The RSA’s ‘Check it Fits’ Service to visit two Co Monaghan locations

The Road Safety Authority’s Check It Fits service will be returning to Co Monaghan this week when it will be visiting Flemings Department Store, Monaghan, H18 WK60 on Friday 11th November and Upper Commons Car Park, Castleblayney A75 R886 on Saturday 12th November between 10am and 5.30pm each day.

Experts in child car seat safety will be on hand to offer advice on the different types of seats available, how to fix any problems, demonstrate how to fit the restraint correctly and answer any queries you might have.

Adrian O’Sullivan, Road Safety Officer with Monaghan County Council explained the importance of the upcoming visit. “I would ask anyone with a child seat fitted in their vehicle to take a few minutes to avail of this important service.  Many parents will have had a child seat installed but may not have checked them to see if they require adjustment or are suitable for the children who are using them. The law currently states that all children under 150cms or 36kgs must use a child car seat appropriate to their weight and height, so this is an ideal opportunity to get them checked”.

“Travelling by car can potentially be one the most dangerous things a baby or child is likely to do each day, so parents and guardians should ensure that their small passengers are as well protected as possible by having the proper child car seat for their height and weight correctly installed in their vehicle” added the Road Safety Officer.

No appointment is necessary just arrive on the day. The free checks are open to all makes and models of cars and child car seats. Visit for more information.

Don’t let your child be a statistic, get your child car seat checked.

Residential Zoned Land Tax (RZLT) – Monaghan County Council

Monaghan County Council has prepared a Draft Map of the lands considered to be in scope for the RZLT as of 1st October 2022. The Map, explanatory information and deadlines for submissions to the Planning Section is available to view online at

Patricia Monahan, Deputy Chief Executive of Monaghan County Council is encouraging people to check the Draft Map.

“I would strongly urge members of the public to assess the Draft Map published on Monaghan County Council’s website and, if required, to make a submission before January 1st 2023. County Monaghan requires increased housing supply to meet our housing needs, and this initiative seeks to increase supply by activating zoned, serviced residential development lands (including mixed-use lands) for housing.”


News from Active Travel Unit – Temporary one-way system on the Link Road between Canal Street/Mall Road and Macartan Road (N54) in Monaghan Town

Monaghan County Council Active Travel Department in conjunction with Monaghan Municipal District are introducing a temporary one-way system on the Link Road between Canal Street/Mall Road and Macartan Road (N54) in Monaghan Town for a period from Sunday 30th October to Sunday 22nd November 2022, which will be in place 24 hours, 7 days a week, for 4 weeks duration. The purpose of the trial is to provide a dedicated walk/cycle path along the link road to allow uninterrupted travel along the Ulster Canal Greenway, from the linear park onto Canal Street.

 In order to make sufficient room for this on-road greenway link, it will be necessary to reduce the traffic lanes from two to one. It is proposed to therefore make this Link Road open to traffic in one direction only – from Canal Street out to the N54 Macartan Road. There will be an impact on traffic flow, and in order to assess this, it is proposed to carry out a trial one-month period, during which traffic counts will be taken and the flow of traffic will be carefully observed. 

 Feedback from members of the public is welcome please submit your feedback via the survey in the link below;

 Public Consultation on a temporary one-way system on the Link Road between Canal Street/Mall Road and Macartan Rd. (N54) in Monaghan Town for a period of 4 weeks. Survey (

INVITATION to property owners of MARKET STREET and PARK STREET, Monaghan – Consultation Meeting

INVITATION to property owners of MARKET STREET and PARK STREET, Monaghan

You are invited to attend a consultation meeting on

WEDNESDAY 02 NOVEMBER 2022 @ 6:15 p.m.

at Market House, Monaghan

Monaghan County Council wish to consult with property owners to identify suitable interventions to properties to improve and enhance the streetscape and quality of our historic town through heritage-led regeneration.

Grant funding has been allocated through the Town and Village Renewal Scheme for enhancement works to property facades.

The consultation will be carried out by Craftstudio Architecture on behalf of Monaghan County Council. Please contact or 047 82036 if you have any queries with regards to the scheme. Or alternatively contact Máire Cullinan, Monaghan County Council on 086 8549202.

National Biodiversity Priorities – Opportunities for public submission of views

National Biodiversity Plan

The draft NBAP sets out a vision for an Ireland in 2050 in which biodiversity is valued, conserved, restored, and sustainably used maintaining ecosystem services, sustaining a healthy planet and delivering benefits essential for all people.

There are 3 ways to get involved: fill in the online survey.

Send any comments by email to: or send comments by post to:

4th National Biodiversity Action Plan Consultation, Biodiversity Policy, NPWS, 90 North King Street, Dublin 7, D07 N7CV.

The closing date for submissions is 9 November 2022.


  1. Citizens Assembly on Biodiversity Loss

A Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss, with a total of 100 members including an independent Chairperson and 99 randomly-selected members of the public, has been convened to examine how the State can improve its response to the issue of biodiversity loss, and to bring forward proposals in that regard. To make a submission to the Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss, you can use one of these three options:

Upload your submission via our online submissions form.

Email your submission to or

Post your submission to: Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss, 16 Parnell Square, Dublin 1

Submissions can be made by the public until end of November.


  1. New strategy statement for National Parks and Wildlife Service

The first Strategy Statement for the National Parks and Wildlife Service will set out the core mission and values of the NPWS, together with key strategic priorities as an organisation for 2023-2025.

You can read the consultation document, and then complete a more detailed online questionnaire.

If you prefer to email or post your responses to the consultation document, you can send them by email to: or post to:

Strategy Consultation, NPWS, 90 North King Street, Dublin 7, D07 N7CV.

The closing date for submissions is 9 December 2022.

Your Village … Your Views … Our Future We want to hear from YOU! Rockcorry Vision Plan

Monaghan County Council has identified the need for a Vision Plan for Rockcorry. The Plan will outline the priorities for development in terms of village regeneration, enhancement, community facilities and developing the local economy.

As part of this process the Council has engaged the services of  Sheridan Woods Architects and Urban Planners and Venture International Ltd Consultants to work with them to engage with the residents and community of Rockcorry to shape the development of the Vision Plan for your village.

An effective Vision Plan works best when all the interests in the community are brought together to work on common goals and a planned vision … in this case for Rockcorry.

The process will commence with an information evening as follows:

Date Tuesday 15th  November 2022
Time 7.00 pm
Location Rockcorry National School, Corkeeran, Rockcorry, Co. Monaghan

Please feel free to tell people about information evening for the Vision Plan so that as many people as possible have the chance to have their say and be heard.

For further information or to register your interest in the information evening please contact::

Bridie Comac


Tel:  048 87769007


Your Village … Your Views … Our Future We want to hear from YOU! Drum Vision Plan


Your Village … Your Views … Our Future

We want to hear from YOU!

Drum Vision Plan

Monaghan County Council has identified the need for a Vision Plan for Drum. The Plan will outline the priorities for development in terms of village regeneration, enhancement, community facilities and developing the local economy.

As part of this process the Council has engaged the services of   Sheridan Woods Architects and Urban Planners and Venture International Ltd Consultants to work with them to engage with the residents and community of Drum to shape the development of the Vision Plan for your village.

An effective Vision Plan works best when all the interests in the community are brought together to work on common goals and a planned vision … in this case for Drum.

The process will commence with an information evening as follows:

Date Wednesday 9th November 2022
Time 7.00 pm
Location Drum School, Cortober, Drum, Co Monaghan

Please feel free to tell people about the information evening for the Vision  Plan so that as many people as possible have the chance to have their say and be heard.

For further information or to register your interest in the information evening please contact:

Bridie Comac

Tel:  048 87769007

Siro Announces €6 Million Investment In New Full Fibre Broadband Network For Carrickmacross And Monaghan Town

  • 5,300 homes and businesses will have access full fibre-to-the-premises broadband 
  • Build already underway in Carrickmacross, with Monaghan town to follow
SIRO announces €6 million investment in 100% fibre broadband for Carrickmacross and Monaghan town, with network to go live in early 2023, the launch took place in the Civic Offices, Carrickmacross on Monday morning last (L-R) Damien Thornton (Carrickmacross-Castleblayney MD Co-Ordinator), John McArdle (Monaghan County Council Broadband Officer), Carmel O’Hare (Director of Corporate Services & Innovation Monaghan County Council), Suzanne Tracy (Chief Technology Officer SIRO), Amanda Glancy (Director of Corporate Affairs SIRO), Micheal Crowe, Councillor Aoife McCooey, Rodney Howard (Build Manager SIRO), Aidan Campbell (MD Chairman) and Damien Murray (SIRO). Pic. Pat Byrne

Tuesday, 25 October – SIRO, the broadband network operator, has today announced that it is investing €6 million in the roll out of a new full fibre network to Carrickmacross and Monaghan town.

As part of the roll out, 5,300 premises in these towns can connect to SIRO’s gigabit, 100% fibre network. SIRO is targeting 2,800 premises in Monaghan and 2,500 premises in Carrickmacross, respectively. The investment was officially announced by the company as part of a presentation made to Carrickmacross-Castleblaney Municipal District Councillors and Monaghan County Council representatives by senior SIRO management.

Areas across Carrickmacross that will receive SIRO’s fibre broadband include (but not limited to) include: Alderwood, Cluain Alainn, Coill An Rí, Farney Street, The Elms, Castleblayney Road, Saint McCartan’s Villa.

Some areas across Monaghan Town that will receive SIRO’s fibre broadband include (but not limited to)include: Drumbear Lawn, Dublin Street, Tully Estate, Belgium Park, Doctor McKenna Park, Montfort, and Manor Wood.

Works by SIRO and its contractors on the ground commenced in Carrickmacross in September, with Monaghan town set to begin in December, with works continuing into early next year.

It’s expected that homes and businesses will be able to connect to the network in quarter one and quarter two 2023 in Carrickmacross and Monaghan Town, respectively. The roll out is part of SIRO’s ongoing national network expansion, where the broadband network operator is working to roll out its network to 770,000 premises across 154 towns.

SIRO is a joint venture between ESB and Vodafone, established in 2015. To date, the wholesale operator has already connected over 450,000 premises in 75 towns.


Commenting on the announcement, SIRO Chief Technology Officer Suzanne Tracy, noted:

SIRO’s announcement that we are bringing our 100% fibre broadband to Carrickmacross and Monaghan Town continues our commitment to ensure equality of access to high speed, reliable and future proofed broadband to towns across Ireland.

“Connectivity is now vital to how we work, live or learn online. SIRO’s fibre broadband is future-proofed to deliver speeds of up to 10 Gigabits, ensuring that regional towns such as Carrickmacross or Monaghan are not left behind but can fully participate in our digital society and economy.

“At its core, SIRO’s fibre broadband gives power back to people and communities, allowing them to choose how they live and work today, and over the longer term,” added Ms. Tracy.


Welcoming today’s announcement, Monaghan County Council Director of Services for Carrickmacross-Castleblayney Municipal District of Carmel O’Hare, said:

We are delighted to welcome SIRO to Co. Monaghan and to see SIRO commence their broadband rollout in the Carrickmacross and Monaghan town areas. The rollout of the SIRO network throughout Carrickmacross marks a milestone for the urban area and will offer significant broadband improvements for all of the many business interests in the town and for residential customers.”

SIRO will be available to order for residents and businesses of Monaghan in early 2023. To register your interest, please visit

N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Road Scheme – Initial design to be made available on Project Website

N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Road Scheme – Initial design to be made available on Project Website

Monaghan County Council, in association with Louth County Council, and in partnership with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) are currently developing a road scheme to upgrade the existing N2 between Ardee and Castleblayney. Monaghan County Council appointed Jacobs Consulting Engineers (Jacobs) in 2018 to advance the project through the planning and design process. This is an important project to enhance key North/South and regional connectivity and to improve road safety, and the project is being developed in accordance with TII’s Project Management Guidelines.

Following three public consultations on the proposed scheme, a 400m wide Preferred Route Corridor was published in February 2021. The project then entered the next phase of TII’s planning and design process (Phase 3: Design and Environmental Evaluation) and Jacobs are in the process of designing the road (including junctions and accesses), identifying the landtake required, and undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment.

The N2 Project Team has substantially completed the necessary surveys/investigations to prepare an initial design of the proposed road. In September, the project team contacted approximately 300 directly affected landowners, inviting them to meet with members of the project team to discuss the potential impact of the scheme on their lands. The project team wishes to sincerely thank all landowners who have attended meetings for their engagement – in many cases landowners are receiving the information that they will be significantly impacted by the proposed scheme, and it is a difficult time for many people.

After 5 weeks of landowner meetings, details of the initial road design will now be made available to the wider community and stakeholders along the route of the proposed road. The design will be available on an online map based system on the project website and is expected to be available by Tuesday, 25th October. The design shown will be based on a preliminary, initial design, and will be subject to change following feedback from stakeholders.

The map-based system will show the route of the proposed N2, the locations of the proposed interchanges and junctions onto the N2, and the route of proposed sideroads and access roads along the N2. This will provide the wider community the opportunity to view the impacts of the project on the local road network and to view the alternative routes they will be required to travel to access local facilities and to join the improved N2. The answers to Frequently Asked Questions can also be seen on the project website.

Over the coming months the N2 Project Team will consider feedback received from landowners and other stakeholders before a design is finalised. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and CPO documentation will then be prepared. Subject to approval, would then be submitted to An Bord Pleanála as part of the planning approval process.

Feedback can be submitted to the N2 Project Team by email or via the N2 Project Phoneline 087 340 3786.

Book of Condolence for Creeslough Victims – Monaghan County Council

The Cathaoirleach of Monaghan County Council Cllr. Sean Conlon has opened a book of condolences to allow the people of Monaghan to express their sympathy and solidarity with the people of Creeslough, in the aftermath of the tragic incident in the Donegal village.

Opening the Book of Condolences, the Cathaoirleach said “We are shocked and deeply saddened by the dreadful events that unfolded in Creeslough on Friday last.  On behalf of the members and staff of Monaghan County Council and the people of Monaghan, I extend our deepest sympathies to the families that have been so tragically affected, and to the wider community in Creeslough, who are coming to terms with the loss and devastation of this traumatic incident.  You are all in our thoughts and prayers at this most difficult time.”

Those who wish to sign the Book of Condolence can do so at Monaghan County Council’s offices at:

  • The Glen, Monaghan Town
  • Ballybay/Clones Municipal District Offices, the Diamond, Clones
  • Carrickmacross/Castleblayney Municipal District Offices, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross

The book of condolences is now closed.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha.