Clar FundingCLÁR (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) is a targeted investment programme for rural areas that aims to provide funding for small infrastructural projects in areas that experience disadvantage. The aim of CLÁR is to support the sustainable development of identified CLÁR areas with the aim of attracting people to live and work there. The funding works in conjunction with local/Agency and other Departmental funding programmes and on the basis of locally identified priorities. This year, there are some changes to the Measures to support rural communities with a particular emphasis on responding to the challenges posed by COVID-19.

The measures being funded under 2020 CLÁR Funding Scheme are:

Measure 1: Support for Schools/Community Safety measures: Closing date for receipt of applications by Monaghan County Council was 5.00 p.m. on Monday 20th July 2020. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.

Measure 2: Community Recreation Areas: Closing date for receipt of applications by Monaghan County Council was 5.00 p.m. on Monday 20th July 2020. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.

Measure 3: Community Wellbeing Supports, comprising:
3a – Meals on Wheels and Linked Services (New for 2020)
3b – Mobility and Cancer Care Transport

Measure 3 (a & b) Community Wellbeing Supports

• 3a – Meals on Wheels and Linked Services (New for 2020)
• 3b – Mobility & Cancer Care Transport

These measures are managed by the Department of Rural & Community Development. Applications should be submitted directly to the Department at by the 28th August 2020.

Download Application Form Measure 3A (PDF)

Download Application Form Measure 3B (PDF)

Download Guidelines Measure 3A (PDF)

Download Guidelines Measure 3B (PDF)


Clar Map

Download Map (PDF)

Monaghan PPN Workshops: A Future Community Wellbeing Vision for County Monaghan

What do we need for the wellbeing of the people of County Monaghan? That is the question posed by Monaghan Public Participation Network (PPN). We want to hear from the public and groups/organisations across County Monaghan on what do they think we have that makes each of our towns and villages so great but what do they need to help them be even better for now and future generations.


The PPN is hosting a series of workshops in each Municipal District to start this important conversation under six themes:

  1. Environment and Sustainability
  2. Economy and Resources
  3. Health (physical and mental)
  4. Participation Democracy and Governance
  5. Social and Community Development
  6. Values culture and meaning


Workshops take place in as follows

  • Tuesday 3rd March          Westenra Arms Hotel, Monaghan Town                      Registration 6.30pm        Workshops commence 7pm
  • Wednesday 4th March    The Old Post Office, Clones                                         Registration 6.30pm        Workshops commence 7pm
  • Thursday 5th March        Iontas Centre, Castleblayney                                       Registration 6.30pm        Workshops commence 7pm


The public and groups/organisations will also get the opportunity to take part online. By taking part in this process we get to hear what is important to the people living in each of these Municipal Districts.


All of the data will be brought together to be collated into a Community Wellbeing Vision statement. This vision statement will help influence future policy such as County Development Plan, Local Economic Community Plan and it will help PPN representatives when they attend their respective County Council committees.


Workshops: A Future Community Wellbeing Vision for County Monaghan


Calling all Choirs in Monaghan to celebrate International Women’s Day 2020

Calling all Choirs in Monaghan.

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2020.

A special Sing out Sister event will be held in a number of locations across the county on

Friday 6th March from 11am -1pm

We are looking to hear from local choir groups who would be interested in leading the community in song at these events to celebrate the women of Monaghan in 2020.

Any choir that would like to get involved please contact Bernie Bradley  or 047 73727

PEACE PLUS Programme Stakeholder Events

PEACE PLUS Programme Stakeholder Events

PEACE PLUS is a new EU cross-border programme that will contribute to a more prosperous and stable society in Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland.

The programme will achieve this by funding activities that promote peace and reconciliation, and contribute to the cross-border economic and territorial development of the region. It will build upon previous PEACE and INTERREG Programmes.

We are seeking your input to help shape the content of this programme.

A series of information events are taking place between December 2019 and February 2020, running from 6pm-8pm, with registration from 5.30pm.

To register, click on one of the below links, which will lead you directly to EventBrite.

The stakeholder engagement process will start on 10 December 2019 and end on 25 February 2020. Full documentation, including a response form, will be made available on on 10 December 2019.

If you would like additional information please email

If you would like additional information please email

Date County Venue Register
Tue 10 December Donegal Jacksons Hotel, Ballybofey Click Here
Wed 8 January Leitrim Lough Rynn Castle, Mohill Click Here
Thu 9 January Sligo Sligo Park Hotel, Sligo Click Here
Mon 13 January Derry – Londonderry Lodge Hotel,


Click Here
Wed 15 January Monaghan Four Seasons Hotel, Monaghan Click Here
Thu 16 January Cavan Cavan Crystal Hotel, Cavan Click Here
Mon 20 January Derry – Londonderry Guildhall, Derry-Londonderry Click Here
Tue 21 January Tyrone Corrick House Hotel, Clogher Click Here
Thu 23 January Fermanagh Killyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen Click Here
Mon 27 January Down Burrendale Hotel, Newcastle Click Here
Thu 30 January Antrim Tullyglass Hotel, Ballymena Click Here
Tue 4 February Armagh Armagh City Hotel, Armagh Click Here
Wed 5 February Antrim Belfast City Hall, Belfast Click Here
Thu 6 February Louth Ballymascanlon Hotel, Dundalk Click Here




Make Way Day 2019 Thursday 26th September 2019

Make Way Day 2019

Monaghan County Council is proud to support County Monaghan Disability Network & Disability Federation of Ireland
#MakeWayDay 2019

Make Way Day 2019 Thursday 26th September 2019

Make Way!

on our streets for people with Disabilities.
You can support Make Way Day by Joining County Monaghan Disability Network on the streets

• Monaghan town 11am Outside National Learning Network Building, The Diamond

• Carrickmacross 11am & 1.30pm CTEK Building (beside Library)

• Clones 1.30pm Outside Cairde Centre

Thursday September 26th 2019

#makewayday aims to raise awareness of the obstacles people face in public areas


Make Way Day 2019 (MS Word)

Celebrating 75 years of scouting with launch of book by 2nd Monaghan, Monaghan Town Scout Group

On Monday 15th April in the Four Seasons Hotel, past and present members of 2nd Monaghan, Monaghan Town Scout group, travelled from near and far to attend the launch of a very special book.

75 years of Scouting Memories from a Border Town is a publication that was produced as part of a project that Monaghan County Council in partnership with 2nd Monaghan, Monaghan Town Scout group undertook with funding from the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

Project Background

The aim of the book was to capture memories and stories of the generations past and present who at one time were involved as a beaver, cub or scout themselves or had been a volunteer or leader with the group. In compiling the book, the group carried out a series of intergenerational events and activities in which stories, memoires and photographs were captured and collated. Very special thanks were given to all the boys and girls who assisted with carrying out interviews and took a real interest in listening to scouting stories from our past.

As invited guests arrived on Monday evening, they were treated to a wonderful array of musical talent from beavers, cups and scouts of the current group. MC for the evening was Donal Mc Elwain, current scout leader. Donal began by welcoming Leo Colton, current cub to the stage, who commenced proceedings by leading in the Scout prayer. Fiona Mc Entee, Youth Development Officer with Monaghan County Council was then invited up to outline the background to the project. Uniting Generations Together Peace IV project delivered several projects across the County. “The scouting together project was just 1 of 6 projects which brought younger and older people together to engage in activities of interest, allowing integration and breaking down barriers”, Fiona stated. Last year a call out was made for submissions, intergenerational events were hosted in the Scout den and a cross border event took place in Castle Saunderson. Over 80 scouts attended this event from both sides of the border, all sharing stories and participating in activities together on the day. Fiona acknowledged her gratitude and appreciation to current group leader, Donal Mc Elwain and cub leader John Mc Mahon “without Donal & Johns knowledge, enthusiasm commitment and assistance we wouldn’t be here today launching this wonderful book”.

75 years in the making

John Mc Mahon, current cub leader than took the audience through the history of the establishment of the group in Monaghan. “Three uniformed boys wearing the orange and green neckerchiefs of the Cavan Troop of Catholic Boy Scouts arrived in Monaghan Town on bicycles completing one of their First-Class Tests, which required a journey of 30 miles. The month was April and the year was 1944.” John continued “it so happened that Gerard Magill and Philip Mac Dermott were very interested onlookers as they had been previously discussing the possibility of reforming the scouts in Monaghan. And the rest, as they say is history! There was great excitement among the youth in Monaghan when they heard that the scouts were being formed and at the first meeting of the group in St Joseph’s Hall on the 4th May 1944 nearly 50 boys were present.

Memories Recalled

Since the purpose of the Intergenerational project was all about younger and older past and present members meeting and sharing stories of their time in scouts, it was fitting that, invited to speak next was past member Benny Mc Aree and current member Jamie Mc Elwain. Benny recalled happy times spent competing for the inter-patrol, much coveted “Shield” over many weeks in various disciplines. The highlight of the scouting year was the annual camp and as Benny outlined “for a young boy back then you may as well have been going to far off Africa, such was the excitement of heading to camp. It was all you talked about all year!”. Jamie Mc Elwain informed us that he joined beavers when he was just 6 years old. Having worked his way through cups and now scouts he is now in his 9th year as a member of 2nd Monaghan, Monaghan Town Scout group. He recalled the many fantastic leaders who had been assisting the groups over the years and the many friendships he has made. He had fond memories of scout camps and skills learned and looks forward to many more happy years within the scout movement in Monaghan. He concluded with a very apt quote from Robert Baden Bowell, founder and first Chief Scout of the world-wide Boy Scout Movement, “We never fail when we try to do our duty, we always fail when we neglect to do it”.

Official Launch

Cathaoirleach of Monaghan County Council, Cllr David Maxwell was invited on stage to officially launch the book. Before carrying out the official proceedings he was happy to let all present know what he too had been a scout in his younger days! Recounting some his memoires, he was with the scout group till he was 17 years old. Annual camps, weekly challenges and firm friendships were made. “I made many friends in scouts, that I would still call friends today, although some of them could be in all parts of the world, the friendships are still strong and due to our many years and happy memories in Scouting in Monaghan”. A special word of thanks was given to past scout, Ellen Mc Ateer who designed the beautiful front cover of the book.

The evening concluded with refreshments and circulation of copies of the book to all present. Over a cup of tea, there was lots of laughter as those present scanned the many old photography’s included in the book. Monaghan County Council wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to the work of all the volunteers down through the years who dedicated their time and commitment to the 2nd Monaghan, Monaghan Town Scouts.

Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2019


Monaghan County Council

Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2019

Expressions of Interest are being sought for Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2019.

The Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2019 provides funding for rural towns and villages for delivery of projects in 2019 and 2020.

Successful proposals will demonstrate close collaboration between communities and business interests in the design and delivery of proposed projects and must have the support of the Local Authority.

An outline of the 2019 scheme and the Expression of Interest application form can be downloaded from the Community Development Section of the Monaghan County Council and here:

2019 Town And Village Scheme Outline (PDF)

2019 Town And Village Expression Of Interest Form(MS Word)


All interested Town/Village Groups/Community Groups/Development Associations should complete the Expression of Interest form and return to the Community Development Section, Monaghan County Council, County Offices, The Glen, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan H18 YT50 or email completed Expression Of Interest to no later than 5pm on Friday 24th May 2019.

It is essential that project promoters consult with the relevant Municipal District Office of Monaghan County Council while preparing an Expression of Interest and prior to its submission.

National Bike Week: Saturday June 22nd – Sunday 30th June 2019

National Bike Week, which takes place annually, returns to Monaghan this June from Saturday 22nd – Sunday 30th June  2019.

Bike Week provides opportunity for  some fun-filled family events, as well as catering for leisure cycling enthusiasts.

Monaghan Sports Partnership, on behalf of Monaghan County Council is coordinating local events and we would like to invite the local community to get involved.

If you would like to host a Bike Week event in your area or for a specific group of people, you are invited to apply for funding towards organising local fun cycling events for public participation

Events may include such activities as:

Family fun cycle, Cycle challenge 5km, 10km, 20km, Cycle to Work, Leisure cycling involving community groups (e.g scouts, youth clubs etc.) Cycle for your breakfast/lunch/BBQ /picnic etc.

Mystery/History/Scenic Tours of area (guided/self-guided) – Discover ‘Place’, Treasure Hunt , Bike orienteering, Women Only events, Group cycles:-  active retirement groups, nursing homes, work colleagues (lunchtime fitness) etc.

Mountain bike rides, Road rides, Tandem Bike events for the visually impaired etc. Cycling events for children/adults with a physical/intellectual disability

The list is endless

Funding available may be somewhere in the range of €200 to €500 per group/event, depending on the number of applications received.

Please see the application form along with terms and conditions here: Bike Week Local Group Application Form (MS Word)

Closing date is Friday 10th May at 5pm.

Completed application forms should be returned to Monaghan Sports Partnership, c/o Ballybay Civic Centre, Main Street, Ballybay, Co. Monaghan or via email (signed and scanned) to


Community Enhancement Programme 2019


Community Enhancement Programme 2019


Monaghan Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) announces the launch of the Community Enhancement Programme for 2019.


Organisations eligible for funding include:

  • Locally based community and voluntary groups in disadvantaged areas,
  • Not-for-profit organisations, and
  • Government Departments and State Agencies.

Those not eligible for funding include:

  • Commercial organisations, individuals and for-profit organisations.

Projects or elements of project of a capital nature may be funded.


Note: Requests for assistance usually exceed the funds available. Applicants should be aware that the Programme is likely to be oversubscribed.  Therefore all applications fulfilling the conditions may not be successful or may be for a lesser amount.


Applications will be evaluated by the LCDC to ensure eligibility and consistence with the Local Economic and Community Plan 2016-2021 (LECP) which can be viewed at the following link

Deadline for receipt of applications is Thursday 30th May 2019 at 5pm


Full details and guidelines on criteria and application forms are available by contacting:

Monaghan County Council, Community Development Section on 047 73720


Or by downloading the forms here

Monaghan Community Enhancement Programme Application Guidelines 2019 (MS Word)

Monaghan LCDC Community Enhancement Programme Application Form 2019 (MS Word)

Monaghan Community Enhancement Programme Application Guidelines 2019 (Irish Version) (PDF)

Monaghan Community Enhancement Programme Application Form 2019 (Irish Version) (PDF)

Data Protection

Community Enhancement Programme Privacy Notice