event that recognises and celebrates the work that the local authorities contribute to communities all over Ireland. We are proud to work alongside Chambers Ireland and The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and would like to congratulate each of the local authorities who were recognised tonight, in particular the Monaghan County Council, who are named the Local Authority of the Year 2017.”

He added, “As Ireland’s leading total communications provider, we have made significant investment to expand its technology offering within the public sector. We are committed to supporting local authorities by providing a range of market leading communications to enhance efficiencies across local government operations, consumers and all types of businesses all over the country.”

Ian Talbot, Chief Executive, Chambers Ireland said, “The Excellence in Local Government Awards demonstrate how each year Local Authorities work consistently to deliver services and initiatives that sustain, enhance and support our communities and local economies. Chambers Ireland is honoured to host these awards and recognise the dedication and hard work that takes place at local government level across Ireland. I want to congratulate Monaghan County Council, the 16 category winners, the many shortlisted organisations but also just as importantly, the people who made all these projects and activities happen.”

“Monaghan County Council has shown exceptional leadership through a vision for the future development of the locality and the broader economic region. Monaghan has demonstrated tremendous ambition and capacity for innovation across numerous projects and is recognised for its willingness to share best practice with peers. The drive to continuously improve and deliver better services to citizens makes Monaghan a worthy winner of Local Authority of the Year.”

Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development, Damien English TD commented about the awards, “These awards are an opportunity for each Local Authority to showcase to the public the hard work being undertaken year on year. It is important to recognise and reward the Local Authority’s work which is making a real impact and delivering tangible benefits for people in our communities. I am very appreciative to Chambers Ireland for the important work they carry out regarding the Excellence in Local Government Awards.”
Cathaoirleach Cathy Bennett accepted the award on behalf of Monaghan County Council and acknowledged the commitment and dedication of all staff in the delivery of services for the people and businesses in County Monaghan.

There were sixteen awards presented on the night plus the overall award for Local Authority of the Year. Individual awards were sponsored by: Lidl, ESB Networks, Healthy Ireland, Fáilte Ireland, AIB, LGiU Ireland, ERP, Waterford Crystal, Zurich, EirGrid, SIRO, Vodafone, Ervia, Shell E&P Ireland and An Post.

Syrian Refugee Resettlement Project

The Minister for Justice and Equality in consultation with the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR) and European Institutions agreed to undertake the resettlement of refugees displaced from their home countries as a result of conflict.  In recent years, priority has been given to the resettlement of refugees displaced by the Syrian conflict who have sought refuge in neighbouring countries in the region.

County Monaghan has been designated as a resettlement county for 20 Syrian families (totaling approx 90 persons) and Monaghan County Council has been requested to establish an Inter-Agency Working Group, where representatives of the local mainstream service providers (HSE, Cavan/Monaghan Education & Training Board, Department of Social Protection, Tusla, An Garda Síochána, Citizens Information, County Childcare Committee and Monaghan Integrated Development, etc.) come together to plan for and ensure that required services are available.

The Department of Justice and Equality’s Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration is working with Monaghan County Council and the Inter-Agency Working Group in co-ordinating the resettlement process, under the Irish Refugee Protection Programme.

Funding has been approved by the Department of Justice and Equality and Monaghan County Council is now tendering for an Implementing Partner to enable a Support Worker and a Cross Cultural Worker to be appointed.  These supports will provide assistance to the 20 refugee families and will support the work of the Inter-Agency Working Group to promote and facilitate local integration.
Monaghan County Council, as the Housing Authority, is tasked with providing suitable accommodation to meet the needs of the families and is currently working to ensure this is available by Q1 of 2018, when it is anticipated the families will be ready for resettlement in County Monaghan.

If you are a private landlord with a property that may be suitable, please contact Monaghan County Council for further information.  Enquiries should be directed to: or Telephone:  047 73745


Bíodh meas agat ar do Vóta! Cláraigh faoi 25th Samhain

Scrúdaigh Dréachtchlár na dToghthóirí roimh an 25 Samhain 2017

Tá Dréachtchlár na dToghthóirí ar taispeáint in oifigí na Comhairle Cathrach/Contae/Cathrach agus Contae, Stáisiúin na nGardaí, Leabharlanna, Oifigí an Phoist agus ar líne ag go dtí an 25 Samhain 2017

Más rud é go mbeidh tú 18 mbliana nó níos sine ar an 15 Feabhra 2018, cinntigh go bhfuil d’ainm, do sheoladh, agus do chuid sonraí ar an Dréachtchlár agus go bhfuil siad cruinn. Má tá botún ann, abair é leis do Chomhairle áitiúil roimh an 25 Samhain 2017

Value your Vote! Register by Nov 25th

The Draft Register of Electors is on display at your City/County/City and County Council’s offices, Garda Stations, Libraries, Post Offices and online at

Check the Draft Register of Electors by 25th November 2017 until 25th November 2017.
If on 15 February 2018 you are aged 18 or over check that your name, address and other details are present and correct on the Draft Register. If there is a mistake, tell your local Council before 25th November 2017





Professor Trevor Spratt, Professor in Childhood Research, Trinity College Dublin.
Professor Spratt will describe the nature of childhood adversities, the effects on the developing child, how these influence the life course and some ways in which we might identify children and young people early and intervene effectively.’

Westenra Hotel, Monaghan, Wednesday 25th October, 2017,
7.30 – 9.30 pm

This is a free public event hosted by Monaghan Mental Health Association. Everyone welcome

Monaghan County Council and Fermanagh & Omagh District Council are in the process of finalising a Master Plan for the Sliabh Beagh area.

Sliabh Beagh Area – Have your say

Monaghan County Council and Fermanagh & Omagh District Council are in the process of finalising a Master Plan for the Sliabh Beagh area.
A further public information event will take place in the Sliabh Beagh Hotel, Knockatallon, Co. Monaghan
On Wednesday 27th September from  5.00pm to 7.00pm
And in Coonian/Cooneen Community Hall on Thursday 5th October from 5.00pm to 7.00pm
All are invited to attend.
For More Information see