Carrickmacross St. Patrick’s Day Parade – March 17th 2024 – Sensory Friendly Space

This year we have a sensory friendly space located at the Market House, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan. We hope that this will help to ensure that all families will be able to enjoy the festivities.

It is envisioned that the sensory friendly space will act as a calm area for those with additional needs who may feel overwhelmed by the noise and/or crowd during this year’s parade.

It is important to note that any potential room user must be supervised by their own parent/guardian/carer.

The room can facilitate a maximum of 4 users at any one time and will be open from

2:30pm to 4:30pm.

2024 Carrickmacross St. Patrick’s Day Parade

The town of Carrickmacross expects a large attendance at this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade which takes place on Sunday, 17th March at 3pm.

The day kicks off at 11:00am with the raising of the flag at the Courthouse, Carrickmacross which will be accompanied by music from the Stedfast Shoes Brass Band – all are welcome to attend. Carrickmacross Comhaltas Branch are performing live traditional music from the viewing stage on Main Street at 2:30pm which is sure to warm up the crowd!

The Parade will take its usual route, commencing at the junction of the Donaghmoyne and Dundalk Roads, up through Farney Street, down Main Street and finishing at the bottom of the town at the Courthouse. Parade participants are asked to assemble on the Dundalk Road from 2:30pm.

The Carrickmacross St. Patrick’s Day Parade is one of the best Parade’s around with many colourful floats and fantastic marching bands.  There are prizes awarded to the winners and runners-up of the “Best Float” and the “Best Band” on the day, and this year it could be you! Prizes have been kindly sponsored by ERA Tobin Estate Agents, AOK Driving School, Connolly Blinds and McVeigh’s Hardware.

There will be plenty of entertainment on the day for the whole family including Hudson’s Funfair which will be in the Drummond Etra Carpark. Look out for the stalls on Main Street selling hot and cold food, soft drinks and treats for all the family.

We have asked local businesses to dress their windows using the theme “Clean and Green – Keep green and keep our planet clean”. We look forward to seeing the results and thanks to Monaghan County Council Environment Section for their sponsorship. Entries will be displayed on from 12th March onwards – don’t forget to vote for your favourite!

This year we have a sensory friendly space located at The Market House, Carrickmacross. We hope that this will help to ensure that all families will be able to enjoy the festivities. It is envisioned that the sensory friendly space will act as a calm area for those with additional needs who may feel overwhelmed by the noise and/or crowd during the parade. It is important to note that any potential room user must be supervised by their own parent/guardian/carer. The room can facilitate a maximum of 4 users at any one time and will be open from 2:30pm to 4:30pm.

We are still taking names of any organisations, businesses, bands etc. who want to join in with this year’s fun, so if you’re interested, don’t delay in getting your name in!!  If you wish to take part, please contact the Carrickmacross – Castleblayney Municipal District on 042 9661236 or alternatively email us on as soon as possible. 


Funding available for heritage projects in Monaghan – The Heritage Council’s Community Heritage Grant Scheme is now open for applications

26 February, 2024

The Heritage Council is now accepting applications from community groups and not for profit non-governmental organisations in Monaghan for its Community Heritage Grant Scheme 2024. All relevant information is available from the Heritage Council’s website here.

A broad range of project types are eligible for funding under the scheme including:

  • Conservation works to collections, objects or places, including natural heritage projects e.g. control of invasive species or habitat restoration works; conservation works to buildings, including churches; stabilisation works to ruined structures;
  • Surveys, reports, plans, and audits to inform the future management of buildings and monuments, habitats, collections, or objects.
  • Accessibility projects that make heritage activities more accessible for people with disabilities e.g. building ramps, automatic doors, handrails, tactile interpretation
  • Projects that help people engage more with their heritage e.g. interactive maps, videos, virtual exhibitions, podcasts, websites
  • Purchase of specialised equipment e.g archival boxing for vulnerable documents, monitoring equipment for humidity or light, interpretation/multimedia equipment, specialised software
  • Projects that address the heritage of minority groups e.g an oral history project documenting Traveller heritage
  • Training in traditional skills and crafts e.g. workshops on skills such as roofing, thatch, dry stone walling etc.
  • Citizen science projects on environmental conservation

Last year, three Monaghan-based projects were funded through the scheme – the Monaghan Tidy Towns Rooskey Lockhouse and Lock Project, the Inniskeen Enterprise Development Group’s motte and abbey survey, and the Donagh Group of Parishes awareness raising project of significant sites in the communities of Donagh, Tyholland and Errigal Truagh (photos available below). For an overview of all projects funded under the scheme in previous years, see list of 2023 recipients here and 2022 recipients here.

The minimum grant that can be requested through the scheme is €500. The maximum is €25,000.

The closing date for applications is Monday, 25th of March 2024 at 5pm. Applications must be made via the Heritage Council’s online grants management system. Funded projects must be completed by 15th of November 2024. Full details are available here

The Heritage Council will host a Zoom information webinar on the scheme at 12 noon on the 4th of March with general application advice followed by a question and answers session. The event will be recorded and available on our website for viewing afterwards. Registration details are available on the site above.

Public Information Event – South Dublin Street and Backlands Regeneration Project

Monaghan County Council wish to notify the public of an upcoming public information night on the South Dublin Street and Backlands Regeneration project. Monaghan County Council and McAdam Design Consultants wishes to provide members of the public with an opportunity to view the revised project proposals at the public information event. Interested parties are invited to attend the public information night that will take place at the Monaghan County Council Planning Offices, 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan, H18 X982 on the 26th of February 2024 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.


Lambing time has now begun.

Every year in Monaghan, there are many attacks on sheep by dogs, particularly around lambing time.

These attacks cause great cruelty to sheep and lambs.

These attacks result in serious losses for the farmer.

Any dog, large or small, may become involved in attacking sheep – MAKE SURE YOUR DOG DOESN’T GET THE CHANCE!

If you own a dog or dogs, you are required to:

  • Keep your dog under control at all times. This means not allowing your dog off your property unaccompanied.
  • Have a microchip certificate of registration which proves that your dog is microchipped and registered to you. (Required since 2016)
  • Ensure that every dog under your control wears a collar bearing the name and address of the owner at all times and that the name and address are legible.
  • Have a current licence for each dog in your possession or a general dog licence to cover all dogs in your possession. YOU CAN NOW BUY YOUR DOG LICENCE ONLINE AT


Brendan Smyth

County Veterinary Officer

15th February 2024






Clean and Green – Keep green and keep our planet clean “

To take part please submit a photograph of your window to by 3pm on Monday 11th March.

All entries will be displayed on Members of the public will vote for their favourite and the window with the most votes will win!

Prize kindly sponsored by Monaghan County Council Environment Section


Public Notice – MCC Civic Offices

Part XI Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)

Part 8, Article 81 Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

Monaghan County Council hereby gives notice that it proposes to carry out development on a site which forms part of the ‘Roosky Lands’, located to the north-east (rear) of Dublin Street, west of Monaghan Harps GAA Club and south-west of St Davnet’s Hospital, in the Townlands of Roosky and Tirkeenan, Monaghan Town, Co. Monaghan. A protected structure (RPS No. 41001248) is listed at the site, being the possible Site of a Fort.

The proposed development will consist of the following:

  1. Construction of a new civic office building consisting of:
  2. office accommodation with a cumulative gross floor area (GFA) of 5,601 sq.m distributed over 3 floors incorporating entrance foyer, office spaces, meeting rooms, staff canteen, Council chamber, public counter and reception desk, welfare facilities, internal landscaped courtyards and supporting spaces;
  3. external plant enclosure and single storey ESB substation and storage room at ground level; and
  4. covered services enclosure at ground level containing waste store room, plant, water tanks, UPS room, power distribution and supply rooms, and fire escape.
  5. Surface car parking spaces and drop-off area.
  • Bicycle parking spaces.
  1. Improvement works to existing road infrastructure and the provision of pedestrian, cycle and vehicular links comprising:
  2. extension (approx. 120m in length) to existing vehicular route on Slí Ógie Uí Dhufaigh along the route of the existing Ulster Canal Greenway;
  3. realignment of portion of the existing greenway;
  4. construction of a priority junction on existing roadway serving Roosky Vale at the interface with the extended Slí Ogie Uí Dhufaigh;
  5. provision of a new 13m clear span bridge over the River Shambles;
  6. provision of new combined vehicular/pedestrian link, ‘Quarry Walk’ (approx. 460m in length) comprising a 5.5m vehicular carriageway, two-way cycle track, footpaths, and roadside SuDs swale;
  7. provision of a replacement vehicular access to Monaghan Harps GAA club and associated pedestrian links;
  8. upgrade of existing pedestrian route (Davnet’s Row) to Diamond Centre; and
  9. upgrades to the existing Infirmary Hill Path to improve link to Old Cross Square.
  10. Works to facilitate potential future pedestrian and cyclist connections to the adjoining Diamond Centre and the existing public right of way known locally as ‘Pump Entry’.
  11. Signage is to be erected consisting of:
  12. Wayfinding signage at 4 locations; to the south-west at Davnet’s Row Plaza, to the south along Davnet’s Row, to the east at the junction between Infirmary Road and Davnet’s Row and at the proposed entrance on Infirmary Road.
  13. Building identity signage comprising 2.1m x 2.1m backlit logo panels on the north-east and south-west facades at building entry points and will include 300mm high text to read Monaghan County Council.
  • Provision of surface water attenuation, diversion of existing watermain infrastructure and provision of new surface water, foul and watermain infrastructure.
  • Associated earthworks, utilities, landscaping, boundary treatments, lighting, roof-mounted solar PV on the civic office building and all ancillary site development works.

In accordance with Article 81(2)(ca) and 120(1B)(b)(i) of the above-mentioned regulations, Monaghan County Council, as the competent authority, has concluded from a Screening Determination, which is based on an examination of the nature, size and location of the proposed development, that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development, and as such has determined that an Environmental Impact Assessment is not required. This Screening Determination is available for inspection, and at any time before the expiration of 4 weeks from the date of publication of this notice, any person may apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.

In accordance with Article 250(1)(ca) of the above-mentioned regulations, Monaghan County Council, as the competent authority, has concluded from a Screening Determination, which is based on an assessment of best scientific knowledge, that the proposed development, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects, is not likely to have a significant effect on a European site, and as such has determined that an Appropriate Assessment is not required. This Screening Determination is available for inspection, and any person may apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effect on a European site.


Plans and particulars of the proposed development may be inspected or purchased, at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the offices of Monaghan County Council, Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan H18 X982 until 5pm on 29.02.2024.


The plans and particulars of the proposed development may also be inspected online at

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development will be situated may be made in writing to Monaghan County Council, Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan H18 X982 or in electronic format via the Local Government Portal before 5pm on 14.03.2024.



Cathal Flynn

Director of Services

Economic Development, Planning & Capital Projects

Monaghan County Council

Dated 01.02.2024

Proposed Dromore River Blueway (Ballybay to Lisnalong)

Monaghan County Council (MCC) has commissioned C.S. Pringle to develop infrastructural proposals for a Dromore River Blueway (Ballybay to Lisnalong)

As part of these proposals, MCC and CS Pringle wish to provide members of the public with an opportunity to view the proposals at a public information event which will take place in:


Scoil Éanna, Ballybay

On Wednesday, 7th February 2024

From 7:00pm to 9:00pm




Community Organisations, Clubs, Schools and Businesses are invited to enter floats/walking groups into the 2024 Parade.

 This years theme is “Monaghan Folklore”.

 For ideas you could have a chat with your granny, grandad or neighbours about the Fairy Forts in Monaghan, take a walk in Rossmore Forest to see the Drumlin Giants or you could visit Bith at Slieve Beagh.

 Whatever your idea we are looking forward to seeing your floats so follow the link and complete the Application Form.  Any queries telephone 047 73777.

Application form here


HSE urges parents to make sure children and young people are vaccinated against measles

The HSE is urging parents to make sure children and young people are up to date with their MMR vaccine due to a rise in cases in parts of the UK and Europe. The MMR vaccine protects against measles, mumps and rubella.  We advise people to be vigilant and take necessary steps to prevent the spread of this highly contagious virus.

Measles can be unpleasant and is a potentially serious and highly infectious disease that can spread easily through respiratory droplets. To safeguard our communities, the HSE recommends that people make sure they are up to date with MMR vaccine to prevent spread of the disease if cases occur in Ireland.

Dr Lucy Jessop, Director of the National Immunisation Office, HSE said: “The importance of taking precautions to protect both the individual and the community from measles cannot be understated. While measles is preventable through vaccination, the virus spreads very quickly between people who are not vaccinated and can have severe consequences, particularly for babies and vulnerable groups.

“Getting vaccinated against diseases like measles, mumps and rubella is vitally important as these conditions can also lead to other serious problems including meningitis, hearing loss and problems during pregnancy. Remember, if you or your child has missed their childhood vaccines, it’s not too late to catch up.”

What you do to protect your family and community against measles

  1. Check Vaccination Status
  • Ensure that you and your family members are up-to-date with the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Contact your GP to check if your child’s vaccinations are up-to-date.
  • Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent measles and protect against its complications. Two doses are recommended to be considered fully vaccinated. The first dose is given when your child is 12 months of age. It is important to get the first MMR on time at 12 months and not delay because measles is more severe in young children. The second dose is due when your child is in junior infants. If you or your family members have missed an MMR vaccine, it is strongly advised to schedule a vaccination appointment with your GP.
  • With the mid-term break coming up, it is particularly important that anyone travelling to the UK ensures they have received the right number of MMR vaccines for their age.
  1. Practice Good Hygiene
  • Maintain proper hand hygiene by washing hands frequently with soap and water.
  • Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth, to reduce the risk of infection.
  1. Monitor for Symptoms
  • Stay vigilant for symptoms of measles. These include:
  • high fever
  • cough
  • runny nose
  • characteristic red rash.
  • If you or a family member develop these symptoms, or have been in contact with someone with measles, stay at home and contact your doctor by phone for advice, and inform healthcare providers of any recent travel history.
  • If you think someone in your family has measles, phone your doctor immediately for advice. Keep the child or adult at home and refrain from visitors coming to your home unless they know they are protected against measles (they have had two doses of MMR vaccine). 

Further information about the MMR vaccination is available at

See the HSE website for more information about the signs and symptoms, treatment and risks of measles